ASSFUCKING!!!!! What have you failed to do?: ASSFUCKING!!!!!
By Nate on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 - 08:53 pm:

    here it comes.

    i mean, don't let me beat around the bush. gotta push this puppy through as soon as possible. now is possible. push it.

    i've become obsessed. i've been obsessed, now i've become obsessed with polaroid self portraiture.

    i never realized. call it my cyst phase. though my rack is not nearly so...

    this will precede a painting phase.

    i can smell it. the air is thick. public access movies have naked women portrayed on cards thick.

    i have no wish to specialize. art is my ultimate womanity: when i get too close to something, i move to something else. when i get to familiar, i drop off and blow into something new with amature antigrace.

    i've recently taken up drinking again. not for any need. i enjoy it and am able to pull it off. better and better.

    i've noticed that i got back into it quickly. i'm better than ever. and without the weed it just brings me higher and higher.

    alcohol and caffine. the need for sleep remains but the desire to lessens. i secretly desire to be one of those non-sleeping artist types.

    oo. what a sicko. the oddest things surface when you write with(out) thought.

    i average 5 hours these days/nights. more because of extranate reasons than any conscious choice of my own.

    my temper. no dope no sleep. my temper is whetted to a razor thin edge. i explode. i've never been one to explode.

    i see it happening from two feet behind my brain. ocular transmutation. i rage out of control.

    it could almost be enjoyable except for the results. i could make myself lonely quickly.

    nearly did, i guess. though that was before.

    before i started my patterns.

    now she's back, and though i nearly wrote her off i'm still working on making this thing. engagement is odd. odd odd. an investment in hell, i'd almost have to say. throw it down and all the fears of both parties joins the fray.

    she's good, A. is. she gives me the doe eye stare when the lower brain takes hold. the cells i share with the reptile. i catch myself rapidly, usually. she blinks. i apologize almost instantly. often throw in a "why do you make me so angry" just to keep the cliche going.

    it makes the sex better.

    it's autumn. the testosterone is up. plus the ovulation. i'm linked well, cyclical with the 28.

    oy vey.

    the sheriff is visiting nextdoor. bad mountain methheads.

By sarah on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 - 09:39 pm:

    wow. there you are! you've returned.

    i was wondering what happened to you, mate.

By Isolde on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 - 10:03 pm:

    Silly mountain methheads.
    So, how are the poloroids and the reluctant bride progressing?

By pez on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 - 11:18 pm:

    that sounded like poetry. telling it like it is.

    sometimes i just stop because i think what i say is more important if people ask questions. mostly they don't.

By Tom on Thursday, September 28, 2000 - 03:19 am:

    listening is nearly a lost art?

    But I don't understand Nate enough to ask any questions that would turn me into an asshole and him into an asshole-tom beater.

By Tom on Thursday, September 28, 2000 - 03:19 am:

    er, that *wouldn't* turn us both such.

By patrick on Thursday, September 28, 2000 - 11:56 am:

    i could have vouched for the polaroid self portrait, drinks nightly, 5 hour sleeping, rage spawned fucking...a long time ago....i've been on that train for a year or two.......

    sustain delay sustain delay sustain delay

    you need a new waaaa pedal?

By Nate on Thursday, September 28, 2000 - 11:59 am:

    i went through a period where i smoked a lot of dope and listened to James "wah wah"

    listening is not important in a relationship. accepting that you're always wrong is the key.

By J on Thursday, September 28, 2000 - 12:10 pm:

    Accepting that your always wrong is the key.... naw,maybe you should start smoking dope again.Now I'll have nightmares about Nate being pussy whipped.

By Kalliope on Thursday, September 28, 2000 - 12:54 pm:

    When I first bought my Polaroid and showed it to my best friend the first words out of his mouth were, "Ok, so where's the titty shots?"

    I pretended to look shocked but handed them over reluctlantly.

    Nate...check out those little sticker Polaroid cameras. They take really nice mini-shots...sweet to make a collage out of.

    And maybe yer right kiddo. Maybe that's what I'm missing.

    Cuz I'm never wrong.

By patrick on Thursday, September 28, 2000 - 01:05 pm:

    thos lil cute polaroids baffle me. they are so damn small it's like whats the point. they cost as much as regualr polaroid, it's like if you are spending the money get me an image you can see without a fuckin loupe....

By Kalliope on Thursday, September 28, 2000 - 02:22 pm:

    yea but i saw it done with about 9 shots...all next to eachother in a nifty little frame.

    i likededed it.

By Isolde on Thursday, September 28, 2000 - 06:35 pm:

    Are you going to post the better poloroid specimens?

By pez on Friday, September 29, 2000 - 12:34 am:

    i have a vintage poloroid camera in my closet. the only problem is that i don't know if ordinary poloroid film will work...

    it's still a kickass looks pretty darn cool, has a matching case and a bunch of accessories...but no flashbulbs.

    dang. where can i get supplies?

By patrick on Friday, September 29, 2000 - 11:51 am:

    pez, your local camera shop. not the wolf camera in your local mall, but a professional camera shop. What is the model. I have several old polaroids i use. I can tell you anything you need to know about old school polaroids. film is available. it's professional grade film, they use on film sets and whatnot. there are various kinds, color, black and white, tungsten and daylight.

    However, i need to know what model you have, if its too old, it may take th eold syle roll film which is not available. however, if it takes the cartidge style film, you are in good.

    gimme details.

By Mavis on Friday, September 29, 2000 - 12:01 pm:

    pez- camera world on sw fifth and washington has all that stuff....

