virtue, will, in another, find reply, as long as that love's flame appears without.'" --Dante I can't stop thinking about this man. I want to talk about him to people but I don't know what to say because I don't know him personally at all...I only talk about work with him. That doesn't stop me from trying to slip him into conversations. My roommate was teasing me about it but I don't care. I adore him. He's a joy to be around. I wouldn't even say he was awkward anymore...he just has a non-businesslike sunny goofiness that's so endearing. What a fun dad he must be. I can't express how happy I am that I'm full of nothing but fondness and affection for him. Most of the time when I meet someone I like, I also hate them because I'm weird and sexual attraction makes me horrified. There's none of that here. It's agape, not eros. There's nothing inappropriate going on inside me. And I don't want *him* to like me in "that" way...I just want him to like me period. I want him think well of me. Yesterday was such a pleasant day because several things happened that told me he does. In the morning, I saw his face light up when he saw me come into his office, and then he grinned at me. Later, he told me to talk to one of our co-workers about a problem I was having, and he said "If he's mean to you, you let me know and I'll straighten him out." Then he told me he was impressed with how sharp I am. And I noticed he laughs a lot when he talks to me. This makes me happy. |