black jew crew in effect! |
Milford, CT 06460 US |
____________________________________________________________________________ __ __________ _ _______ ______ / |/ / __/ _ | / |/ / __/ | /| / / __/ / /|_/ /\ \/ __ |/ / _/ | |/ |/ /\ \ /_/ /_/___/_/ |_/_/|_/___/ |__/|__/___/ Support MSANEWS, a project of learning and enlightenment "A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste" [ see footer for contact and other pertinent information ] ____________________________________________________________________________ Source: Venik's Aviation - Aerospace News and Technical Information URL: Date: 4 Dec 2000 Type: Web Pointer; Web Sample Service: MSANEWS Title: World Wide Web of TERRORISM TEXT: World Wide Web of TERRORISM Internet is successfully used for war propaganda. This fact can no longer be disputed. Not after the war between NATO and Yugoslavia. A different question is the value of Internet to terrorists. If you think about it impersonally, terrorism itself is a form of propaganda - making one's ideas and ideals a public matter. CNN enters your life through the cable and terrorists - through the JFK airport. Anyone on the Net can look legitimate, respectable, even reasonable. One does not need to kill and destroy to make oneself heard. Policing the Internet effectively is impossible now and, hopefully, will remain impossible in the future. Digesting information just as digesting food is a task better handled on a personal level. The best thing one can do to counter real-world murderers and their virtual-world advocates is to make public aware of their activity. In January Russia's Chief of Staff Col. Gen. Valery Manilov released a list of 12 web sites allegedly supporting Chechen rebels. The number of such sites is actually much greater - at lest one or two hundred. These range from small personal pages with obscenities and moronic threats to comprehensive sites located on commercial servers and operated by seasoned propaganda professionals. While the first kind of anti-Russian sites are a nuisance at worst, the professional sites are quite effective at spreading lies and damaging Russia's image. The following is a brief review of some of such sites, based on the list released by the Russian military command as published by There are some interesting patterns in design and locations of pro-Chechen sites. Nearly all web sites supporting Chechen terrorists are based on the servers in the United States. Most of such sites have a compact layout and are well-structured making them easy to move from one server to another. That's a professional approach. "News" articles are also written by professionals and made to look as creditable as possible even though rarely contain even a single word of truth. No profanities, no obscenities - just well-written lies. The sites mainly target the Western audiences and sometimes - Russian. The following is a brief compendium of most significant sites apparently supporting Chechen terrorists. Just keep in mind that various computer companies and network administrators mentioned in this report are not associated with pro-Chechen sites in any way other than providing their web hosting and other Internet services. - this site is the premiere "information" outlet created by Chechnya's "propaganda minister" Movladi Udugov specifically to support Chechen rebels. This site is linked to by many Western news agencies including BBC, MSNBC and others. Who? The web site was organized by Movladi Udugov - Chechnya's senior propaganda official, who is currently being sought by Russian police. An order for Udugov's arrest was issued by the Russian Prosecutor General's Office. Movladi Udugov was born in 1962 in Grozny. In 1988 he graduated from the Chechen-Ingush State University with a degree in economics. After graduation Udugov worked for the "Orientir" newspaper as the senior editor. Later Movladi Udugov worked as the press-secretary for the Chechen President Djohar Dudayev and in 1991 was appointed Chechnya's Information and Press Minister. During the war of 1994-1996 between federal center and Chechen separatists, Udugov actively supported the rebels and has greatly contributed to spreading anti-Russian propaganda in the West. In January of 1997 Movladi Udugov participated in Chechenya's presidential elections but gathered under 1% of the votes. Under President Maskhadov, Movladi Udugov became Chechnya's First