One of the new nurses I'm training is an older Pentocostal lady.Wears weird clothes,hair up,ect. She has been annoying me with her lack of interest in learning her new job duties. She told me she wouldn't see the new Harry Potter movie,because of its "demonic" content. She has been annoying me just on general purposes. She finally crossed that line,and I just couldn't help myself. She started talking about the "gays",and how the hospitals were "just infested with em". I pointed out that we all needed to be more tolerant of others lifestyle choices.And,that perhaps her views were limited,because that was all she had ever been exposed to. That was a mistake on my part,cause then I had to hear about "her God". I suggested that had she been born in Tibet,that she probably would have been Buddhist,or if born in India,that she'd probably be Hindu.That we are merely products of whatever given society we resided in,and whatever social morals that given society accepted. I pointed out that in ancient Greece and Rome,[considered the forefathers of modern civilization],that homosexuality was quite prominent,and acceptable.So who were we to judge? Then I had to hear more about "her God",and how homosexuality was "just weird and unnatural". After listening to her rant for awhile,I just couldn't take it any more. So,finally I said: "You want to know whats weird and unnatural? I'll tell ya! The first time I ever saw you Pentecostals in action! The scariest damn thing I ever saw! You people need to learn how to behave yourselves in church,how to sit still and be quiet and pay attention,instead of jumping around like a pack of wild monkeys,and babbleing in tongues.Closest thing I ever saw to demon possesion.I wanted to get up and bitch slap your cohorts back into reality.Bunch of damn fools making public asses of themselves.I can see why you have to close the church doors,before you can start your service,because if the bulk of society saw what goes on in there,they'd be hauling you off to our hospital,and sedating you for your psychotic behaviors!Acting out like that is just plain weird and unnatural.You people aren't right." I upset her so much,that she knocked her cup of coffe over and made a big mess on the desk.She told me: "We need to end this conversation,because you are upsetting me." Then I went and had a soothing saucer of milk,and sharpened my nails. It was a productive night. |
My mother in law decided to come clean my house when I was in the hospital, because she thought that after giving birth to a one pound baby I didn't need to come home to a dirty house. She trashed the house, redecorated, and left a nasty note about the sponges I use to do dishes with and how my T-Fal collection of pots and pans was going to give us all food poisoning and kill us all. Gave a bible quote as to why it was within her rights to throw away all of my pots and pans and dishes and tupperware and cleaning supplies. Called me a spoiled child throwing a hissy fit because I was upset by it. Funny thing was the quote had absolutely nothing to do with pots or pans or sponges. It was about not letting a loved one choose to kill themselves. It was about stopping someone from committing suicide. Anyways, my point was, don't feel guilty if you express an intolerance of her religious views. There is nothing wrong with it. Don't be afraid to tell her when her views are not appreciated or necessary. There are definately environments where it is inappropriate to say these things and at work in a hospital is definately one of them. |
"I wanted to get up and bitch slap your cohorts back into reality.Bunch of damn fools making public asses of themselves.I can see why you have to close the church doors,before you can start your service,because if the bulk of society saw what goes on in there,they'd be hauling you off to our hospital,and sedating you for your psychotic behaviors!Acting out like that is just plain weird and unnatural.You people aren't right." We worship God as we feel the Bible say and it IS right, very right theres not a damn thing wrong with our worship and we speak in tongues and make joyfull noise like God tell us to. So yes this does kinda piss me off but I still love you Czarina. |
But,I have to agree with Patrick here.Why would you want to endorse a religion that forbids you? If you are the forbidden fruit.............? Church swithcing seems kinda radical.Couldn't you just find yourself a God that accepts you? |
ultimately i could careless who or what you worship, muchless how. |
