Saatchi art awards (modern) Is it art?: Saatchi art awards (modern)
By V on Tuesday, February 28, 2006 - 04:16 pm:

    The last time I went to an exibition of "new art,by young,fresh artists"I allmost got thrown out for my non-stop laughing,what a load of bull shit it was,splatters of paint on a 10 by 20 foot canvas,"yours for only 40,000$"...I paint what I see in my dreams,but if I show them to people they take a gulp,and make for the door,my dreams are not nice,but my paintings tend to hit hard,I did a lot of photos of them,but Peter,my Brother, insisted on keeping them all,he tells me they are awesome works of art,Peter him self is no fool,he made hugh amounts of money for the high street chain stores of London as a fashion designer, but since his last cancer scare,he no longer wants to work,I keep telling him we dont get cancer in our family,we just get "growths"...v spat one out 2 years back from my lungs,pale pink and about 1/4 inch from tip to stern,the other,in the back of my gullet I got cut out by a lazer...the surgeon told me at the time "its not a problem,v,its just a pink thing".....sometimes I wonder if I live in a mad,mad,world.