we used to be in this band together. band broke up. fucked up vibes all around. much hurting. "personality conflict" doesn't even begin to cover it. i felt like a stake had been driven through my heart. we saw each other tonight after years of not speaking. we immediately hugged. we also agreed to play together again. all of the bitter feelings in me seemed to melt in that moment. all was forgiven, more or less. i feel in some way that it was all too easy, that i showed great weakness. i could've turned a cold shoulder, stayed tough, not spoken. but i felt compelled to patch things up. i felt genuine warmth in that moment. christ help me, i almost felt love. keep in mind that this dude is a fucking martian. cruel streak from hell. but he's a talented musician, one i've worked quite well onstage with. i need somebody to jam with right now. i feel like i've just agreed to session w/ satan himself. but the devil has some pretty good tunes & i'm willing to play along, at least for now. i feel that i was weak. but i also feel that it's about time to drop the grudge. |
He's the same guy he always was....but keep it in perspective.... You two have done good things in the past and you can do good things, STILL.Just keep control and get WHAT YOU WANT out of it. |
i'm actually looking forward to the collaboration. like i said, we've worked well together in the past. i just don't want to get screwed again. the guy's a psychic vampire. this time, i've got my eyes open. |
sometimes, it's very difficult for me to turn people away when they start becoming unbearable. this time i definitely hope to have the balls to tell him to back off when he starts getting too pushy. i'm too nice. i'm so nice it's like a goddamn disease. my niceness could crucify me someday. i smile sweetly when i should, by all rights, be telling people to go take a flying fuck. part of me wishes that i were colder & meaner. but then i wouldn't be able to live w/ myself. |
As for your friend turned, ex-friend, turned quasi jamming partner again. Go for it, just don't fall down the same hole as last time. |
i'm just wanting to get back in the saddle again musicially, to the point of being willing to work w/ some fairly twisted people to achieve my goals. but this time, i'm coming at it w/ a desire for self-preservation as well. i have no intention of sacrificing myself again, not even for the chance to do what i love the most. i'm a little scared, but also excited. i hope this works out. |
to me, a band optimally becomes like a family unit. if it makes any sense, i hate playing w/ people i don't love. there are moments where musical bonding is more intense than sex. i want to reach that magical headspace & stay there, the intense joy of the musical experience at its best. well, it's hard to reach a state like that when one of your own players is busy relentlessly stabbing you in the back. on the other hand, i realize that i'm hardly perfect & i can also be a weird person to deal w/ at times. but i'd like to think that i'm harmlessly weird, instead of dangerously weird. one of the reasons that jamming w/ this guy is so compelling to me at the moment is that i don't have to explain my behavior to him. he KNOWS i'm nuts. he knows what i'll do. he won't be surprised by anything. i really dread having to explain myself to people, which is one factor that keeps me from jamming w/ strangers as much as i'd like. i have to set everything up, explain my weirdnesses, so that when i behave in my usual manner, they won't freak the fuck out. i have intense phobias, for instance, that most people don't (won't) understand. i have to explain about my life, my medical state, my weird living quarters...every little fucking thing in the world & i HATE it. i hate having to explain myself to new people. it keeps me from getting out very much. i'd rather be alone most of the time than to have to knock myself out trying to get people to understand me, let alone accept me. the hell of it is, i'm not that hard to deal with...IF you accept the basic premise that i'm a bit beyond eccentric. people get freaked out about the small stuff. if folks would just pull their heads out of their asses & realize that it doesn't MATTER if i'm a flaming weirdo, things would go a lot smoother. i see no viable way of changing myself at this late date to suit anybody else. so why can't people just accept the fact that i march to the beat of a 500 ft. spastic acid-gobbling ninety-handed wind-up drummer? christ, it's not like i'm ed gein or somebody. i'm benign. harmless. funny, even. i'm downright hilarious in my complete inability to cope w/ day-to-day living. all i wanna do is play my damn guitar. no issues, no problems. just open up & lay some righteous noise on somebody. no explanations or excuses. just jam like a maniac. that's where my head's at right now. |
