Cleanliness is next to...sterility What have you done?: Cleanliness is next to...sterility
By Antigone on Sunday, September 24, 2000 - 03:27 am:

    I swept out my house today.

    I hardly ever sweep. I'm just not a sweeping
    person. But today I swept.

    The place was filthy. Many of the sticks and
    twigs my ex's dog dragged in were still on the
    floor. There was dust everywhere that had
    accumulated under furniture, now gone. Dog
    hair...lots of dog hair. It was enough that even
    I cleaned. Now the floors are clear.

    My place is sparse, sparten. My ex had a good bit
    of furniture. I have only two pictures on the
    walls in the entire place. I need chairs.

    Now I can sit. Now I can relax. My cat can

    I got a new mouthpiece for my trombone.
    Unfortunately someone had to die for me to get it.
    I started playing in a community band a few months
    ago. Two months ago the director died of a heart
    attack at age 45. He was a bass trombone player
    like myself. A week ago his widow sold or gave
    away some of his things to members of the band.
    One of the items was a mouthpiece I'd never seen
    before. It's an incredible mouthpiece. When I
    play it makes me sound really good, like I did at
    my best seven years ago. It inspired me so much I
    shaved off my beard so I could practice better.
    So I've been practicing this weekend, playing the
    first Bach cello suite, mostly the sarabande and
    the menuets. I tried the prelude, and I didn't
    suck as badly as I usually do the first time I
    play it.

    What does this have to do with cleanliness?
    Absolutely nothing!

    OK. That's a lie. I just realized it has alot to
    do with it. Playing my horn is cleaning me out.
    I'm blowing it all out. The new mouthpiece is
    just making it more enjoyable. The Bach is a
    reminder of my past. I played them in high
    school, I played them in college, I play them now.

    Next week I get more shit for the walls.

By semillama on Sunday, September 24, 2000 - 12:11 pm:

    I am approaching the point where I must clean the bathroom.

    it doesn't take very long, but something in me is against taking out the cleaning agents until necesarry. Perhaps I am subconsciously keeping teh population of "super-bugs' low there, by not constatnly bombarding them with reasons to become resistant to anti-bacterial agents.

    I totally understand where you are comigng from on the mouthpiece. I played a Paul Reed Smith guitar once, and it was like I had suddenly leaped head in skill by ten years. It's amazing what the right instrument or object can do for you.

By Antigone on Monday, September 25, 2000 - 12:20 am:

    It's amazing how people can turn on you.

By dave. on Monday, September 25, 2000 - 01:23 am:

    i dream of a spartan home but my reality is a home with a dog, 3 cats, a 6 year old kid and a couple of lazy adults. dishes: ohmigod! dog hair: everywhere. agatha has an addiction to buying dish sets on amazon. we have thousands of bowls and they're all dirty. how many coffee cups does a household need? is it any wonder i hide in the garage? 'leave me alone' should be my mantra.

By Antigone on Monday, September 25, 2000 - 09:45 am:

    It has been my mantra, and it's come true. For
    the moment, I'm happy for that

By Dougie on Monday, September 25, 2000 - 11:46 am:

    Antigone, what was the song & lyric you posted last week? (I'm too lazy to look for the post)


By Antigone on Monday, September 25, 2000 - 08:51 pm:

By Antigone on Monday, September 25, 2000 - 09:04 pm:

By J on Monday, September 25, 2000 - 11:53 pm:

    I think it's lean on me too,is that what your getting at?

By Antigone on Tuesday, September 26, 2000 - 01:54 am:

    I think I'm getting on 30. At least that's what
    my mother leads me to believe. She says that 30
    years ago this thursday I popped out screaming
    like a bloody miniature pumpkin, and by golly I
    believe her!

    Lean on me is good enough, I guess. It's the song
    that was running through my head when I typed that
    stuff, but "Blackbird" is running through my head
    at the moment, so who can say?

    Slack jawed puppy in a bed of prawn
    Eat Red Lobster fish and journey on
    All the night...
    You were really hoping for that trash heap
    to be prawn...

By J on Tuesday, September 26, 2000 - 02:07 am:

    What are you on Antigone?Blackbird.beatles,white album.Have you seen my web page?I have prawn porn on it.

By J on Tuesday, September 26, 2000 - 05:11 am:

    God.I'm slow.happy B-day,you a libra?

