Im having a pre-midlife crisis. Maybe. Thats what I jokingly call it, but its not really that. My close friend Will, who has been here for a few months has been inspirational. He skates every so often. he and I skated religiously when we were 15, 16, 17 years old. Then girls entered the picture in a more pronounced way. Recently we went to a ditch in the Hollywood Hills, an old drainage ditch. It scared the fuck out of me. THWAPPPPP!!! face first, knocking my air out. Shit that felt good. I can fall and not break. Though 180 lbs falls a lot harder than 140 lbs, such was my weight the last time i was skating regularly. I'm falling with two toddlers strapped to me so to speak, Recent surge of popularity, press (due to the recent X Games here in LA), my friends influence, paying more attention to the kids at Hollywood Highschool ripping up their curbs in the afternoons, I was set on getting a board. I scored this weekend. Will found some wheels and a deck at a garage sale. $5. I went to a skate shop and got trucks and bearings. Another $60. Ther board itself is a 'naked' board. Meaning its nothing but wood grain on the bottom. I slapped the only sticker I had laying around...a Fat Possum Records sticker. Its kind of an old school board. Its got the double kick, but its a bit wider than the boards today. It was the board just coming out, when I was getting out of skating, so its a perfect fit for me. It feels good. I felt a bit odd going to my local convenience store and taco stand on my board. They've all seen me pushing a stroller for months now. They must think I've lost my mind. "old man you done lost your mind! who are you fooling!" Im getting my Ollie back. Its the only thing that has stuck and that im not afraid to do. Considering how long it took me to get it down when I was 12, no wonder it has stuck. Grinds, slides, kickflips and plants will come soon enough. Im still just getting my balance. Im working up to it. Today, at lunch, I plan to haul my ass down the sidewalk on sunset blvd. Push Push Push. Faster Faster. See how quickly I can make the thump thump thump of the sidewalk cracks go, like a drum beat. I wont be afraid to become pavement pizza. If anything, I just need to work these legs out. They're rusty for sure. In a week or so, I will go back to the hollywood hills ditch. I will drop in that 7ft motherfucker and carve it like I mean it. I wont be afraid. I've got a skateboard now and I couldnt be happier. weeeeeeeeeeeee |
Still, fantastic. Images. |
my boss hollered from his office: "You're too old for that." me: "pshaw" him: "if you're old enough to shave, you're too old for a skateboard" me: "some people get boring gym memberships. I got a skateboard" him "now how can you change diapers if your arm is in a sling" me "good point" HA! |