That's all I have to say. |
wish i WERE, in fact, rocking. jamming. right now. but i'm not. just playing w/ myself, at least musically speaking. i'm getting back into some weird musical roots & also expanding into new areas. i have such a strange & eclectic background that it just confuses and/or repels most of the rock musicians i've worked with. i have a strong background in bluegrass & southern gospel, including sacred harp. pug & i have been grooving on sacred harp recently. for those not in the know, sacred harp has nothing to do w/ an actual instrument. it's a very old & traditional southern singing style ("shape note" singing). very backwoods & magnificent. it sounds like nothing else on the planet...except, perhaps, for certain types of revolutionary war era american music written by guys like william billings, about whom i may eventually rave under the "obscure composers" heading here. i grew up playing music that's quite uncommon & not really heard much anymore. stuff straight out of the southern boonies. it strongly influenced me as a guitar player & i have a style that's quite unique, or at least that's what i'm frequently told. i'm a fairly fast picker w/ an unusual style. i'm getting into everything from metal to colonial religious anthems. just starting to venture into jazz, too, which is largely foreign territory to me. there's a lot of jazz i can't stand. i just wade through it all until i find something i can actually groove on. a lot of jazz, though, reminds me of just slightly more energetic muzak. makes me think i'm in a dentist's office or something. it doesn't usually rock. when it DOES take off, though, it can be a wonderful thing. & there's the blues. howlin' wolf forever and all that. anyway, i'm rambling. sitting here half asleep, trying to cook. pilate's boy, brendan, is here w/ me & i'm cooking for us both. bren came over to borrow my bass again. he's such a cool kid & i enjoy his company very much. |
pilate's tales of you make my day. you're part of a story that lives in the back of my head where i still believe in the beautiful things in this world. |
Holy shit. Captain Benteen, seeing you here just made my day. Made my fucking week. 23 skiddoo yerself, and fnord! too. Damn. Y'ARE pretty cool, for an old geezer, Crimson. it's just not stylish to deny your own coolness, you know. heh. madness like water. Time for all good Tom's to hit the sack, though. Sweet dreams, kiddos. |
Brendan, if you see this, I do worry about your walking around town at night. Just ask me (or Daddy Trace) and we'll take you over to Crimson's place. Any time, day or night, no questions asked. And now, perhaps the Good Captain will make an appearance at home to take out the trash and wash the dishes. There's a nice stack of plates that are probably growing fur by now. |
Take that as you may. Send tapes of C. B. my way when you have 'em, and I'll send you a copy of my old noisy band that I was in with Skooter, the Warren Commission. |
i had an audition today for placement in the mt.hood symphonic band. it turns out that i don't suck as bad as i thought. am currently writing a paper (well, more of a script) about common misconceptions of natural selection. titanic style. with a song in it about darwin. expect it to be on the rental shelves somewhere around spring 2002. |
yes cap....my wife plays moog, i play drums.....LA music scene is a sucky scene and honestly my photography has taken so much of my time...but we hope to move into a house we can build a studio in the near future. |
Welcome Brendan.We have long been awaiting your arrival!You've made your dad very proud.[I'm having a little trouble though,with trying to picture Crimson as a "cool old geezer".] But seem to now have an image of a "tuna can penis" that I can't seem to shake. We're glad your'e here,and good luck with your musical aspirations. :) |
I love you very much. You are very smart and talented. I know that the lessons can be hard, but you are intelligent and you will get through them. I think that your headaches may come from the fact that you need glasses. We talked about this last night. You can have contacts if you want. We'll get you checked out. I understand your rage against the school system. But don't have rage against the learning process. You are smart and you will excel. I know you will. I believe in you one hundred percent. Daddy Trace and I are going to take you out for dinner tonight and we'll all talk. It doesn't have to be heavy. We can talk about whatever you want. I'm looking forward to it because you're always so interesting to talk to. I always walk away learning something when we talk. So you're my teacher, too, and I've never had a better one. Son, you make me proud. |