By pez on Friday, September 29, 2000 - 02:14 pm:

    i'm looking through the case now. i found a box of film, 75 speed type 48...use before december '71.

    it's about 11" long, 5" high, and 2" wide (i'm guessing here). i don't have an instruction booklet, but there's a card pasted to the back with directions.

    i have to open the front to get at the camera itself. the apparatus expands out, and the shutter cover is labeled "110a". when i open it, there's a bunch of camera gobbledygook that i recognise from my mom's old camera that she had about four different lenses for.

    inside the back are a couple of spools, i'm assuming these hold the film in place.

    there are several insriptions here, including "poloroid land camera", "poloroid corporation, cambridge mass.", "made in usa" and "patented no's. 2,435,717; 2,435,720; 2,455,111; d-152,229; 2,504,312; 2,531,936; 2,538,511; 2,543,159 and others."

    i think that's all i can say about it right now (i don't know if there's any other info to be found), but i need to go to class right about now.

By patrick on Friday, September 29, 2000 - 02:22 pm:

By pez on Friday, September 29, 2000 - 04:54 pm:

    yup. that's it, exactly. it's a pretty neat looking camera.

    yikes. oh well.

By patrick on Friday, September 29, 2000 - 05:47 pm:

    I have one of these

    one of the partiuclar models I am after is this one:
    The Swinger Model

    they are super cheapo on ebay and there is little than can go worng with them..LOTS OF FUN!

By pez on Saturday, September 30, 2000 - 03:14 am:

    neat looking cameras!

    i'd love to get a camera that's completely manual that i can change the lenses on. then learn how to develop film.

    but i must concentrate on my studies and my job instead. maybe i could find one during winter break...

By JusMiceElf on Sunday, October 1, 2000 - 12:51 am:

    I lent out my gramps's old Konika to a friend. It's an Autoreflex T. I forget which lenses I gave her; I should check. My sis has the FC-1 which I learned on, a handmedown from my dad, he got almost twenty years out of it, I got another ten or so, now i have a Canon that'll do everything for you but wipe your ass. Of course, you can use it fully manual too, which I often do. I still have gramps's Konica lenses. The zoom in particular 8-200 is heavy as fuck (heavier than my Canon body with a zoom on it), but damn, that takes some *fine* pictures. When I move, someday, I'm buying me an old farm up in the North country, and putting in a darkroom.

By pez on Sunday, October 1, 2000 - 02:36 am:

    my working camera is a minolta phd. it makes way too much noise, and i can't do anything with it, except use flash.


By semillama on Sunday, October 1, 2000 - 02:26 pm:

    All I really want is a simple old style SLR, with absolutely nothing automatic. Is that so wrong?

By Cat on Sunday, October 1, 2000 - 04:47 pm:

    What about World peace, Sem? You selfish bastard you.

By pez on Sunday, October 1, 2000 - 06:35 pm:

    i think i still have an old flashless 110 cartrige camera somewhere. easy to use, but the back came open and half my photos were ruined.

By sarah on Monday, October 2, 2000 - 01:59 am:

    i want a lomo. and a digital camera.

By Dougie on Monday, October 2, 2000 - 08:42 am:

    When you take your disposable camera to have the film developed, do they reuse the body of the camera, the batteries, etc? It seems like such a waste if they just throw it away after one use.

By TBone on Monday, October 2, 2000 - 09:54 am:

    they usually just throw it away. I always take the film out of them and give them that. Disposables rewind the film as they take pictures, so when it's all done, the film is inside the canister and safe to remove.

    You can turn the flash ones into low-grade tazers. Zap the holy hell out of a close friend for laughs. Get that capacitor good and charged, then just hand the camera guts to someone.

By Nate on Monday, October 2, 2000 - 10:10 am:

    hm. i just had this picture of swine wandering around manhattan with disposable camera guts strapped to the end of a stick.

By pez on Monday, October 2, 2000 - 11:18 am:

    i always thought they returned the used camera to the manufacturer.

By J on Monday, October 2, 2000 - 11:40 am:

    I think the Clinton's are moving to Manhattan,maybe Swine can cop Hillary's mom.

By Tom on Monday, October 2, 2000 - 02:16 pm:

    nope. You can actually rip the battery out of the disposable cameras yourself, and keep it. You paid for it, after all, and all they need is the film. I think half the batteries I have right now are ex-disposable-camera batteries. Hrm. think I'll mail all the guts to Tbone, see if we can't make one gigantic flash-bomb?

    worth a shot.

By TBone on Monday, October 2, 2000 - 02:32 pm:

    That'd be sweet.

    I used to have a huge box full of AA batteries from flash cameras. If you go to a Wal Mart and ask the film developer people just right, they'll give you an assload of mostly-charged AA batteries that they rip outa those cameras. Lots of people never even figure out how to use the flashes on those suckers anyhow.

    The batteries are cool. All different colors, lots of them have no english or even roman characters on them. Japanese mostly.

By Tom on Monday, October 2, 2000 - 08:16 pm:

    yeah. Friend of mine worked at Rite-Aid for ages, got lots of 'em.

    hrm. no I'm thinking 'bout flash-bombs. Heh. I know nothing about electricity and wires. They tried to teach me, but the transplant wouldn't take. When I was about ten, I took a blender apart, and inside was this huge ball of wire, wrapped really tightly around a metal framework, with the ends of the wires going out to the motor that spun the blades of the blender. I took the blades off, stuck the motor onto the frame, put some toys on it, and cut & spliced a power cord straight into the big ball-o-wire, then plugged it in. I think I thought the toys would go spinning around, but I almost burned the house down, instead. The whole thing just exploded. it was great. I think that's one of the only memories I have of being ten.
