sorry i'm too lazy to do it correctly |
shite, in't it? |
Would I buy a house from someone with horrible grammar? I think not. And the images look nasty. The color model is rather funky. You can see that in the sky in this picture. The colors, instead of transitioning smoothly, are banded. Now that's fine when you use a web color model, but this particular image was over half a megabyte in size. There's no point in using an index color model when you're not going to compress the images. V, the guy you hired is an amateur. And I suspect you wrote the text on the site. Hire a copy writer. |
All of the rest of the images should use true color, not indexed color. If you look at this image and this image you can see the difference between true and indexed color. |
A website for commerce should be, above all, professional looking. It should make customers think, "These people have their shit together." It needs to convey legitimacy and stability and not look like it was just thrown together in a weekend. The Cyclades site I linked above conveys that to me. It's clean, easy to use, yet is functional and conveys a lot on information. It's bright and inviting. Look at their gallery page. Notice how the site itself has the same color scheme of the houses shown. (Especially the first house shown, white house, blue door, blue trim, blue sky.) The colors on the site are simple (basically white and shades of blue) but that helps immensely in conveying two ideas: professionalism and a relationship with what they're selling. The professionalism side is because there aren't any distractions: two simple colors. (Unlike your site, where there are many colors, and they often clash, like the different font colors you use: blue, cyan, and red, all on a babyshit brown background. Is Brian color blind? :P ) A lot of thought went into the construction of this site, and it shows. This is only the begining, but I've got to get back to work. :) |
And, yeah, I am a couple of standard deviations above the mean, but I don't let that go to my head. There are many people out there smarter than me, and you can learn from everyone. If you're arrogant you stop learning from people, and then you become stupid. The only way to become more like the universe (besides dying, which I'm in no hurry to do) is to see it without letting yourself get in the way. Do what you want with the site, man. You seem to like throwing money away. :) Just emulate what works well, that's all I say. |
http://www.useit.com/ |
Instead of "/search.php?secretwords=porn+addiction&offset=15" it's "/search/porn+addiction/15" I find my new urls pleasing. |
The photo is mine, though. http://TellingSecrets.org |
Who wants to help me with a really easy cascading style sheet? I don't know what I'm doing. |
I told a secret. |
I'd be glad to help. CSS is my friend. |