I can,t find dried worm wood

sorabji.com: What have you failed to do?: I can,t find dried worm wood
By J on Monday, October 18, 1999 - 04:26 pm:

    I want to make some absinthe,I found liquid worm wood,do you think it would work even though the recipe I have calls for dried? Anyone ever have any of it?

By Nate on Monday, October 18, 1999 - 07:44 pm:

    i don't know, but if you have any success with the absinthe i'd be interested to hear about it.

By Waffles on Monday, October 18, 1999 - 08:00 pm:

    i think alot of us would but i have heard not so good things about making it yourself, parallel comparisons like real X to herbal X

By Droopy on Monday, October 18, 1999 - 08:39 pm:

    j - if you use liquid wormwood it won't properly infuse into the drink. i assume you're doing the steeping thing into some vodka. if you put liquid wormwood in it won't become "one with the vodka" and will start to settle if you keep it bottled.

    other than that, as far as i know, nothing'll happen. unless it kills you.

By Rhiannon on Monday, October 18, 1999 - 09:21 pm:

    There's a reason all other alcohol is legal in this country except for that one. It's dangerous! Be careful.

By Droop on Monday, October 18, 1999 - 09:37 pm:

    i should've said something about that. what are you using? there's just wormwood flavoring - which is not wormwood at all and won't give you the narcotic effect and thus wouldn't be worth making. there's wormwood essence, which is what i thought you were talking about. and there's wormwood oil, which could cause renal failure and kill you.

    go find some dried wormwood.

    also, absinthe is a bitch to make and usually takes several tries before you come up with something that won't kill roaches on contact. at least that's my experience.

By Droop on Monday, October 18, 1999 - 09:42 pm:

    in fact, don't listen to me at all. try making coffee liqueur.

By Czarina on Tuesday, October 19, 1999 - 12:03 am:

    absinthe makes the heart grow fonder!

By Nate on Tuesday, October 19, 1999 - 12:34 pm:

    spider, spider, spider. the government outlaws all sorts of stuff that won't hurt you, and legalizes stuff that kills.

    nicotine kills more people each year than all illegal drugs put together.

    vote libertarian.

    thank you.

By J on Tuesday, October 19, 1999 - 03:02 pm:

    I,m not going to stop looking till I find it,maybe Adal will know,he,s good like that.