yeah, uh, good morning or good afternoon, ed. this is eager eliafather. I calling you from union jack. we've got some problem with our that little cooler up there what we've got in uh behind the bar. uh I think we need to put the freo one, and we've got the freo one, but pavel doesn't remember how to put the freo one. I really appreciate it if you call me or stop by up here. thank you. and right now is 5 after 12 in the morn uh in the afternoon. thanks. buh-bye. thursday, february 1, 1995. 2:50 p.m. yeah, I'm just calling about uh we've got some rug and I'm just or carpet and I'm just curious if you guys uh li-like it or would like like it or would like to have it delayed to you or whatever if you guys uh can or if you guys can use it or know somebody that can use it we've got some nice carpet anyway my name's don and my phone number's 657-XXXX I'll be home all day if you want to give me a call if you're interested. thank you. wednesday, february 14, 1995. 11:31 a.m. hi, this message is for william weinberger, and my name is pam garrett at who's who publications. the reason I'm calling is that you've been nominated as a candidate to be included in our upcoming edition of who's who among top executives. I have a few questions to wrap things up. if you're interested, please ive me a call at 1-800-945-2536, extension 36. have a good day. |
I'm sure "who's who among top executives" is listed somewhere. |