of course, I've never talked to an evangelical christian about them. I'm sick today and dependent on the web for my entertainment needs, so I've been poking around on and have had a good time reading what christians have to say about halloween. and here and there I've found funny comments on jack chick and on "hell houses" (christian alternative to haunted houses -- they lead you through scenes of eternal torture of non-christians, and at the end they pressure you into accepting jesus christ as your personal savior or whatever). just thought I'd share some. (I think you can see for yourself at but you might have to register first. " I don't do halloween but I will be giving out the halloween chick tracts with candy. Have you read the chick comics? They have 4 booklets for halloween. ... 2) Be careful with the Chick tracts - some of them are quite harsh and can turn-off unbelievers (especially Catholics). I believe the Chick tracts speak the truth, I am just not sure they do it in love. In fact, there is an anti-Chick web site out in the world wide web where people make fun of the tracts. There are other tracts that are better (IMHO). Bridge to LIfe comes to mind. [ed. note: turn off unbelievers??? I think they're grrrr-eat! (though I haven't been convinced yet.] ... I have noticed that some of the Chick tracts are a little harsh. Sure they are true, but I agree with you that they could be a little more gentle. I've heard about the "Hell houses", but I've never gone through one. They might get kids scared and looking into the things of God. We don't have anything like that in the town where we live. [ahahahaha. wouldn't want to get the kids looking into the things of god or anything like that! I know fundies make easy targets. I should stop now.] |
have any of you gone into a hell house? "We have a Hell House in my area every year. I went twice last year and so did my neice and nephew. I didn't think it was too graphic. I thought it was very well done actually. The pro-life one was done very well. I don't see how it can scare you into salvation though. Any prime time program on T.V. is much more graphic though I think Hell house should be for kids over the age of 5 yrs. There was only one skit my nephew age 12 did not like and that was the date rape skit. The rest wasn't that bad." |
I'll try to locate it and post the address here. | |
Seriously, the people there scared me a little. And I don't mean that in a trying-to-be-humorous way, either. It was a little creepy the way they seemed to believe Everything they'd ever been told about christianity and what the bible said. There didn't seem to be any room for debate. I'm not saying All Christians are like this...obviously they're not...just that this group of people seemed almost brainwashed. Like zombies. I always thought people who had strong faith must be very happy, but I didn't sense any happiness or any kind of emotion at All from the people writing these notes. They just seemed dead. I wondered if they were just clutching onto religion because they didn't have anything else going in their lives. Of course I may just be assuming too much. I've never had anything against people with strong faith and wotnot (how could I? I have my own very strong beliefs), just...there was something very creepy about these people. Did you get that impression at all, Cyst, or am I being judgemental? |
I was given a tract once at Halloween. I was small at the time, I wish I had kept it. Some hand-drawn thing...about how the only real ghost in the world was a spirit...the holy spirit. These people amuse me to the point of being terrified. Lemme raid my bookmark file for a sec here.... the classic this is where they play rock songs backwards so you can hear the "satanic messages", in blessed RealAudio! you *must* hear these. from South Park to Disney movies, no-one is save! see ya in hell.... |
the people on the delphi list are for real. they seem wholly sincere to me. I found another good quote: "My main problem, I suppose, is that my mind stops working when [deists] start shooting this verse, and that verse, and try to mumble you up with so called science. I know it is the Devil keeping me from thinking clearly, so it takes me a while to respond sometimes, then they say, well you must not be sure if it is taking you this long to answer, or something like that." I know it is wrong to make fun of fundamentalist christians -- not because they're in the right or deserve special respect, but because there is obviously no challenge in finding humor in the words of people who feel they must believe that the whole of the bible is literally true. but still. |
Hi Stacy. Sorry if anything I said offended you. I didn't mean anything nasty, if that's the way it came out :-) And I'm sorry for assuming you were an unbeliever. I thought you said that in your previous post. You said you weren't a Christian, and I always thought that meant someone was an unbeliever. At least that's what the Bible calls it, I believe. * In Christ, Paula |
You know it's so cool to make fun of people. When people try to help you and they insult you, did you think that maybe they didn't mean to. Perhaps you know that what they are saying is right, and you don't what to admit it. The problem with the world and people who hate Christians ( I mean real Christians, who read the bible, and follow it) is that they seem to contradict themselves: if what the Christians and the bible are saying is really false, why do you care so much about it? People wouldn't insult and hate christians if they were wrong. I mean some people hate muslims, but not because they always try to help like the Christians are trying to ,but because some think that muslims want to kill them. People use the word Fundamentalist, in describing Christians and Muslims, when they are completely different. These definitions are one of many problems. Jesus Christ said " Father forgive them , for they know not what they do." While he was dying! If that isn't love I don't know what is! I'm a christian who simply believes that the bible is the truth, and that Jesus Christ is "the Way , the Truth and the Life, and no one comes to the father except through Me." If you don't believe this then , you can still believe it, but there will come a time when as only God knows, that it will be too late.Ask Jesus Christ about it. The antichrist is coming and the world will follow him , but Jesus Christ's disciples will die instead of following the antichrist.Many will think antichrist is Jesus Christ. Please don't believe it! |
uh-huh. They're not trying to "help". They're doing what they have to do to stay out of hell. Fundamentalist Christians just happen to believe that turning other people over to jesus will save them too. That's not helping. Being nice and helpful to everyone when you've got a gun to your head (going to hell) isn't worth much. Scientology and other cults are 'just trying to help' people too. "People use the word Fundamentalist, in describing Christians and Muslims, when they are completely different." how are they different? Fundamentalist -adj : (theology) A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism. "If you don't believe this then... there will come a time when as only God knows, that it will be too late.Ask Jesus Christ about it. The antichrist is coming" See, THIS is maybe why people don't like hard-core christians. A perfectly normal conversation can be had, but then BAM, onto the end times prophecy stuff. Surely you must understand how this can turn people off. |
I'll miss you. |
I don't adjust well to change. |
Post updates from the local public library, at least. We need you. |