
sorabji.com: Why did you do it?: fnord??
Missa on Friday, December 4, 1998 - 12:25 pm:

    i really didnt have a choice. i was running out of money and my roommate was constantly behind on the bills...i could have taken my shitty managerial job with all the hassle of no free time, getting blamed for my co-managers mistakes, and a tempermental edge you could split a hair with due to the stress, but instead i went home, to my mother, my pre-pubescent brothers... i left my friends two hours away...my man three and a half hours away...the awful beauty of nyc close enough to visit, but far enough not to smell...
    now i am in the middle of the mountains...without a car or a job...with christmas only 3 weeks away...i told penguino i already bought his present...how sad will it be when i tell him all i have is $8 and i cant even buy him a bottle of old spice....

By 11e on Friday, December 24, 1999 - 11:07 pm:

    who is seeing fnords?

By V on Sunday, May 8, 2005 - 02:10 pm:

    That was a real bummer acid trip.Ask for your money back.