i had the most incredible luck today. when i added it up, i had 14 really good things happen to me today, only one of which i had control over. i made a really good friend and had a wonderful study session at shari's (no, don't even think about that. he's three years older than me!), which involved explaining the difference between free and bound morphemes using only a mug and a fork. then i went to work. i notice a couple of people who look slightly familiar in the apparel checkout line. so i take a quick look over there and break out into a run. it was sean and david, two really entertaining people that i went to school with last year. david and i got really close my last few weeks, but we lost track of each other. later he came b the department and we chatted for the longest time and i got a couple of hugs. i couldn't speak in complete sentences for a while after that. then i was helping a couple of people, an old woman and her granddaughter, who also looked familiar. the woman called to the girl "----, do you like this one?" and i put it together. i asked them if they were the --------, and they were surprised that i knew them. the old woman is the widow of my dad's cousin. i hadn't seen them for about three years, since the funeral. one of my coworkers suggested that i buy a lottery ticket. powerball is at $78 million. this is one of the best days for luck in my entire life (knock on wood)! |