Vice-Premiere and the Information Minister. Where? The main server of is currently located south of Los Angeles, California, near Huntington Park and South Gate. The site is located on the Delta Internet Services network of the Concentric Network Company (1400 Parkmoor Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126-3429). The site has a mirror at Delta Internet Services network location. Concentric Network Corporation server in Los Angeles. front page - March 13, 2000 WebHosting Com, Inc. network location. SURAnet network location. Complete network details for Delta Internet Services (NETBLK-DISI-BLK3) a Concentric Network Company 1400 Parkmoor Avenue San Jose, CA 95126-3429 Netname: DISI-BLK3 Netblock: - Maintainer: DISI Coordinator: DNS and IP ADMIN (DIA-ORG-ARIN) hostmaster@CONCENTRIC.NET (408) 817-2800 Fax- - - (408) 817-2630 Domain System inverse mapping provided by: NS0.DELTANET.COM NS1.DELTANET.COM ADDRESSES WITHIN THIS BLOCK ARE NON-PORTABLE Record last updated on 23-Sep-1999. Database last updated on 10-Mar-2000 17:32:22 EDT. Complete network details for WebHosting.Com Inc. (NETBLK-NETBLK-WEBHOST-1) 111 Peter St. Suite 700 Toronto, ON M5V 2H1 CA Netname: NETBLK-WEBHOST-1 Netblock: - Maintainer: WHCI Coordinator: Apted, Mike (MA152-ARIN) mikea@WEBHOSTING.COM 416.260.5411 (FAX) 416.260.1873 Domain System inverse mapping provided by: NS1.DYNAMICWEB.NET NS2.DYNAMICWEB.NET Record last updated on 20-Apr-1999. Database last updated on 13-Mar-2000 05:30:45 EDT. - the official web site of the Chechen government (Maskhadov's administration). This site is linked to by major Western news agencies. Who? Organized by Movladi Udugov (see above) and maintained by the agents of the Chechen government in the West. Where? Exact server location is not known. The server is located in the U.S. probably near San Diego, CA. Front page of the site. Complete network details for ATMNET (NETBLK-ATMNET-BLK4) 5440 Morehouse Dr, 4500 San Diego, CA 92121 Netname: ATMNET-BLK4 Netblock: - Maintainer: ATM Coordinator: Van Baalen, James (BJV-ARIN) vansax@ATMNET.NET 619 643 1812 Domain System inverse mapping provided by: NS1.ATMNET.NET NS2.ATMNET.NET ADDRESSES WITHIN THIS BLOCK ARE NON-PORTABLE Record last updated on 05-May-1997. Database last updated on 10-Mar-2000 17:32:22 EDT. - a respectable-looking online "newspaper" operated by a group of Chechen activists in the United States. The Chechen Times specializes in re-printing news articles by major Western media sources, throwing in a few of its own anti-Russian pieces from time to time for good measure. A simple way of pushing propaganda while maintaining a fiduciary appearance. Who? The site's operators do not make a secret of it: Lyoma Dishni Editor-in-Chief William Rawlins Editor Mohammed Siddiqui content advisor Where? The official mailing address is: 725 15th Street, N.W., Suite 606 Washington, D.C. 20005. The server location is not known. Network associations are listed below. The front page of The Chechen Times - March 13, 2000 Complete network details for: TierraNet Inc. (NETBLK-TIERRANET) 8895 Towne Centre Dr. 105 San Diego, CA 92122 US Netname: TIERRANET Netblock: - Maintainer: TIER Coordinator: Scott, Brian (BS261-ARIN) brian@TIERRANET.COM (619) 625-0811 Domain System inverse mapping provided by: NS1.TIERRA.NET NS2.TIERRA.NET ADDRESSES WITHIN THIS BLOCK ARE NON-PORTABLE Record last updated on 30-Apr-1999. Database last updated on 10-Mar-2000 17:32:22 EDT. - "Jihad in Chechnya" is one of the most vocal anti-Russian sites on the web. The site, or rather a collection of sites, is maintained by Azzam Publications ( - was under construction, current address and has multiple URLs and versions is several different languages. The site has mirrors at ,,, and A serious, well-financed propaganda effort. Who? and its mirrors are operated by Azzam Publications - a group of Islamic religious fanatics. The home page of Azzam Publications openly supports terrorism. In its FAQ section Azzam Publication suggests that those who want to help fighting Jihad should be "going to the lands of Jihad and physically fighting." The Azzam Publication's current web site ( is based on network. Their main site currently under construction ( is on the OLM, LLC network near Chicago (see detailed information below). Where? network location is near Chicago, IL (British UUNET PIPEX network). It's English mirror - the is using a redirect address