become a poor college student What have you done?: become a poor college student
pez on Tuesday, September 19, 2000 - 03:13 am:

    i paid my tuition today. then i went downstairs and bought my books, only to come home and find out i needed four more, so i'll have to go back tomorrow. yea.

    all in all, i'll have 6 french books, 2 cultural anthropology books, and a book each for college success and career planning. i'm lucky as the woman instructing intro to poetry and my english comp classes has a preference for no books. i wonder what she has up her proverbial sleeves.

    eh. i should stop whining. i normally pride myself on being strong. whoohoo. i need a footrub.

By Isolde on Tuesday, September 19, 2000 - 07:43 am:

    Books are expensive, it's true. But worth it...maybe. Make the bookstore buy them back at the end of the semester. What school are you going to?

By Bell_jar on Tuesday, September 19, 2000 - 08:18 am:

    i think book buybacks are ridiculous. they pay you one-tenth of what the books are worth, and then turn around and sell them for three times what they paid you for them.


    i hate KU. i wish i had only gone here for two years so i could spread my college bitterness to other regions of the US.

    i'll stop myself from getting into my feelings about students who don't have jobs and get money from their parents. it is plain jealousy, nothing more...

By Trace on Tuesday, September 19, 2000 - 08:24 am:

    AHA! You are the one that is going to KU, I thought it was Pez........
    I love the museum (ever look at a word, and no matter how you spell it, it just looks wrong?)
    of Natural History.
    Go Jahawks!

By Nate on Tuesday, September 19, 2000 - 10:46 am:

    i kept all my books.

    engineers get the biggest ram job.

By patrick on Tuesday, September 19, 2000 - 12:07 pm:

    yeah i kept most of my books too, i don't like to sell back items, be it for school, my music, records, cds etc...

    i have a fear of regret, and I havemade the mistake of selling back some very vaulable, out of print 7"s and 12"s.

    the only books i gladly gave back were the obnoxiously expensive chemistry and biology books. One of my favorite books is my History of Architecture from the Renaissance to the present. What a big beautiful book this is...$80 brand new, weights as much as some new Toyotas.

By pez on Tuesday, September 19, 2000 - 02:27 pm:

    well, the books i have so far are workbooks, french and cultural anthropology. chances are that i won't want to sell most of them back.

    particularly street french 1. i'm finally going to learn french slang! whoohoo!

    i'm not taking any science or math classes this term, so my gpa should start out pretty high.

    i'm a mount hood community college saint bernard.

By Isolde on Tuesday, September 19, 2000 - 02:56 pm:

    Ouch on the workbooks. They're expensive, too.

By Rhiannon on Tuesday, September 19, 2000 - 04:05 pm:

    Last semester I paid $90 for a neurobiology book I never opened once. I got $20 for it back. I got a 3.3 in the class. I should have at least looked at the pictures.

    I've kept my abnormal psych text book, my dev. cognitive disorders and develp. psychopathology packets of journal articles, some anthro books, some English lit, and some Italian lit. Like you care.

By Tom on Tuesday, September 19, 2000 - 05:28 pm:

    Heh. I kept all of my books, I think. *thinks* nope. sold back the psych text. Being an English major had that advantage: most of my texts are storybooks.

    Once upon a time, there was a guy who didn't do any homework...

By pez on Tuesday, September 19, 2000 - 05:38 pm:

    just did book buying part 2. i don't have any more to buy that i know about, but i'm taking two classes from a woman who didn't assign any books.

    i've got 6 french books, 2 anthropology books, and a book each for college success and carreer planning. the pile cost about $300. that's about two weeks pay, before union dues.


By Tom on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 01:55 am:

    A book on college success? Sounds like one of those get-rich-quick scams; the book will probably say "write a book about college success, and sell it to bookstores." over and over again.

By Gee on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 02:02 am:

    I try not to ever buy books. you can't really avoid it with course kits (I won't share), but for the actual Books, I get whatever I can from the library and sign them out on my mother's card. since she's a graduate student, she gets to keep them for about four months before she has to renew them. so I'm set for the year with one renewal. if I absolutly Have To, I'll buy a used book, cuz they're cheaper.