By Dougie on Tuesday, September 26, 2000 - 08:49 am:

    Mark David Chapman wants to be paroled. He says that if John Lennon were alive, he'd second the motion.

By Isolde on Tuesday, September 26, 2000 - 09:11 am:

    Happy birthday, yes.
    Prawn porn?

By Antigone on Tuesday, September 26, 2000 - 10:13 am:

    Prawn porn? You mean, "Ooo, ooo baby, chew my
    edible decapod crustacean?"

    Libra, yas. Just barely.

    Prawn spawning?

By Isolde on Tuesday, September 26, 2000 - 10:19 am:

    Ugh. *shudder*
    Here's a quote from the friend in the Olympics:
    Gabe Jennings: "First lap, I had no idea where I was. I feel alive and that's all I have to be right now - alive. The race was more back-and-forth than I wanted. I was trying to relax and then … the finish line is right ahead. Maurice Greene told me to go up there, get in front of those Kenyans and knock them down. It's not going to be easy making it to the finals, but I'll make it. I had my head in the stars out there today. I am going to be much more aggressive and focused next round."
    How apt. He's a crazy hippie, that Gabe. About as non-Stanford as you can imagine. They sort of tried to hide his existance for a while there.

By Spider on Thursday, October 17, 2002 - 03:56 pm:

    I've got to clean my apartment.

    Last night, I finally put away the clothes that were piling up on my couch. Progress!

    I have got to clean my kitchen. Got to! I haven't scrubbed the floor in maybe a month. (I've swept, though.) I need to clean the stove top, counters, and the bottom shelf of the refrigerator could use a swab or two. I have dishes in the sink from yesterday morning.

    My bathroom sink is appalling. That's the worst part of having a glossy black sink -- it looks filthy after a few uses.

    I have pieces of my cut hair sprinkled everywhere. The mirror is splotchy. The black tile floor has got soap gunk near the bathtub.

    I haven't vacuumed in weeks. Books and mail are piled on the floor, on the desk, on the kitchen table, on chairs... I still haven't unpacked all of my CDs....

    It's overwhelming.

By patrick on Thursday, October 17, 2002 - 04:02 pm:

    sounds like my house.

    are you expecting company?

By Spider on Thursday, October 17, 2002 - 04:10 pm:

    My mom is coming to visit me next weekend, but I want to clean it just for the sake of being clean.

    She's going to go to the anti-war march in Washington on 10/26. I guess I have to go too...she can't go by herself. I'm against the war, but I don't want to march about it. Sorry.

    She just sent me pictures from the pro-Palestine march we (I reluctantly) went to in the summer. It was weird.

    My mom is weird.

    Maybe my brother will come down and he and she can go to the march without me.

    But anyway, my apartment's a wreck and needs to be cleaned.

By kazoo on Thursday, October 17, 2002 - 04:15 pm:

    ick. I hate marches and demonstrations too. I'm glad they exist but I never go.

    It's the people thing or something...

    My apartment is a wreck and I have five hours to clean it...less because I have errands to do.

By patrick on Thursday, October 17, 2002 - 04:16 pm:


    "she can't go by herself"

    "'m against the war, but I don't want to march about it"


By Spider on Thursday, October 17, 2002 - 04:24 pm:

    She can't go by herself because she doesn't know her way around DC (I know, I know, I live on the Red Line, and she uses the T in Boston, I'm sure she could figure it out how to get to the Mall), and she whined and whined during the last march, so I caved in and went. It was a totally disorienting experience. It was interesting in people-watching kind of way, but I'd rather watch the people on TV, you know? I don't want to be there.

    Why don't I want to march against the war? What Kazoo said.

By patrick on Thursday, October 17, 2002 - 04:34 pm:

    if you have nothing better to do though...

    you guys and your idiosyncrasies. weirdos.

    when i was 15, i happened to be in DC with my parents and a huge Pro Choice rally was being held on the mall. I took my idealistic 15 year old ass down there by myself no problemo. My parents wanted nothing to do with it so they went to some museum instead.

    i think protests and marches are exhilerating. the volatility is a bit exciting.

By semillama on Friday, October 18, 2002 - 12:20 pm:

    Spider, while you are there, look around for the military videotaping the crowd, and report back, please.