i'm fucking losing my mind. fucking. fucking. fucking. the worst part about the meds is when they seem to not be working. and you think, ah, fuck, i thought i was done with this shit. and you think, do i need to up my dosage? and you think, i am in this thick woolen body sock soaked in ice water that insulates me from any connection to the rest of humanity, and when i feel most alone i feel most afraid that this is how it will be for the rest of my life. and i shiver and sweat and warm and cold and no one returns my calls and i have no idea if anyone exists anymore. i lose the ability to understand anything that is the least bit abstract, anything less concrete than a door or a window. friendship, love, grace. how maudlin. but i'm better now. until dark? until the big white face? |
hi nate |
last night the moon was full and just about as close as it can be to our spinning planet in orbit. 8:13pm i've got a light nobody can see it does nobody no good but me it's just a little light it shines really bright and i've got a light nobody can see |
that last little bit was a song that i made while riding bikes with a friend with a broken leg. a-yup. |
my three year old got quite freaked the other day in the bathtub staring and pointing at the light. granted she was already upset because she hates washing her hair, so the flow of tears was seamless, but then she started the pointing and terrorized look in her face. she eventually admitted she saw a ghost. im in a new house. it is close to halloween. i never want to doubt this kind of thing simply because it's never happened to me despite *believing* i heard and saw ghosts all throughout my childhood. i didnt. i simply wanted to and freaked myself out. i expect this may continue with the three year old. but you know, in movies they never believe the kid and well, i dont want to be that jackass that doesnt believe his kid and next thing you know the entire house is a gateway to hell subsequently. |
but that would be just like me wouldn't it i do not remember seeing anything myself nor do i remember pretending to, but i don't remember very much |
heather's a ghost but she doesnt know it. like kidman in that movie. you dont remember much because your dead. silly ghostie heather. |
v your ability has been fucked up for the last three years. since witchfest 2003. i put a spell on you that deranged it. the death locations you've been identifying have all been incorrect for three years. ha ha ha good luck trying to reverse the spell! |
thank you. i never encounter blocked toilets, but i already have the sense to avoid them if ever i would encounter one. are you casting a blocked-toilet spell? how cute! have fun with that. |
are you talking to me, fatso-drunko? i'm not casting a spell. |
i believe that ghosts could exist. that they could take the shape or form of a lot of different things. like light. light shadows. or things we recognize and things we don't recognize. sometimes i think people i see randomly or interact with randomly are ghosts. not because they're pale or keep the hours of vampires, or anything dumb like that. it doesn't occur to me until later. and i don't think they think they are ghosts. i don't believe there's any gateway to hell. i don't think ghosts are always bad or scary or disturbed. like, for instance, all my life i've had clothes go missing. not a sock in the dryer kind of missing. i mean like, in one week, my three favorite bras... *poof*, just gone. never to return. that kind of shit. ghosts? menehune? whatever. i hate bras anyway. |
yes, ghosts. voices coming from the drain in the kitchen sink. a cat i can't see walking through my arm during a power outage. a minor poltergeist who stopped turning on the water two years ago when i spoke to it and knocked on the wall (it also threw a stick of deoderant at me once). i read a long time ago that what people catagorize as a "normal" ghost experience is in fact very very rare. often it may be strange coincidences, a smell or a sound out of place. a broken record of time. one of my favorite dresses went missing in september, but it was at burning man so i'm no going to worry about it. but it was a dress that i loved. |
I've probably mentioned the houseghosts of the old house I used to live in, but I'll summarize again. The upstairs one didn't feel particularly malicious, but had a distinct presence. I think it lived in the inaccessible, walled-off portion of our attic. When we were downstairs, it would make scurrying sounds diagonally across the ceiling as if something small had just traveled across the floors, passing through several walls. Or maybe through the floor joists. We called it Alex. It often manifested itself as a distinct feeling of someone watching what you're doing over your shoulder while nobody else is home. Then there was the monster downstairs. Our basement was a concrete dugout under a small portion of the house. The walls came up a couple feet short of the floors, so the space between the floor and the ground was visible in all directions. Well, not visible, really. It was this dark, seemingly endless void on all four walls. The joists above had wires and strange things nailed to them including a series of pulleys and a car alternator. Several times I was down there alone, or with one or two other people, and we'd suddenly and simultaneously feel panicky and run out of there as if we were chased. Fortunately, that one stayed down there. I don't really know if I believe in ghosts, but personification helps in explaining the experience of living in that house. |
Long white bones with the flesh all gone. Ooohh Ooooh Wouldn't it be chilly with no skin on. I learned that in 1st grade, at St. John's catholic school. It scared me. |
perfect example: if I say out loud, "who is that fuckface calling Jimbo?" sure, I'd get a kick out of saying it, but not as much as if I actually typed it. know what I mean? |
But I'm ALWAYS looking. It would open up avenue's of spirituality for me. Then maybe I could believe. If I could see something concrete. There have been odd things that have happened in my house, though. And I have had dogs bark and growl up at an empty corner of the ceiling. And the missing items, that do indeed show up in the place you know you left it, but wasn't there, untill you searched everywhere else. I've also had some toys do some really strange things here. Once, about 2 in the morning, my kids were both sleeping with me,[they were both little at the time], and s/o was out of town, and I woke up to loud sirens and flashing red and blue lights. It scared the hell out of me, I didn't know if my house was on fire or the police were raiding it or what. I jumped out of bed and was stumbling around, trying to wake up, and I went to my sons room, which was directly across from mine, and in the middle of his room, his large toy firetruck, the kind you can crank the ladder up on, was going full steam. Not moving but the lights and sirens going off. I don't to this day know what caused it. The only other thing by it was a book from the bookshelf, but there is no way the book could have fallen half way across the room. Another time, I have this halloween decoration, its an ugly gargoyle, and it has a knocker, and it makes a scary growling gargoyle noise, and a deep knocker sound and its eyes glow red. I keep it in the cabinets above my washer and dryer. Well, on morning I hear this hidious monster noise coming from my laundry room. I'm not easily scared, so I went to inspect and see what the noise was. I couldn't find anything after I'de searched and finally called mu s/o at work and he said to cut the breakers off to see if the noise stopped,[he could hear it on the phone], so I did and the noise didn't stop. I was really getting creeped out by then and I could tell he was,too. I finally got my nerve up and looked behind the washer and dryer, which isn't easy to do because the cabinets stick out so far. And there it was glowing red eyes and that hidious growling. Scared the shit out of me untill I realized what it was. To this day I don't know how it could have gotten back there. It would have had to fall out of one of the cabinets, and then jumped up over the back of the dryer, that high piece of metal where the controls are, and got behind it. Oh, and turned itself on, too. As I'm writing this, I realize this doesn't sound very normal. And I'm thinking of little creepy things that happen here, like somebody touching my back, onetime pushing me so hard I almost lost my balance. But nothing odd has happened for the last few years, so maybe it was just weird coincidences. But I do love to watch Ghosthunters. They go and try to find logical explanations for for unexplained things. |
spooky spooky things here....very spooky....creepy....spooky.... |
This has become my most recurrent dream theme. I don't get it. |