the road to hell is paved with good intentions Why did you do it?: the road to hell is paved with good intentions
By Rowlfe on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 10:33 am:

By semillama on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 11:02 am:

    ""There are checks and balances to make sure the criminal justce system works in an effective manor," Defillo said."

    err...shouldn't that be "an effective MANNER" or was that a freudian slip? Perhaps that's the Fnord. It could be whiteboy code for "don't worry rich folks, it won't affect you."

By kazu on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 11:04 am:

    I thought search warrants were checks and balances?

By TBone on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 12:35 pm:

    And now officers will claim that they're always in fear for their safety. No more warrants, ever.

By kazu on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 01:09 pm:

By Rowlfe on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 03:30 pm:

    meanwhile, we get this sort of exchange on FOX News about Bush's WMD jokes

    Hume says to families of dead soldiers: "Get over it"

    WALLACE: And one that got a big laugh in the room that day -- and I must say, I still think it's funny -- the day after, some Democrats and the families of some American soldiers in Iraq, some who died in Iraq, said they were offended by this kidding about the missing weapons of mass destruction. Brit?

    HUME: Well, we have a society in which one of the greatest things you can do is a platform to see victim status, and one of the qualifications for that is that you have these exquisitely tender feelings about things and sensibilities which are easily offended.

    And in America today, if your sensibilities are offended by something that has happened, you get an enormous amount of credibility and are taken very seriously.

    My own view of this is, the president's there poking fun at himself over what goes down, I think, as one of his failures. And I thought it was a good-natured performance, and it made him look good only in the sense that it showed he could poke fun at himself. But he certainly doesn't disguise the record on weapons of mass destruction.

    And you have to feel like saying to people, "Just get over it."

By J on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 03:45 pm:

    Why don't we face it,we aren't going to have anymore rights,as I hear the 4th amendment going down the toilet.Big Brother is here already.

By Rowlfe on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 07:10 pm:

By dave. on Monday, March 29, 2004 - 07:27 pm:

    y'know, if he spent taxpayer money to travel to roswell for ribs, he better damn sure tone down the dickhead schtick and, if not answer some damn questions, at least avoid answering them in a less prick-ly way.

    i really do hate this guy on a personal level. he's not a "regular guy" at all. he's a smug, conceited, privileged, immature bastard who has never had his ass properly kicked. i want to hurt him.

By Park on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 01:15 pm:

    I don't think that he was being an ass just to be an ass. I think he was trying to put Q in his place. Then again, I don't have the whole story. Why on earth did he go to Roswell in the first place? To see the alien experiment going on there?

By Jacky on Monday, May 3, 2004 - 07:00 pm:

    Did you know ive been abducted by aliens?

By The Watcher on Tuesday, May 4, 2004 - 02:56 pm:

    In my world you are an alien! :-)