Here is my current dilemma. When we moved into the new place and our cats got out a couple of times. Only a couple of minutes each time. All over the complex are these shrubs that have thorns. Apparently one of our cats (punkin) got his eye scratched by the thorns. He got an ulcer in his eyeball. It was really far back and they were afraid that it would push the retina out. Gross, I know. They were talking about having to remove his eye, but wanted to try medicine first. That cost $70. Then I put him on the medicine and was impressed at how fast his eye was clearing up. He is light sensitive, but you can at least see his eye now. It isn't all red anymore. I took him back today for the follow up visit. The vet said that he was able to see what was going on inside the ulcer now. He was really impressed, not only are the edges starting to heal and grow back on the inside, but also the blood vessels are rebuilding themselves. We get to continue the medicine treatment and it looks like he will be able to keep his eye. He has two prescriptions and they only give out one weeks supply at a time (to make you have to go back every fricking week). That was $61. It will continue to be $61 each week until his eye is completely healed over and the entire ulcer is filled in. We are looking at at least a month. They should have insurance for this kind of crap. This is ridiculous. I could go to Rent-A-Center and buy a whole new living room set for less money! |
healing a child would have cost at least ten times that amount |
My problem is that it is so expensive to maintain the health of an animal. Everyone knows Rent-A-Center is overpriced. |
much. i love you guys and your health costs talks. It makes me want to break my arm and drive to the hospital and hang out in the E.R. every day, just because it's free, so i can. How much does it cost to call an ambulance? |
Ambulances aren't covered by any insurance I have had. The last bill I received for one was about $375 for a 10 mile trip from hospital to hopsital when my Grandmother had a heart attack and had to be sent to a specialist hospital for a heart cath. |
But your cat's meds didn't sound soo expensive...they sounded about what human meds cost (which, considering that most pet meds are human meds with a new label, isn't surprising). I might be more expensive to remove the eye. But I commend you for spending the extra dollars rather than saying "oh, well, too expensive, put it down," which an alarming number of people do. |
His antibiotic is flavored for children. I thought that was funny. The cost of the meds is tolerable, but I think it is crazy that if he needs 3 weeks worth of treatment they will only give me one week's worth of medicine so I have to go in every week to get more and in the process pay for another office visit and another office visit, and another office visit. On the cat meds are like human meds. I discussed this with the vet. One of my cats have an upper respiratory infection. It is viral so no antibiotics will help. I have had a lot of experience with calculating proper medicine doses to weight (having had two preemies) and as it turns out, they don't have cat decongestants, but I am supposed to get a bottle of infants Pedia Care for her and calculate the doseage to her weight. I thought that was funny. I listen to her lungs the same, I give her the same medicine. I treat my 4 year old cat the same as I would my 2 year old daughter. |
Tranqs are really popular for some reason. We used to have a controlled substances log and safe to try and prevent them from growing legs, but it still happened. some people are wierd. |
crazy. I do it well enough on my own. |
i've snorted "special K" that made me see triple. eri, while id like to be afraid and paranoid based on what you say you know about the Kaiser facility on Sunset...its all I have and considering I've been there for nothing more than a routine check up and to pick up my script for valium, I can't complain thus far. However feel free to share anything you may know. |