This guy said he was going to call back, but I hadn't heard anything. Last Thursday my friend T told me to call him right then and there and gave Kebron the phone number so I could use his phone, but this guy Ed who called me was out of town. So he calls again last night. "You still interested in working?" I say "Yes". He asks when I want to come in for an interview, so I ask when he would like me to be there. He says he will be there until 2am and would like me to come in as soon as possible, now if at all possible. I tell him that I haven't had time to put on my face or do my hair, but I would be glad to go over there, as long as he understands I won't be looking gorgeous. He says that's great. I do the 1 minute make-up job, and am wearing a midriff tank top and jazz pants with my hair in a frizzy ponytail and run out the door. It's a 40 minute drive to this place on the exact opposite end of town, but hey, Spunky got laid off and we need money, and this is not a glamorous high paying job, but it is money. It's something, so I am excited. I get there and they take me to a table outside of one of the bars and say Ed will be right out. While I am waiting two other girls show up for interviews. One of them looked like she couldn't pass a drug test if it was given any time in the next year. Skanked out and wearing some waitresses clothes cuz she is too cold......the other one was a cute little blonde who was being very meek and quiet. So he finally comes out, introduces himself, doesn't shake hands, and walks off....ummmm OK...then he comes back and asks me what order everyone came in for their interviews. I said the blonde came after me but I am not sure about the other girl (trying hard not to say the one who looks like a crack ho). He asks the bartender and he said I was there first and to interview me first. So he sits down with this cheezy ass sheet of paper and asks the questions on it. When can you start work? What hours would you be available? If you are confronted by a negative situation with a customer how would you handle it? Can you pass a drug test? He loved my answers, and when they were vague I explained why and he ate it up. Like the how would you handle an unhappy customer thing. I explained that you can handle situations without giving away free food or drink, and that what was necessary is that you fully understand the customers complaint because it can usually be handled with words more than actions.....he looked confused, so I related it to when I worked Save Desk at AT&T and you could see the lightbulb go off in his greasy little brain (she's got good experience with irate customers and retaining good business). He liked the fact that I did not hesitate when asked if I could pass a drug test, because the way I answered his lightbulb said (she's never used) and I have no problems letting him think that. Then he asked if I had my TABC credentials/license. I said I did not have it yet, because I have not worked and did not need it. I can get it, no problem, but just haven't got it yet. So he asks if I have computer access and tells me how I can get my certification by credit card. I ask if there is another way to get it, because I don't have credit cards. So he gives me the phone number and schedule of this place, but it is going to be $25. He keeps saying "but it's good for two years". Like I give a shit how long it is good for right now, I just need $25 for this lame assed class so I can peddle booze. OY. He does say that he will put me to work as soon as I have my TABC. Just call him when I have it and he will start me right away. So I got a job offer with two hitches, one, paying for the goddamned TABC, which I got to take the class and get my credentials on Saturday from 12-4. And the fact that I have to buy my goddamned uniform which is basically a Hooters uniform in a different color. I know that I shouldn't bitch. It's a job. It's a paycheck. I got it. It's just that I hate it when I have to pay money to make money. It pisses me off. Oh, and during the interview he asks me why I applied there, and I say my friend T seemed happy there, so I thought I would give it a try, and he then tells me that T has no showed up there for the past 5 days straight and they haven't heard from her at all........I could have shot her for not telling me that she quit like that before my interview, cuz I wouldn't have mentioned her if I knew that. But I got the job. I can start next week if all goes well tomorrow. Wish me luck. |
Speaking of pork, which you mention in your opening paragraph, I was wondering today, as I was feeding my dog and two cats part of my ham sandwich, why there aren't any pet foods made out of pork. And also, why aren't there any dog foods made from fish -- my puppy loves fish, lobster, swordfish, bluefish, you name it. So there's lamb, beef, chicken, turkey (and fish for cats). How come no pork for cats & dogs? Maybe all the pork scraps go into making hot dogs? |
TABC stands for Texas Alcohol Blah least in my book. Basically it is the state license to be able to serve and sell liquor. I figure this place is a start. I mean, who knows....I might like waitressing at a crappy chain restraunt for a smelly overweight pig....or I could just use this job as a stepping stone. I mean, there are these nightclubs here, and there are little bars everywhere. Once Spunky has a job again, I can just work part time nights at a bar or club, and still have family time, but make enough that we can have a little extra for fun stuff. I mean, we need some money right now, and this is some money. Nothing grand, but it could be fun. It could just be a stepping stone to something that pays a hell of a lot better, too. If I get this TABC licence thingy, then I basically can do any work regarding alcohol. I mean, I could work as a bartender if I needed to. And you could make decent enough money doing that. And with a nightclub and a new bar within a 5 minute walk of my apartment, it's all good. It leaves plenty of other options open in the end. I actually am excited, though it doesn't show. It could be really cool, or fun, and it will be nice to feel like I am financially contributing again, especially when my family needs me to. So I am really happy about getting this job. Just nervous, cuz I have never done anything like this before and I am not sure if I will make good money yet. |
