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By JusMiceElf on Thursday, December 26, 2002 - 11:05 am:

    Grrrrr....I made reservations for this morning to use a darkroom in Jamaica Plain, nearly an hour from my house by subway. They open at nine, and I was going to print from nine to one, then take the subway back to catch a two o'clock appointment. Well, I get there at nine, and the place is locked. Figuring that they might be running late because of last night's snow, I took a walk around the neighborhood, and checked back at nine-thirty, then went home, not wanting to wait around any longer. I got home and called--turns out the woman on duty didn't make it in until ten--and by now, there's not much point in me going back, not to mention I don't want to spend another two hours on public transportation. I asked for free time to make up for my wasted trip, but she said she couldn't do that, and she'd ask the director.

    There's a darkroom closer by, in a new arts building, but I can't ever seem to get ahold of any of the photographers there to get information.

    All of this makes it damn frustrating when I'm trying to build a portfolio. I'm taking another class starting in January, but I can only use the darkroom there evenings and weekends, and their equipment is old and persnickity.

By kazoo on Thursday, December 26, 2002 - 11:36 am:

    That sucks. Where are you taking classes? My brother got a bunch of photo stuff for Christmas this year. If I were home longer, I would offer the use of our darkroom; though my stepfather's equiptment is probably pretty old and persnickity. It would probably take you just as long to get to Lowell on the commuter rail.

By JusMiceElf on Thursday, December 26, 2002 - 06:03 pm:

    Thanks Kaz--Lowell is probably just as much of a schlepp as JP. I really like that darkroom; not only does it have good equipment (and a CD player), but there are often other interesting photographers printing there, from hobbyists to serious professionals. It's a good way to meet folks and see what they are working on. I just got steamed today because I blew my morning going over there and back, and had no way of knowingthat they'd be open late.