You should know that at one point or another everyone hates school, work, people and life in general. Life can't be super fun all the time. I'm sure you know this. but believe me, and i think most will agree...being your age....you are at the doorstep of some of the best times of your life...really you are, especially with folks like Pilate, Trace and Crimson in your life. Few teenagers can be so lucky. Oh, by the way...Daddy Pilate mentioned a while back you were expressing interest in photography. Are you still interested? I do a lot of photography...I have a studio and darkroom. In fact im going to spend a few hours in the darkroom tonight. It's quite relaxing on days when "school sucks". Most folks around sorbaji can tell you, i love talking about photography and sharing what i know. if you have any interest and I can help...here is my email address thewaffleboy@hotmail.com |
And find something you like reading. anything. Check with Daddy Pilate, but Charles Bukowski, for me, writes in a voice that is really easy to read. I fly through his books. His books tend to be full of sex and booze, though. I think "Ham on Rye" would be a good one for you. I'll send you a copy if you (or Pilate) emails me an address. |
brendan gets easily frustrated with reading, but he's persistent as hell. he keeps trying again & again. i think it's admirable & i often wish i had that much perseverance. he's trying to do research for a report he's trying to write & it's driving him berserk. the texts are written a bit (or a lot) above his present reading level. he doesn't understand why more books aren't written in simple english. he's getting obsessed w/ the biblical stories of absalom and job (two completely separate stories, of course). he's been reading them out of a children's bible. we're working slowly toward the real thing. but if basic encyclopedia entries are confusing, then holy writ is utterly mind-boggling. still, he's trying like hell. & for that, he's got my everlasting admiration. |
i think comic books might be helpful, too. when i was teaching english to foreigners i often recommended comics & other pop culture reading. a lot of people thought i was horrible to suggest such trash, but it's a quick intro to idiomatic english. i'll use whatever works. with comix, you don't have to stretch your attention span too terribly & there are groovy pictures & plenty of pop culture references. i've always maintained that reading something is always preferable to reading nothing. read the paper, the comics, a racing sheet, a junk mail circular, but just keep reading relentlessly. i think brendan's still suffering from some bad educational experiences. every little problem in today's school system has to be diagnosed & pigeonholed. for instance, a dear friend of mine w/ an astoundingly high IQ was diagnosed in school by a sadistic teacher as being retarded because she didn't keep her desk clean. it was a nightmare. she was suddenly whisked off to the "slow" classes & felt like she'd just stepped into hell. everybody treated her like she was brain-dead. i myself was removed from honors english & put into the remedial class because i admitted in a class discussion that i'd smoked marijuana before; the honors teacher felt that good literature would be wasted on such a person. so i was dropped into a classroom w/ people who were functional illiterates. the only two people who could read were myself & a girl who'd been stuck in there for getting caught making out w/ a boy. we were forced to do reader's theatre versions of greek plays, reading all the parts, while the jocks threw shit at us & tormented us mercilessly. i got teased & sexually harassed by my fellow "students" to the point that all i can say is this--the school system is just goddamn lucky i didn't pull a columbine routine on them. they'll never know how close they came. brendan was diagnosed as EMR (educable mentally retarded). pilate & i don't buy it. brendan IS learning a hell of a lot & he's making more progress w/ pilate's gentle instruction that he ever could've made in school. anyway, the EMR diagnosis upsets brendan terribly, as it would any thinking person. he's a bright, sweet & funny kid, very inventive & creative, who just fell through the cracks. he has a hell of a way w/ words & sometimes says absolutely amazing shit, especially when he starts making up rants in his captain benteen persona. i really like it when he starts getting all biblical & apocalyptic. at least he made it through school w/o getting totally doped up on ritalin or some other quick fix. |