I respect anyone who is sincere in their religion. Although,I personally don't believe in a God,I do respect those that can actually live what they preach.I think that is a very hard thing to do.But I have met a few people,who seem to have been able to accomplish this. Generally speaking,I am rather glad that most people endorse religion.I think it keeps them straight.Because they are afraid of going to hell.Otherwise,they'd be out robbing and killing,and being generally offensive to put up with. I endorse no god,so I am certainly not in fear of his wrath,but,I know in my heart that it is wrong to do harmful things to others.But I think it is my parents that instilled this concept in me,not some "god". But,I'm definately glad others live in fear of their God.It keeps em in line. But,I do have to admit that I find the somewhat strenous activities involved in the Pentecostal faith somewhat alarming.But,I think this is mainly a cultural thing.I was raised Catholic,and we sat still during church.No snake handeling,no poison consumption.Just sat there and listened. So,it all goes back to what we are familiar with. But,I do hope you can find a god that you won't have to hide your homosexuality from.I think that would be a good thing :) |
I seem to recall he was supposedley speeking in tongues when he went of his rocker. And, Oswald...Please stay away from the poison and the snakes. |
I saw the story on PBS, I think, they followed the Minister around as he collected his snakes for the services. At least he released them in the same area after he was done with them. I think he said he only kept them a month or two before releasing them. |
oh be in hysterics. id love to attend such a service, all the jubilation would hopefully drown my laughter. |
i've seen snake handling. it's very rare. it was in an extreme boondock church that i am quick to point out i was NOT a member of. i skipped the strychnine-swallowing & welding torch acts, though. they use the torches on their feet and hands to prove that they won't get burned. as you may guess, i, too, have spent one day too many in pentecostal church services. it's kind of a weird issue for oswald & pilate. pilate's a bit sensitive about the kid belonging to a religion that people enjoy poking fun at. he's kind of protective of ozzie & doesn't take kindly to people giving the boy hell about the whole thing. people ARE a bit too fast to make fun of holy rollers. it hasn't changed much since i was one of those weird looking chicks in the funny dresses. |
who gives the boy hell for being a part of such a faith? |
Just recently,the courts stepped in and took some children from their snake handling parents.Well,actually,there was just one surviving parent at the time of the courts intervention.Mom had already "bought the farm",so to speak.I think maybe its not such a good idea to handle venomous reptiles,if one isn't appropriatly devout.I guess theres kinda a thin line,here. Implementing the welding torch must be fairly recent,or rather secret,as I've never heard of it.But i'd sure like to attend one of their services.I like that. But my question is this:Where exactly in the bible does God tell someone to take a welding torch to their appendages? |
I actually have nothing against the Pentecostals.I find all religions rather humorous. I sit around sometimes thinking about the different policies/practises religions incorporate,and just get the giggles,picturing "God" handing down the rules. A puff of blue smoke for when a new Pope takes over is one of my favorites. I just picture God trying to decide: "Green.No,no,thats not good." "Alright,pink then.No,no,too feminine." "Black.That'd be good.Naw,too blaise." "Purple.No,no,the royal robes are already that color." "Yellow then.No can do,yellow smoke won't show up." Heh heh,I can't help it,this just strikes me as funny. |
i suppose that, although not mentioned specifically, a welding torch just kinda falls in w/ these dangerous & deadly items, by some sort of logical leap...a leap i've never personally cared to make. |
And you're right about the music.There is some traveling troup,that comes here,and when they do,we go.I actually bought one of their CD's. And,let me say that I've never actually bitch slapped anyone in church,I've just thought about it. |
The Gospel Yeah Yeah oswald if you've never heard them, check em out...their shows have a revival characteristic to them...and after all, frontman Ian Z. WAS voted "Sassiest Man" in the early 90s by Sassy Magazine when he was in Nation of Ulysses. |
i love this bit, especially the last line.... "Wreck society through direct action by destroying its institutions and the men who serve it, and by relying on the people's forces to spread the doctrines of "P-Power" and "Ragnarok." To consolidate the New Nation, while never forgetting the need for constant purging, "as the nation shall resemble a self-cleaning oven." |
oswald, i didn't mean to point you out like that. i was just remembering how cruel and horrible your bio-rents were to you, and then i recalled that they were pentacostal. that's all. |
What do Pentecostal women's dresses look like? |
