my photography cat, im sorry, you are relativelt new here, i didnt want to bore the others as they have seen and heard about it for year or longer......(yes its been over a year at this place)
Beautiful pics...especially love the nude with venetian blinds. My compliments to Herr Frankenheimer as well, he really knows how to snap and make snappy captions too.
i like the toenail picture. very cool. I also like the shot of the downtown alleyway. my favorite part of L.A. especially on the weekends when there's no one there.
Nice photos, Patrick. BTW, how did you get the name, "Waffleboy?" Is it from a fondness for batter fried in an iron and drenched with syrup, or are you a middle of the roader, able to identify with views to either side of you? Just curious.