your stories tend to trouble me, crimson. i just had no idea that these things go on. this is a reason why we need to raise teachers' salaries. we need to have a situation where we have more people who want to be teachers than a need for teachers. if you don't have "ham on rye", my offer stands. i think that would be a great book for the capt'n. |
i know this isn't classic literature or even very dignified, but the books by francesca lia block are wonderful. she uses fairly simple language, but her books sparkle somehow. try "weetzie bat" or "baby be-bop". get contacts. they're infinately better. the reason why i got them in the first place is because my sister bent my glasses in half and my dad broke them while trying to bend them back. just don't get yourself punched in the face while wearing contacts. they slip out of your eyes and hurt like hell. |
getting stuck in remedial english was a nightmare for me. i didn't fit in & obviously stood out as a geek. the harassment was unreal (not to mention condoned by some of the teachers themselves) but it eventually taught me a certain amount of strength. i finally had to muster the balls to stand up against a lot of guys who were bigger & more powerful than myself. never underestimate the power given by the school system to the likes of cheerleaders & jocks. i was just thinking recently about the high school guidance counselor who told me i'd make a better truck driver than a college student because i was too "coarse" for the college experience. my coarseness was based on several factors, like the fact that i once wrote a school paper defending homosexuality & also that i said in front of a disapproving teacher that i liked george carlin's comedy routines. back then, carlin was considered by the country club set to be quite lowbrow & vulgar. it was considered shocking that i liked carlin. anyway, there were only two ways to go at the last high school i attended...you played tennis & hung out w/ mummy at the country club or you were a working-class schmuck. this was a school that divided students officially into "workers" & "college track". the workers got far less an education than the college track kids. i had a love of literature & plenty of intellectual curiosity. that was not enough to put me on the college track. social skills played into it heavily. i did not have a debutante party. i was refused for the local literary societies because of my leftist politics (yes, even as a teenager, still too young to vote). the literary coteries were run by vapid old bats w/ blue-tinted hair & they only picked the "good girls" to recruit. nobody would have me. my revenge was rather stupid but i decided to devour the town's youth. i took the virginity of half of those old mummies' sons & grandsons. i turned every high-class kid i could onto dope. i started whispering anarchy in their dainty little ears. many boys learned under my tuition that hanging out underneath a tree swilling boone's farm & reading blake was a hell of a lot more enlightening than watching pops play golf for the millionth time. i wanted to turn their daughters into dykes. i waged a hate campaign against the whole fucking county. i bought myself a good time. my revenge was ultimately meaningless to anyone but me, but i got a certain amount of satisfaction out of it. about the comic books...pilate thinks it's a good idea to get brendan reading more comics. i think so, too. i think they can be a great educational tool & also just plain fun sometimes. i'd never discourage a kid from reading comics. as a kid, all of my comics were destroyed by my stepmother, who pronounced them "satanic" after hearing a sermon on the evils of comic books. she made me burn them all. all of the copies of mad magazine had to go, too. i had amassed a huge comic collection which would now be worth a shitload of money. i'm expecting pilate & brendan to come home today w/ the news that the adoption is official. nothing should be stopping it now. brendan's planning a party tonight. i hope to god nothing weird happens to blow this. |
They're available in compilations. here are some Amazon links: Life in the Big City Confession Family Album Tarnished Angel (still in hardback) Check out the reviews on Amazon. Lots of good info there... |
Feh! |
Please turn your hymnals to page 23, "How Great Thou Ass" |