Charismatic Catholic Masses also have speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy, healing, getting slain by the Spirit, etc., but it's much more sedate. I'd like to visit a Pentecostal service some time, if I could. |
"It was a healling service and the preacher placed his hand upon this woman and she fell flat on the floor. He just leaned over her and said "Madem we don't do that here."" |
i don't think there's too much i can add to oswald's description of the's pretty much right on. so's the description of the dresses. the sneakers are an odd touch, but very typical. almost every pentecostal chick i know wears salvation army or homemade dresses w/ flat canvas sneakers, the kind you get at the dollar store. some of them wear jewelry; the ones who don't are usually also forbidden to wear fur, feathers, jewelry, shiny hair accessories or any other kind of ornamentation. i used to know some chicks who wore little gold crosses but painted them over w/ black nail polish so they wouldn't shine & therefore be sinful. we called them the "black cross girls". that's not common, though. the really hardcore churches have a "no jesting" rule. there is to be no joking, jesting, slang or foolish speech because it wastes the breath that god gave you. your breath is to be used for worshipping god. no phrase should be uttered that isn't directly a yes/no answer or question necessary to one's personal business or survival, & joking is totally out of the question. fortunately, many of the hardcore churches have dropped this policy...but they're still out there. |
My mother in law is not very materialistic by my views, but considering how she grew up she is a millionaire. She does wear a normal amount of make-up (meaning she is not over done). She wears jewelry though it is conservative. She loves to get false fingernails and paint them wild colors like metallic blue or bright pink. She makes a lot of clothes but they are for her mother. She does wear long dresses, but they are definately not Salvation Army, nor is anything else in her wardrobe. She looks just like anyone else on the streets and you would never know she was any faith at all until she decides you are doing something that doesn't agree with her way of thinking. Then you hear all about her "God" and her religion. I, of course, am damned to hell because of the fact that I am a Southern Baptist. Also because I insist on only attending churches that teach what the bible says without telling you what to do and accepts the individual whether they drink or cuss or whatever without judging them. That is just horrible in her eyes. The only thing she has ever complemented me on is the fact that my youngest daughter has a name with religious connotation. (Mikayla Grace). Of course, when you have a 1 lb. baby that survives, the name Grace only seems natural. Anyways, my point was there is definately different types in every denomination of religion. |
Half the people who do that mess in church are faking it. Anyone can talk gibberish & pretend to be speaking in tongues. The Bible says prophseying is more important than talking in tongues -- but you never see prophesying in those holy roller churches. Why not? Becuz to prophesy means to predict some specific future event/inc. the timeframe in which it will happen. And it's far to easy for someone to call you out as a phony when the thing you prophesied doesn't come to pass. Here's what the Bible says about speaking in tongues: "Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. If anyone speaks in a tongue, let there be two or at the most three, each in turn, and let one interpret. BUT IF THERE IS NO INTERPRETER LET HIM KEEP SILENT IN CHURCH and let him speak to himself and to God. Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge. But if anything is revealed to another who sits by, let the first keep silent. For you can all prophesy one by one, that all may learn and all may be encouraged. And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints." - 1 Corinthians 14: 26-33 Couldn't be any more explicit, could it? Let 2 or 3 people - at most - speak in tongues. Each in turn/not all at once. It's not supposed to be a bunch of folks babbling over each other's words/the way is it in most churches. And the Bible clearly states that if someone speaks in tongues/someone else present must interpret it. When's the last time you saw *that* happen in church? WHY is it that so many who claim to be 'sold out to Jesus'/who are so proud of holding fast to their bigotry & hatred of others in God's name/can't even manage to read & follow God's simplest, most direct instructions in His holy word? The act of speaking in toungues serves a dual purpose: it is a sign to those who don't believe in God/to show them God's power in action. And it is