If this bill passes, corporations will begin to be able to OWN information. just regular ol facts. "Under the terms of the broadly written bill, a public-health website could be deemed in violation of the law for gathering a list of the latest health headlines and providing links to them on its home page. Google would be in violation for trolling media databases and providing stories on its news page. An encyclopedia site not only could own the historical facts contained in its online entries, but could do so long after the copyright on authorship of the written entries had expired. Unlike copyright, which expires 70 years after the death of a work's author, the Misappropriation Act doesn't designate an expiration date." |
but a great example of how modern capitalism wants anything but a real free market, and why some regulation of companies is necessary. |
http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/local/bal-drivers0303,0,378202.story |
i think that teen driving law is not such a bad idea. It's only 6 months. Boo-hoo. Here, with ontario's driving laws, it takes 3 years to get a full license, and for the first year you can't drive anywhere without a "mature driver" (someone who's had a full license for at least 4 years). Also, you can't go on highways or be on the road after 9pm. It's intense. and, uhm, safe. Really, i think new drivers are one area we can all afford to be strict with. and furthermore, ....since when is driving part of anyones "rights"? it's an earned privilege, man. Be thankfull it isn't a right! |