kick, bob, jab, kick, jab jab What have you done?: kick, bob, jab, kick, jab jab
MoonUnit on Friday, August 27, 1999 - 12:38 am:

    I did my first Tae Bo class.

    Well okay not really Tae Bo with Billy Blanks (thats his name right?) But the kiwi gym version... they call it Body Combat so I call it Mortal Kombat but thats because I like to rename stuff, anyway I went to my first one last night (the gym I've been going to have been running this class for nearly 2 weeks now) and it was packed. And it was Fun. I nearly called up for those videos, but the $$ put me off.

    My arms hurt.

    jab jab block kick bob jab block kick jab


By NZAngel on Friday, August 27, 1999 - 01:49 am:

    Which gym MoonUnit?

    I need more exercise, but I've barely been home the past three months, so there hasn't been much point joining up a gym.

By MoonIt on Friday, August 27, 1999 - 02:04 am:

    Its the gym of pose *l*

    Honestly I love it when women go into a class wearing full on makeup. So good for the complexion when you're about to sweat like a sweaty thing. Silly cows!

    Anyway Angel, they are giving away free passes to try it - I think my friend Richard has two? So if you want to give it a try....

By J on Friday, August 27, 1999 - 10:06 am:

    Moonit,those women with the make up,keep an eye on them,the gym is just where they are trying to pick someone up to take home for the REAL workout,the silly sluts.Also I hate it when they wear perfume heavy,it makes me dry heave,not that I work out much I got exercise induced asthma,but I use the pool in the winter and the saunna,just so I can still watch the cute guys playing basketball.

By NZAngel on Friday, August 27, 1999 - 08:20 pm:

    That would be the one on Cashel St? I did go there for a while, but I think I would prefer one nearer to where I live. A friend of mine goes to one on Wairakei Rd, but that is almost the opposite extreme, plus they don't have much in the way of aerobics - mostly just weights, and no aircon!

By MoonUnit on Friday, August 27, 1999 - 11:00 pm:

    Yeah Angel it is. I know its sad but my mum has been a member there since before it was cool