last night i go out, looking for one person in particular, i find him. i was going to ask for his advice on another problem (see my boy thread for details.) as i uttered the beginings of my problem. this girl i have known, i don't know how long (she says 5 years.) interrupts with "kym, i have really been wanting to say this to you...." she has had 3 run and cokes (friends with the bartender so they are nice and strong) and i am sober. so apparently this girl has been trying to be my friend for like the past 5 years. she says i have been blowing her off, and that i give people and ultimatum, and that is why i have problems in my relationships, etc. and then she just keeps repeating this, over and over rephrasing it. the girl is yelling at me, saying i made her feel like shit for the past 5 years cause she was wide open to be my friend and i didn't take her up on it, or i wasn't the same friend to her, that she says she would be to me. now, i am freaking out about this, because, i really didn't want to be friends with this girl. i use relationships, like her's for aquisitions. i am a multi-tiered conglomo company (Kymical Industries) i will form aliances with other companies and start aquisitions. she is friends with all the guys i am friends with she brings no new products, and on top of it, she is like all hardcore friends with guys i don't hang around with anymore. the guy i originally come to see, leaves. but some other guy bought me a drink (a lemon drop shot.) and he got her to shut up and leave me alone. but it is the weirdest thing. like she said that i give people ultimatums, and i realized when she said that, i do. that is fuckin' awesome. and she, like so many others i have found, doesn't like that i am cold or bitchy to her she still wants to be my friend. wants to hang out with me reguarly etc. but to me she is just a big drama queen, and that is a scene i am not interested in. but i am suprised that after 5 years of me being the way she has perceived me to be, she is still determined to be my friend even if i am not really interested in it. i gotta get the fuck out of this city. |
she told me that if it came down to her life, vursus my life, she would risk it. and i am thinking to myself, "why? why the fuck would you give your life up to someone who has treated you like shit (in your eyes) for the past 5 years?" i think that first and foremost i like it when people are privy to the idea that you only look out for number one. granted i enjoy entertaining the idea of someone caring a lot and what not, but that involves the exchanging of bodily fluids for me. not a "friend" she told me i was the first and only person in the whole wide world who gave her an ultimatum and she backed down. i thought that was kinda cool. i guess the only thing that bothered me after it was said and done, was that she picks up a guy, and i don't that night. i hate when things just happen to put some people's opposing views in to a good light. |
*shrug* |
did someone call me? ;-) |
I have a "friend" who I think is nice and all... I just don't particularly enjoy her company. I feel like I'm really being scrutinised when we are together, or worse, being picked on. I think this "friend" enjoys feeling smarter than most people. I'm sure she doesn't do it on purpose, and can be fun to talk to and all, it's just that even over the many years I've known her, I can't seem to feel at ease around her like I do with many other people. The problem is, I'm polite. If she wants to go out and I don't have prior engagements, I'll go see her. I can't seem to make a break, I guess, ultimatly because she's not such a bad person. I can't seem to shake her though. My real problem now is, I've moved away from "home" and I go back to visit for a week every few months. I don't really have the "time" to spend with people I don't want to (before, I guess, I was a bit self-serving, in that I needed to go out, so any excuse was a good one). Again, I cannot tell a lie, so I'm kind of screwed... she knows I'm back, she has my parent's phone number, and I don't think I have enough excuses to fend her off. Argh. |