pilate is depressed. it's kind of weird. i've never seen him like this. the adoption didn't go through. however, it WILL go through, probably on monday afternoon. it's just a technicality. there are a couple of final documents he needs to sign, etc. he was supposed to have done all that yesterday, but the person w/ the papers didn't even bother showing up, leaving pilate waiting for hours. finally, she called, mumbling some half-assed excuse into the phone about having to go pick up her kid from dance class, some crap like that. so her dealing w/ HER kid meant that pilate was completely denied having HIS kid. she already HAS a kid & the fucking dance class stuff could've waited for the ten minutes it would've taken her to run the papers over. every minute that goes by w/o the adoption being finalized, pilate becomes more justifiably paranoid. it's just more time in which the local morals police could find a thousand reasons to take brendan away. pilate's got a real fear of brendan being taken away from him, a fear which has now evolved to the point that he's not wanting to leave the kid alone for a minute. pilate's frustrated as hell, just wanting this to be over with. he's exhausted emotionally. brendan still had his friends over & had a little low-key party celebrating the adoption being finalized, even though it wasn't. one of his friends, violet, is staying w/ him all weekend. brendan's little brother, nicky, was also there briefly. pilate began getting all protective of nicky, which was kind of odd. he has a strong protective streak & when it really comes out, it can be fierce. i think he suddenly realized that nicky's still got a few weeks before his own adoption goes through & this kid could also be yanked away by the state at any moment & returned to the custody of his biological parents, which would be disastrous. in reality, pilate only has to wait until monday afternoon. but to him, right now, that almost seems like a lifetime. |
Nate---great call. "Ham on Rye" is a kickass book---a definite favorite of mine----and a must for the dejected teen in all of us. Bukowski talks a couple of times about the whole "Stone Boy" stance---his refusal to allow his Dad to dunk his face in the puke. That ran home to me like a fucking rocket sled. As far as comics I think my reigning favorites might be the WATCHMEN mini-series, THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS and ARKHAM ASYLUM....there was also this DAREDEVIL graphic novel that Frank Miller & Bill Sienkiwicz did....anything by either Alan Moore or Frank Miller, anyway.... ELEKTRA: ASSASSIN---goddammit.... And any of the fine Piranha Press releases....mostly out of print, now, I think..... On Ass Worship I present a belated Christmas Carol: O Holy Ass.... |
Things are okay now. I can't explain what went through my mind earlier. It was completely illogical and depressing as fuck. But everything's better now and I realize that things will be all right. Thank God I've got a lover who can deal with me even when I'm not functioning at optimal levels of sanity.....and a kid who can help keep me together. Brendan helped me a hell of a lot. His input was very valuable. |
Don't forget Edward Gorey! If you game, C.B., Knights of teh Dinner Table is amust. Actually, I think it is even if you don't, it's one of the funniest series out there (along wiht its companion books - hackmasters of Evernight and Knights of the Dinner Table Illustrated). Try Transmetropolitan too - I think you would identify with it. Check out the Life is hell series too. As for book-books, Vonnegut is pretty easy to read. (I think) Keep it up, the more you read, the easier it gets, and the more joyful it is. You 'll improve quickly, I can tell from the clarity of your posts. Someday, you'll have to tackle the Lord of the Rings (i just finished something like my 40th re-readof the series, brought upon by too much excitement caused by visiting lordoftherings.net[which if you haven't seen the trailer yet, go aand look at it]). |
He also enjoys just plain old comics and kinda likes the Silver Surfer series in addition to old House of Mystery comics. Crimson has also turned him on to Milk & Cheese and Hothead Paisan, both of which he likes a lot. Most parents would probably be alarmed by their kid reading something like Hothead Paisan but I approve. He's also trying to read Marilyn Manson's autobiography and any number of magazines, ranging from rock mags to porn. Somebody gave him a stack of porn magazines. He looked at the pictures a long time ago and is now actually trying to decipher the text. |
i really have no idea how i would feel about my own child being exposed to porn [as if you can really prevent it] -whether or not i would condone it. but your openness with brendan doesn't shock or bother me in the least. it seems like the most straight-forward choice. my hesitation i think stems from my own personal indoctrination into a christian 'sex is scary if you're not married' position. it seems that i've fully absorbed that line of thought. although the actions of other people don't bother me, i have a whole different approach with myself. sometimes i am relieved that my discomfort [emotionally, really] prevents what my will-power alone would not. not everything, mind you |
