JHVH-1 told me to...

sorabji.com: Why did you do it?: JHVH-1 told me to...
By Semillama on Sunday, April 4, 1999 - 05:51 pm:

    So we were playing at a club Fri.nite. It's the very end of the last song, and my bassist (who refuses to learn even the names of the notes) just loses control, and he starts wailing on his bass, causing it to make these evil farting noises that are about to ruin the tune. I look over and it looks like he's humping his amp. Suddenly, it was like either JHVH-1 or "Bob" touched a button in my head. I ran across the stage and speared the bassist in his asshole with the head of my guitar, HARD. The evil farting noises immediately stopped, and I yelled "Praise Dobbs!" into the mic. Our lead singer gave him a few swift kicks for measure.

    Our bassist occasionally forgets that there is no room for uncontrolled noise in our music (controlled noise is a vital part, tho), so I guess Friday nite was the last straw.

By R.C. on Monday, April 5, 1999 - 03:09 am:


    I looked all over here for yr e-mail address/but you never post it. Re: finding an apt. -- did you try http://www.rent.net ?

By Nate on Monday, April 5, 1999 - 11:15 am:

    i am wearing my bob boxers with glow-in-the-dark anti-bobs today.

    i haven't worn them in years. i am not sure there are any anti-bobs left.

By Semillama on Monday, April 5, 1999 - 12:37 pm:

    You better believe there's Anti - "bob"'s out there - like the ad company that is appropriating all the cool songs fotr Burger King commercials - definite control by an Anti-"Bob".

    Geez, R.C. I've been too damn lazy to type it in lately. I have tried rent-net, and and it was the best service I tried. I am going to write my new bosses and see if they can't send me some listings for Sparta, Wi from the local newspaper.

    I guess I can live with a 40 mile commute, though, esp. since I could use the freeway for most of it...

By Nate on Monday, April 5, 1999 - 01:10 pm:

    uh. i meant glow-in-the-dark anti-bob's. on my underwear.

    i think they might have washed off.

By Cyst on Monday, April 5, 1999 - 02:09 pm:

    don't do a 40-mile commute, especially if you're going to be driving 80 miles a day by yourself.

    you'll waste your life away in your goddamn car, and you'll make traffic and pollution that much worse.

By R.C. on Tuesday, April 6, 1999 - 01:02 am:

    Sem -- Wisconsin?

    You're moving to Wisconsin? Voluntarily?
    It's winter for like, 9 mos. of the year there!

    Are you on drugs? Or do they have really spectacular fossils there? What?

    Move to Cali & sort out those mammoth bones! Much nicer weather. And better eats.

    You will regret moving to Wisconsin. Mark my words...

By Semillama on Tuesday, April 6, 1999 - 11:27 am:

    Actually, SW Wisconsin has much less winter than where I'm at now. We literally have snow on the ground 6 months out of the year here. Besides, I have to move to where the job is at, and it's only for a year. AFter this one, I definitaly will be moving somewhere a lot warmer. What I dread about living in WI is all the Green Bay Packer Fans, not to mention all the cheese.

By BIG PANTY WOMAN on Wednesday, April 14, 1999 - 09:24 pm:


By Swine on Thursday, April 15, 1999 - 12:26 am:

    hey, baby. ever milk a pig?