    I'm only taking four courses this year, and I've got almost everything I need. I've signed out all the books for my cultural studies class (except one). the one book we needed for my film class was late coming to the bookstore so our prof. had the publishers photocopy about 100 copies of the chapters we needed and send them to us. so now I don't have to buy the book. don't know what I need for social science yet, and my film & lit class needs only two books. Ha! Rock on, Gee!

    we watched Casablanca today. I enjoy that film. Boagie sitting there trying to look like a tough guy with his eyes all glassy. sweet, sweet.

    last friday in Film & Lit we watched "Man With a Moving Camera". Good Lord! I've never been so bored in my entire life! No characters, no plot, no story. at the begining of the movie they say it's a "movie without a script". so freaking abstract. some guy in the class fell asleep about five seconds after the movie started and was snoring through the entire film. it was sooooo hard to stay awake.

By Tom on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 02:14 am:


    I don't much like my roommate, at the moment, either. She turns on this shitty music, then goes to sleep on the couch; if i touch the music, I'm sure she'll wake up and scream at me; but I can't properly respond to Gee the Film Student with this shit in my head. Sorry, Gee, chum.

By pez on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 02:50 am:

    it's not a book on college success, per se, but a packet that's meant to be put in a binder for me to work through. the class only meets twice, and it's just to figure out my learning style and my best skills. it was recommended, and if i get an a (i probably will) so much the better. the "book" was written and published by the college and cost about $3.50. new. didn't sell any used.

By Gee on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 03:39 am:

    I can't believe you just called me "chum". that is such a Tommy thing. (he learned it from me, of course)

    I'm so sorry to harp, but it's just Weird. you weren't adopted or anything, were you?

By semillama on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 10:35 am:

    I didn't start keeping books until I had decided on my major.

    I probably could've sold back teh "New Directions in Psychological Anthropology," though.

    Has anyone every tried using Bibliofind for used textbooks?

By Isolde on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 10:58 am:

    I like type o negative. Not all of it, naturally, but some of it is kind of good. Sky Cries Mary, too, she introduced me to them.

By patrick on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 12:08 pm:

    would you two cut it out.

    now that i've seen your pics, and am currently eating your foreign weirdo mints, its kinda weird

By Isolde on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 12:49 pm:

    I actually would have said that regardless of who was discussing Type O negative, since I do like them. Had I disliked them, I would have agreed. Simple as that. Hope no one has problems with my stating my opions here.

By patrick on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 01:38 pm:

    no, i thought perhaps you were being snippy....because of the poster ......sorry

By Isolde on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 01:42 pm:

    Nope. Sorry to disappoint you. I have better things to do than be petty.

    Glad that's cleared up.

By Trace on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 01:51 pm:

    isolde, i did not get any pics

By semillama on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 01:53 pm:

    My friend got married on Halloween. Her wedding music was Type O Negative. It was quite awesome.

By Isolde on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 01:55 pm:

    I know. I only sent Patrick pictures. I decided to put little surprises in the packages about halfway through, so some people got play doh creations and pictures and recipts and underwear, and other's didn't.

    It would be interesting wedding music, I suppose...

By Mavis on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 02:20 pm:

    isolde-thank you for the smints....they are good and scary.

By Isolde on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 02:36 pm:

    Scary? I'm sorry...

By Mavis on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 02:45 pm:

    oh,no need to apologize.
    the lemon part is a little scary, but i still like it.....

By Isolde on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 02:47 pm:

    Oh, good. I guess I never posted about the quest for lemon smints. I couldn't find them anywhere where I lived, so I sent to England for them. And now I have a huge box of lemon smints...

By pez on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 03:08 pm:

    post! post! post!

    we sell them at freddy's, but i can't get a discount on them b/c they're food...

By Tom on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 09:03 pm:

    Okay, Gee. let's get this straight once and for all. There's only room for one Tommy in your life, and it probably ain't me.

    Who ARE you?


    I've been slowly converted until I can deal with maybe 2 or 3 Sky Cries Mary songs. And no thanks to Quinn (the Type-O lovin' roomie), who told me to buy an album. She didn't tell me it sucked.

    Type-O Negative is SO deliriously, awfully trite. It's a nice voice, though.

    Patrick: welcome to the Mendo zone. Sorta.

    goin' home.

