Shelled out bucks for breakables What have you done?: Shelled out bucks for breakables
By Pilate on Saturday, October 28, 2000 - 11:16 pm:

    I'm home from the flea markets. Crimson and I took my kid (and his best friend) out flea marketing all day long.

    At the last flea market, I heard a tremendous and horrible crash. Sounded like hundreds of glass items breaking. I rounded the corner and sitting among all that broken glass, in a total fucking state of panic, was my boy.

    He tripped, fell against a shelf and broke about seventy bucks worth of collectible glassware. Then he went into a complete panic attack. He was crying and completely terrified. Afraid of my reaction. Afraid of the sound of the breaking glass. Afraid of everything in the world. I had to take him out and calm him down. I can't even describe the state he was in. He looked like he was about to have some kind of seizure. I finally convinced him that he wasn't in trouble. It was an accident. He was so afraid that I'd punish him somehow. I didn't. I paid the bill and then kiddo and I had a long chat about being really careful around vintage glassware.

    It could've been worse. Much worse. The booth next to the one where Brendan tripped had pieces that were each in excess of $200. Still, the whole thing has left me somewhat exhausted.

    But we're hitting the flea markets again tomorrow. I don't want the kid to be afraid of doing something he loves so much. I just want him to be a bit more careful around the glass displays.

By Czarina on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 12:36 am:

    You handled that well!We all have accidents.And you were indeed lucky that the glassware wasn't more expensive.Part of being a good parent is supplying unconditional love."I may not like what you've done,but I will always love you."Hope your son is calmed down now,with his background,he probably was truely terrified of your reaction.This should help him understand your feelings toward him,that he never has to be afraid of being unloved again.I commend you on your good judgment.

By Isolde on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 01:59 am:

    Wow, you handled that very well. I'm very proud of you for the way you dealt with that, Pilate. You're a good man. Taking him out again is a good idea, too. Kudos.

By Tired on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 02:20 am:

    $70????? For an entire shelf?????

    Wow. What crappy glass that must have been.

By pez on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 03:28 am:

    glass can be melted down and reformed. lucky lucky glass.

By crimson on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 08:06 am:

    i thought that pilate handled it well, too. that poor kid was terrified. i felt awful for him. i also felt bad for pilate because he was having to simultaneously deal w/ the stressed-out frantic kid AND the flea market people AND brendan's friend, who was worried & scared for him. i stayed behind & helped load the intact merchandise back on the shelves. pilate had to go deal w/ brendan. the flea market people didn't want pilate to leave (afraid he was going to drive off w/o paying) so he had to leave his wallet & keys w/ them at the front desk to prove he'd be back.

    some of the glassware didn't break, for some weird reason. what got broken was a lot of saucers. they weren't high-dollar items (it did wipe out nearly an entire set of white saucers, though). on the other side of the booth, like pilate said, was some of the more expensive glass items. a butter dish, a $2 vase & some cups got broken, too. it sounded awful. i thought that brendan had broken the entire damn shelf, but a lot of the larger pieces remained intact. it turned out to be less expensive pieces from someone who was just trying to clear out some lower-end glassware. some of the items weren't even glass--there were metal pieces--but they hit the floor w/ a serious crash. brendan got a small cut on his forearm from one of the saucers, but it was fairly minor. i was afraid that the damage was going to be in the hundreds of dollars, but brendan lucked out & destroyed the cheap stuff.

By Isolde on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 10:22 am:

    Maybe he's charmed.

By crimson on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 10:39 am:

    apparently, he is. if it had been me, w/ my luck, i would've crashed right into the expensive stuff, & every single piece would've shattered instantly.

    we're going back out to the flea markets in a while.

    brendan seems OK now. his friend, violet, helped calm him down a lot. sometimes, brendan (& pilate) refer to violet as "sissy", because she considers herself brendan's sister. the two kids held hands in the back of the car all the way home. brendan wouldn't let go of her hand. he was still shaking and scared, but violet wrapped a jacket around him and held his hand. they got home & went to bed. pilate tucked them in together & they fell right asleep.

By Isolde on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 11:55 am:

    Wow. That's cute. I'm glad she helped him out. Sometimes it really takes someone like that to get you over being distressed about something like that. If I had crashed into a bunch of glassware, I would have been crying every which way.

By crimson on Sunday, October 29, 2000 - 09:39 pm:

    we just got home. went to muskogee. hit a ton of flea markets. no glass was broken this time. the kids had a blast & so did pilate & i. my husband went along. i've got a crashing headache, though, & need to go lie down. my light sensitivity problem is flaring up bigtime. every little bit of light is just killing me.

By Isolde on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 08:27 am:

    I'm glad nothing got broken. Today is my first day back at work...

By semillama on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 10:07 am:

    If that had happened to me, I would have been sitting there, recording every piece's location in realtion to a known point. Then I would have collected them, put small numbers on each one, and glued the pieces back together. Then I could have written a paper on the depositional patterning of flea market glassware breakage.

    Tell Brendan he got off light.

By Isolde on Monday, October 30, 2000 - 12:41 pm:

    Sem, that's so excellent. I love you.