I worry sometimes about the kid's outlook on sexuality. I see if this way......if Brendan looks at a few dirty pictures and comes to me to talk about it (and he does) then we have a starting point for discussing the whole issue. He'll probably see dirty pictures whether I approve or not. Besides, these mags aren't all that bad. It's not total hardcore. More beefcake than anything else. Fluffy porn, not disturbing porn. Something for him to giggle over, more than anything. |
WHOOP! S'cuse me----gotta pull the kittens out of the oven for some additional basting.... |
they were a lot hairier back in the 70's. |
"Being a good omnivore, I ate some ecstasy. As I sat in my spacious and familiar laboratory, the government official looked at me in a snide way. However, I was gallant to the old rogue. Later that night, he would commit suicide and leave a cryptic, disturbing note about an alien from Venus named Valiant Thor and his plans to infiltrate the Pentagon." This is the kid the school system declared barely capable of learning. The kid they diagnosed as mentally retarded. What gives me the creeps is wondering how many MORE kids they screwed over. They decided that Brendan simply couldn't learn so they put him in a "class" where he played with construction paper and stared out the window.....for years. During that time, he was seriously traumatized by other students. It will take a long time to undo the damage, but with patience (and Brendan's incredible level of cooperation) we're going to overcome these problems. I have a smart kid and nobody can convince me otherwise. |
maybe there is good in all that. they left him alone in a way to develop his unique character and now he's found you to help him relate it to the rest of the world. i think school seriously stilted my ability to think. |
When the kid put those words together like that, it just blew my mind. I got him to say the whole thing again and I just sat there writing it down. I don't know if Brendan would ever have written that down on paper but he's great with spoken word material. I'm trying to get him to write poetry. Thanks to Crimson for the "Valiant Thor" reference. She's been telling him about VT, the alien from Venus who's supposedly spent time with Nixon and other figures in Washington. Brendan loves stuff like that. |
i'd love to hear what he'd come up with if he played with a magpo kit. another poet i recommend is marvin bell. he's got some wonderful and humorous "dead man poems". i'm working on a zine. email me if you want a copy, and i'll send it off when it's done. |
I think I have some superpowers...one is the ability to pound a baseball bat through the head of a gentleman. I try not to use it that often, tho---- |
You don't even know how relieved I am. Over the weekend, I became seized with an overwhelming fear that something was going to happen to overturn the adoption proceedings. But it's done now, at last. Trace has asked me if I want to move our marriage plans forward. With Brendan really being really ours now it seems as if our getting married is a nice idea. It does sound pretty damn compelling. We'll be talking about it. We're engaged but not set to get married for quite a while. He wants to move the date up. I think he'd be all for our getting married tomorrow if I agreed to it. I just marvel at what a cool and wonderful little family I've got now. I could start getting all sappy here but I won't. Trace and Brendan are just the best. That's it. The best. |
on the zine front, i'm almost done gathering my writing together. i'm going to edit a paper i did last week, then i'm going to rewrite it to size and put in some illiustrations. again, please email if you'd like a copy. |
Damn. I knew I forgot something. Meant to invite you to our little housewarming party last weekend. Sorry. It was crazy. and now: my fucking phone has been disconnected. I write this from Kinkos. Must find work, pay bills, etc. Damnit. Maybe I'll SELL a 'zine. didn't think so. later, kids. |
his name was nigel hooray for futures looking up |
i think that makes four i need to make, counting one for myself. |
i am going to kill it. |
No luck yet with the traps. But i haven't heard the little fucker since i set them. maybe he took off because i got human smell all over the place. eat you bastard. eat and die. |
but i understand about the ones that get loose in your house. i used to share a wretched little apartment w/ a hugeass wharf rat. it was terrifying. he spent his time creeping between my shower stall & the kitchen. i could hear him breathing. |
it's when the giant wood rats start terrorizing my cats and eating my house that i look to break their necks. |