Beat the shit out a mugger What have you done?: Beat the shit out a mugger
By V on Tuesday, April 11, 2006 - 03:49 pm:

    ...5 times in 5 years v had muggings,is it cuz I drive a Lexus,or own a Rollex watch? v has allways won so far,tonight,v thinks I broke some black guys nose with a metal baseball bat,just hope to God it was not on CCTV...part from that,it felt real good,also,my long gone Father,Yorgi,was a prize fighter,bare knuckle,I like to think I have some of his fire in my belly...yeah,and droopy,thanks for your insight in to base ball bats,you understand all allong what v needed it for.

By Dodi on Sunday, April 16, 2006 - 06:27 pm:

    I have lots of friends that are in bike gangs (Banditos, Sons of Silence) and I always see things go down. They usually don't like to fight, but when things need to be done, trust me, they will get it done.

    I hope you didn't get hurt V..:0)

By Antigone on Sunday, April 16, 2006 - 10:25 pm:

    So, V, wanna meet when I come over to London? June 6th-16th.

By V on Sunday, April 23, 2006 - 12:19 am:

    Anti,no problem,give me a location,and v will be there,you want a vodka on ice?...Anti,I give you a few insights in to v,I have a fine middle English accent,very small eyes like a Siberian,grey streaks in my hair,and for some odd reason ,my spelling is shit...if you are at some hotel,let me know in advance,I will for a fact come around and visit.I have no problem getting bombed out with you.,just tell me what sort of vodka you want....and I will need a phone contact for the hotel,Best Regards,

By V on Sunday, April 23, 2006 - 01:17 am: tempted to go to "the hill of crosses" in south Lithuania for a short break,tap it in to your computer.