from the Asia Pacific Network Information Center located near Kuala Lumpur. The mirror is also based near Chicago, while use re-direct address from Germany. front page - March 13, 2000 network location network location redirect network mirror network location network location Network details for OLM,LLC (NETBLK-OLM-03) 3080 Ogden Ave Milford, CT 06460 Netname: OLM-03 Netblock: - Maintainer: OLM Coordinator: Administrator, Dns (DA16-ARIN) dns@AXXS.NET 630-357-8538 (FAX) 630-357-8545 Domain System inverse mapping provided by: NS.HOST4U.NET NS2.HOST4U.NET ADDRESSES WITHIN THIS BLOCK ARE NON-PORTABLE Record last updated on 23-Nov-1999. Database last updated on 13-Mar-2000 17:48:53 EDT. Network datails for OLM,LLC (NETBLK-OLM-04) 3080 Ogden Ave Milford, CT 06460 Netname: OLM-04 Netblock: - Maintainer: OLM Coordinator: Administrator, Dns (DA16-ARIN) dns@AXXS.NET 630-357-8538 (FAX) 630-357-8545 Domain System inverse mapping provided by: NS.HOST4U.NET NS2.HOST4U.NET ADDRESSES WITHIN THIS BLOCK ARE NON-PORTABLE Record last updated on 01-Feb-2000. Database last updated on 13-Mar-2000 17:48:53 EDT. Network details for Asia Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC2) These addresses have been further assigned to Asia-Pacific users. Contact information can be found in the APNIC database, at WHOIS.APNIC.NET or Please do not send spam complaints to APNIC. Netname: APNIC-CIDR-BLK Netblock: - Maintainer: AP Coordinator: Administrator, System (SA90-ARIN) sysadm@APNIC.NET +61-7-3367-0490 Domain System inverse mapping provided by: SVC00.APNIC.NET NS.APNIC.NET NS.TELSTRA.NET NS.RIPE.NET Record last updated on 18-Jun-1999. Database last updated on 13-Mar-2000 17:48:53 EDT. This rather brief review of four top pro-Chechen sites reveals that all of them are located in the U.S. It is also quite clear that people who maintain these sites are not merely "concerned citizens" they try to appear but professional propaganda agents. If there was a site based in the U.S. that supported Jihad, say, in LA, such a site would have been closed by American authorities five minutes after it went online. Apparently, when various "virtual" extremists call for Jihad against Russia, American law enforcement agencies are being more than lenient. Instead of assisting Russia in shutting down sites that spread hatred and threaten lives of innocent civilians in Russia and elsewhere, American authorities engage in academic arguments with Russian law enforcement agencies on the fine points of jurisprudence. March 13, 2000 ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __________ _ _______ ______ / |/ / __/ _ | / |/ / __/ | /| / / __/ / /|_/ /\ \/ __ |/ / _/ | |/ |/ /\ \ /_/ /_/___/_/ |_/_/|_/___/ |__/|__/___/ Views expressed on MSANEWS do not necessarily represent those of the MSANEWS editors, the Ohio State University or any of our associated staff and "watchers". Further distribution of material featured on this list may be restricted. In all cases, please obtain the necessary permission of the authors or rightful owners before forwarding any material to or from this list. This service is meant for the exchange of analyses and news, for both academic and activist usage. We depend on your input. However, this is not a discussion list. Thank you. To subscribe, send e-mail to: <> with the message body "subscribe MSANEWS Firstname Lastname". To unsubscribe, send e-mail to the above address, with the message body "unsubscribe MSANEWS". MSANEWS Home Page: <> Comments to the Editors: <> Submissions for MSANEWS: <> Problems with subscription: <> ______________________________________________________________________________ |
First post IP: Second post IP: at Kentucky State University. Interesting. Who was it that posted about Kentucky recently? Next person who uses my handle gets an asshole tattooed on their left nipple. |
I think it might be time to give the dean a little call,and give him the link to this post. I suspect he might find it most interesting. |
*pouts* not exactly like i've been an active poster lately. but i'm here. |
anything. |
Pez, you and I can hang out. |
who needs to be part of the "antigone cat czarina daniel ssss dave dougie droopy..." club anyway? lets be exclusive. |
for chrissakes. I'M A FUCKING STONER, OK? what do you expect? i meant to leave dani out, though. |
or unlovely depending on whether or not i wanted to be included i am making no sense today |