The class and test were a freaking joke. $25 for a piece of paper that basically says you aren't a total fucking idiot, know what an ID looks like, and know how to tell when someone is drunk. Oh, and the chance to get bitched out about not having a Texas ID......OY. So now I can work, but am debating whether or not I want to work at Crabby Jacks, and buy the wannabe hooters outfit and the tights and all that shit, or if I should wait a week and try to get the job at the new sports bar here..... |
Well, I got another phone call, though not late night. In the morning before work on Wedensday. On Thursday I went in for a new interview, which was odd. It was a temp agency. They said that the client insists on interviewing each candidate before they allow the temp agency to send them there for work. The Mutual Funds company makes the final decision, so they would forward my information to the company and let me know if the company wants to interview me. I didn't hold much hope at that point, since it has been so long since I have done any professional work (not restraunts and crap like that). Well, apparently they had set me up for an interview at 3pm that same day, but I had to call and change that, cuz I was working at La Fonda's and couldn't get out of there in time. We discussed my work schedule to see when they could get me in for an interview and it looked rather hopeless (one class starts on Monday and the other on Feb. 1st, but they wanted me in the monday class). They called me back less than 5 minutes later and asked if I could be there at 8am (I had to be at La Fonda's at 9) and I said yes. I went to the second interview they were totally picking me apart. I mean every single frickin detail of every job duty or absense I have had since 1994. One side looked like they were picking me apart, and the other side looked like she was developing a career path for me, so I left pretty confused, thinking that she wouldn't discuss the different aspects of moving up in the company sounding like a career path if she didn't think I was what they were looking for, but she was so anal in the interview about every detail of everything, that I thought it was 50/50. I got to La Fonda's at 9am on the dot, so lucky I made it back so quick during rush hour traffic on the major freeway concidering it was a 26 mile drive. I knew Spunky wasn't going to be home to get the message if I got the job, so at about 1pm I called the temp agency to let them know that they should call me at work when they get word. They put me on hold and told me that I got the job already and I start on Monday. That I won't have to worry about the weird time cards, cuz they will have a person on site who sends in the hours and delivers the checks. So now I am support services staff in the customer service department of a mutual funds company, on a long term temp assignment and can apply for permanent employment after 4 months. Woo hoo. Funny thing, the asshole owner of La Fonda's got royally pissed off because I didn't turn in a two week notice, not cuz I was leaving, but because I left for another job immediately. He got all high and mighty telling me that as I go from job to job without turning in notices I will burn bridges on my career path.......hah....I don't typically go from job to job, but like "restraunt cashier" is part of my "career path"....asshole. |
I was a dish washer, fer chrissakes. |
I just thought a man who is immoral and unethical in his business practices trying to get on ME about not giving a two week notice, well, it was funny as hell. I am just happy to be out of there and look forward to something better. |
I have come to realize one thing. Corporate America is so fucking anal retentive it isn't even funny. If I am outside of the building but still within the premises on my break with a friend, and we decide to discuss politics, or religion or the school fundraiser even, and someone walks by, overhears something and doesn't like it, you IMMEDIATELY get fired for harrassment. Fucking A. Oh, and a of the girls in my training group (there are 18 of us) used to work at La Fonda's with me. The first time I worked there. She recognized me on the spot. Left La Fonda's a year and a half ago, right before I left, and went to school and finished her masters in communications and now she is working with me there. Hehehehe. So far the job is boring, but the woman sitting next to me thinks like me and we spent most of the day sniggering at the idiocy of this place, so it was easier to get thru the day. Things will pick up once we stop talking about the millions of different kinds of IRA's and actually start working on accounts. |
Corporate America can really be strange. Just remember, in the Corporate world everybody is paranoid. There have been to many harrasment suits for the most trivial things. Be glad you're a woman. It would be worse if you were a man. |
We are now processing orders. It's really cool so far. We are limited in what we can do, but at the same time, it's still challenging and makes you think. There are a bunch of total idiots in the class that have been slowing us down bigtime with their assinine repeditive questions, but so far 3 have dropped out. We'll see if they survive the drop in business after tax season is over. We now have the "smart-ass" section in the back of the classroom, me and 3 others, but it's all good cuz we know the material, process well, with little help. We just have to watch our sniggering at other people's blatant stupidity. Overall this is a good thing and I hope it continues. |