for the edification of the church/becuz God reveals messages the believers through tongues. But someone has to translate the tongues/ otherwise the message is never received. Without the translation/it's just bunch of hollerin' & carrying on. If I had a dollar for every time I've seen these holy roller types jump up & start speaking in tongues/while everyone else cheers them on/yet Nobody Stands Up to Translate What Was Said/I'd be rich as Oprah!. I'm a Christian too, Oswald. But if you do a little research/you will find out that most of the antics that go on in so-called charismatic churches (falling out/trembling/jumping & shouting) bear an awfully strong resemblence to the behaviors exhibited in pagan ceremonies of religions like Voudun/Santeria/Candomble. When they dragged us out of Africa in chains/they weren't able to eradicate our traditional African comsmolgy/beliefs & practices. And when the Africans sales became Christianized/we mixed our traditional African practices with the whitefolks Chirstianity/& the salveowners started seeing Blacks falling out & jumping around & 'getting the Holy Ghost' in Black church services. Eventually/they started imitating it/until it spread into the religious mainstream. Pentecostals like to call people who practice Santeria or Voudun 'demon-worshippers'. (I wd tend to agree w/that based on my research into African religions. Calling a demon a loa or an orisha doesn't make it any less demonic.) But how do you explain Pentecostals behaving in precisely the same manner as the so-called heathens? Do your research, Oswald! The fact that you grew up w/certain traditions & practices doesn't make them 'right' or 'correct' if they don't align w/what the Bible says. And don't *even* get me started on Christmas... |
I have already used it several times.[I think we might need more than one "fool killer" here in the south,though] When I went to a Pentescotal service,they had a man,who hopped over the pews,all the way to the front of the church,then he went to the otherside,and hopped over them all the way to the back of the church. I grabbed my children. |
She is not a nice church lady. She is evil incarnate. She comes and pesters me while I was in the bathroom.[admittedly I was in there a long time.I was primping] Anyway,she says to me,"Alright animal lady,tell me what to do to keep dogs from tearing open my garbage." I asked for the particulars,and she said she didn't know whose dogs they were,but that she'd seen one,and it looked like it had just had pups. I mentioned that the poor thing was just trying to eat.She bitched awhile,so I suggested sprinkling red pepper on her trash bags. She said she'd already tried that,and it didn't work.She said a friend had told her "to soak some weenies in anti-freeze,and let the dogs eat them." She had an evil gleem in her eyes when she told me this. I was aghast.I said that it was illegal to poison animals,and that it was extremely cruel,and besides,they were just trying to eat. She said it wasn't as cruel as her having to pick up scattered trash. I suggested several alternative methods,like trying to figure out whose dogs they were,or calling animal control. Fucking PSYCHO BITCH.I can't stand her.This has nothing to do with her religion.She's just evil. She's had several husbands,I might just ask her if she poisoned any of them. I am not going to be able to work with her. |
No offense, Brendan---yeah. The pentecostals churn out good music. I just maintain that when someone is an asshole, anything in their life(especially if a religious belief or misconception assists in MAKING them an asshole) then it's all fair game. My Mom used to go to Charismatic Masses back in the '70's....she told me a story regarding one she went to where her friend blacked out and may have suffered a minor heart attack---My Mom's a Baptist, now, tho--and I think she may frown on that whole trip as a Satanic Conspiracy (I think of that as the standard Baptist riff---everything's a Satanic Conspiracy). Robert Tilton, the TV Preacher, is big on talking in tongues---his eyes glaze over and he goes, "bleh-bleh-bleh!" Basically babytalk, Zappa wrote about him, I think.... |
aside from czarina's co-worker, pentecostal sounds more fun everytime i read this board. good music, seat-hopping, running, screaming, jabbering, snakes, fire.... sounds like a good rock concert. |
I caught the tail end of Cape Fear a couple of weeks ago. De Niro did a great job speaking in tongues as he was about to drown. |
Hear my prayer I set myself on fire Burned off all my hair I'm just a stupid fuck But you're a man of God Robert Tilton, I need a handjob Robert Tilton Hear my plea I sent you all my money Something's wrong with me [Spider can't remember the rest] -- Cop Shoot Cop |
