My favorite phone psychic Is it art?: My favorite phone psychic
By The Dinner Lady on Monday, September 4, 2000 - 09:16 pm:

    Is this woman's ad on in every market? I think her name is Mrs. Cleo and she is (supposedly) a straight shooting Jamacian telephone psychic. Her ad has a lot of her talking in clever accent reading tarot cards and doling out advice to callers in a somewhat harsh yet loving tone. I can't turn off her ad! If I knew I'd get to call up and get her I almost think I'd pay. Do we think she is an actress or what? Has anyone else been transfixed by this ad?

By J on Tuesday, September 5, 2000 - 02:15 am:

    Hon,don't waste your money,I will do it for free.I would never waste my money on this,I am sort of shocked,this coming from you.

By The Dinner Lady on Tuesday, September 5, 2000 - 12:50 pm:

    Oh no, don't get me wrong. I don't mean I'm dying to call her because I think she will have a 'burning truth' to reveal, she's just so charasmatic on TV I want her to come over my house and hang out. She seems like someone's crazy aunt or something. I'm just wondering if she's the proprietor or if she is an actress - I suppose in some ways coming up with this Jamacian stereotype thing is sort of uncool?

By blindswine on Tuesday, September 5, 2000 - 01:13 pm:

    she's an actress.

By droopy on Tuesday, September 5, 2000 - 01:50 pm:

    i have a relative who's a phone psychic. complete bullshit artist. but it's a living.

By John on Tuesday, September 5, 2000 - 02:25 pm:

    ____ ,------------------------------------------, . _ .
    /# /_\_ | "This Doc Is Over. See You Next Time!!" | |\_|/__/|
    | |/o\o\ | "What'll Do Till My Next Update?" | / / \/ \ \
    | \_/_/ | "You Could Spackle The Den!" | /__|O||O|__ \
    / |_ | |"You Could Sing 'Edits Suck' Over & Over!"| |/_ \_/\_/ _\ |
    | ||\_ ~| | "I Know...Read!" | | | (____) | ||
    | ||| \/ | | \/\___/\__/ //
    | |||_ | Norman "Stimpy" Sippel | (_/ ||
    \// | | Alias "Shawn" "Killer Kadoogen" | | ||
    || | | | | ||\
    ||_ \ | Thought To Be Emailed At ._________| \ //_/
    \_| o| | | HAPPY | \______//
    /\___/ | | HAPPY | __ || __||
    / ||||__ | | JOY JOY | (____(____)
    (___)_) |------------------------------------------| /~~~~~~~~~~~\

By The Dinner Lady on Tuesday, September 5, 2000 - 02:59 pm:

    Was that a psychic prediction?

    I myself am having a revelation now.