By Isolde on Wednesday, September 20, 2000 - 09:08 pm:

    Most music is kind of trite. Maybe I like typ o because I like the way the music is composed--something about the blend of sound appeals to me, as opposed to the content of the songs. And the guy does have a cool voice. They're wierd people. My kind of people, maybe. I don't know.
    And I just like Sky Cries Mary. So does my dad.

    However, I hate Ani DiButtface. But I think this has been discussed elsewhere. Anyway. Yeah. Talk about trite. She makes me want to... use the Alanis lyric generator and write a little song...perhaps with the title "Will to Live." Or maybe..."Why."

By pez on Thursday, September 21, 2000 - 01:35 am:

    oh, god it's funny. i did some songs about cleaning my room.

    everything's all right--i have jellybeans!

By Gee on Thursday, September 21, 2000 - 02:31 am:

    who am I? I'm Gee.

    and can be Baxter. Hello Baxter, what's new?

By Baxter on Thursday, September 21, 2000 - 04:24 am:

    Not much. Got this head cold and a bunch of music off of napster. Mostly "The Mr. T Experience."

    et tu?

    no. the head cold didn't come from Napster. Smart ass.

By patrick on Thursday, September 21, 2000 - 01:14 pm:

    heh Mr. T Experience.... many year ago, when i was an idealistic emocore pup i wrote them a letter, they actually wrote back, and were very friendly, as I recall ......i was so jazzed

By Tom on Thursday, September 21, 2000 - 02:38 pm:

    MTX. What rockers. heh. I lost my only album (revenge is sweet and so are you) when my friend took it to console another friend whose girlfriend had left him. 'course, she left him for me (well, that's the short, short version). He's possibly the world's biggest sleazeball; now I can't help but chuckle when I hear "she's coming (over tonight)."

    right, right. back to work.

By Isolde on Thursday, September 21, 2000 - 03:05 pm:

    Oh, he's the world's biggest sleazeball?

By Tom on Thursday, September 21, 2000 - 04:29 pm:

    In my book, yeah. At least, the biggest sleazeball I've ever actually met in person. He's picked up on and dated 13 and 14 year olds; Now he's living with internet girl at her parent's house while plotting the fastest possible course back into D's pants. And he's what? 23 now? That's some nasty stuff.

By Isolde on Thursday, September 21, 2000 - 05:58 pm:

    Um...nevermind. Internet girl, apparently, while being of legal age, is realyl scary. I mean..._really_ scary.

By Tom on Thursday, September 21, 2000 - 06:28 pm:

    *She's* scary? I find that really hard to believe. I mean, I'm certainly not best friends with her, but she's always come off as a really decent person whenever I've talked with her. Of course, if anyone could drive a decent person to scarydom, it'd be him.

    And I'm assuming that the "um...nevermind" means you've seen the light and acknowledged him as the sleaziest person in the universe.

    *sigh* I'm being a real ass today. I think it's growing. Tomorrow, I'll be an even bigger ass, and by next week, y'all will have to shoot me to keep me from upsetting the ass-balance of the universe.

By Isolde on Thursday, September 21, 2000 - 06:30 pm:

    Indeed. Maybe I'll just shoot you now. I was going to say something unkind, but I refrained.
    And yes, internet girl is very scary. But there's no need to talk about people none of these people know here, since while this is amusing, I'm sure, this space could far better be taken up with...
    The massive party I'm having with myself since my house mate is gone for the weekend. Any ideas, people? Balloons? Those little party honkers? Confetti? Vegan cake?

By patrick on Thursday, September 21, 2000 - 06:49 pm:

    vibrators baby vibrators!!

By Mavis on Thursday, September 21, 2000 - 07:41 pm:

    rabbit pearl!!!!

By Isolde on Thursday, September 21, 2000 - 10:14 pm:

    Communist sour samosa!

By Fetidbeaver on Friday, September 22, 2000 - 01:01 am:

    Here is the ultimate party favor.


By Fetid on Friday, September 22, 2000 - 01:03 am:

By Isolde on Friday, September 22, 2000 - 01:34 am:

    Oh, mein gott!
    That was funny. I totally want one now. New mailart project.

By pez on Friday, September 22, 2000 - 02:59 am:

    ah. i guess that's what rich college students set up during the summer. *laughs*