"Send me $1000.00,so you can be saved.If you don't have the money,go out and pick up cans off the side of the road.Gods waiting for your donation,he wants to help you,now!" Have any of you seen the edited Robert Tilton tape,where he comes running out,but he's farting all the way? It was hilarious.I almost wanted to send him a donation. Didn't he get busted? If not,is he still on?I would love to watch him. |
Robert Tilton Hear my plea I sent you all my money Something's wrong with me When you speak in tongues Think I can understand Forget those big eyebrows I need the healin' hand I temped for the company who made that Robert Tilton "Pastor Gas" tape. They make infomercials, officially. |
farting evangelist home page. robert tilton fun n' games. robert tilton interactive cards. |
She must be Satan's daughter. Sprinkle her with holy water and see if she starts to smolder or melt. These are deffinative signs. |
She can not be a witch. I have known witches. And, none of them would ever concider such a thing. Witchcraft has nothing to do with Satan. Witchcraft is a religion based upon the forces of nature. A true witch could not contract with the devil - they don't believe in him. They also believe anything they do comes back to them three times more/stronger than what they did. So to poison/hurt anything would cause the witch themselves to suffer even more. |
also, just for the record, the vast majority of satanists are also horrified by animal sacrifice and/or cruelty. |
For someone to claim to be a Christian & behave the way this witch behaved towards Czarina is deeply disappointing. Folks like that turn so many people away from God before they get a chance to explore faith & make up their minds on their own... |
i definitely have to find some rosetta tharpe - signifyin' gospel AND a killer electric guitar player. |
R.C., i know what you're saying about people questioning your salvation if you don't speak in tongues. i was hired to play piano for this pentecostal church...but when they realized that i wasn't going to be down in front of the altar speaking in tongues every single sunday, they decided that i not only needed to be saved, but also needed to get the devil driven out of me. so they laid hands on me & tried to cast out the Great Horned One, but i get the feeling he's probably still lurking around in there somewhere. |
i had noticed my lower lip had started to sting, but i didn't think much about it. when i decided to put the harp away, i looked at my lip in the mirror. i've got a blues blister. the left side of my lower lip is swollen. sort of tubular and watery, like there was a big red caterpillar resting on my lip. |
Sorry. I took it to litteraly. Iv'e just had it up to here with the "Christian" know it alls. They assume that Pagans are Satanic. Or, any other Religion is Satanic. They are the Christian equivalent to the radical islamists. Although, they currently haven't gone on any killing sprees. I wouldn't put it passed them. I find their rightous ignorance appalling. And, their moral superiority repugnant. |
what a crazy fetish |
So, trank, you can insult tilton but if a non-christian did that would be "christian bashing"? Whassup wid dat, nigga? |
And I'm surprised that I never posted at the time that my father's parents were Pentacostals (but not the stereotypical snake-handling backwoods kind). They wanted my dad to become a preacher. Dodged a bullet there! |
Never mind the stage show, I'm sure you can imagine what that was like, but i saw all these kids, little kids wearing hard-core christian t-shirts that i'd only ever seen on the internet. and not the cute, funny 'jesus loves me' kid shirts, but the intense bloody ones with close-up drawing of jesus's bleeding feet on the cross with a stake through them, like "HIS blood washes me CLEAN" printed on the back. |
. The tattoos were something else. |
Luckily, i went to a bridal shower that morning and just didn't change. Black blouse and long grey gypsy skirt. I still looked like i was going to a funeral, but at the time i felt that was more representative of how i felt about going to a bridal shower ;) Not that i care if i don't fit in at these things, mind you. I don't want anyone talking to me. But that usualy makes them talk to me more! I must buy some bluejeans one day, just for this. Anyhoo, it didn't matter anyway because we got there late and the lights were already off, and it was packed so we sat at the back. oh, it was something special. |
OOh! I found a video (of a sorts) for their song "Splinters," which is one of my favorites. You can see it here. |
. First time I heard them, I wasn't really listening until I heard "Little Jesus geek need a good-ass, good-ass clockin'" and asked who the hell it was. |
Listen closely to me now, my darlin' girlThey played it when I saw them in Philly last month. One of the best shows I've ever been to. |