please help....roomates...... I need advice: please help....roomates......
Wisper on Wednesday, August 4, 1999 - 01:26 pm:

    so I'm looking for a room-mate to share my appartment for school in Sept., and I really have no idea what I'm doing. I have it pretty much narrowed down (I think) to 2 or 3 people, I like this one girl more than the rest, and she has a car *bonus*, seems cool in emails, I'm going to call or meet up with her later this week I think....
    I have to break it to the other people. I hate this. Too sensitive, I am. Blah. Yuck. Fuck.
    Any tips? I've given up on trying to figure out who's got the least psycho factor, it's 50/50 with everyone, as far as I'm concerned. Just a risk I have to take. I really don't know what I'm doing...I know I said that before.....

    help me sorabji friends!!!

By Lawanda on Wednesday, August 4, 1999 - 06:52 pm:

    Check references! If I had done my homework when I was young and trying to rent out a room, I could have saved myself a lot of worry. If they don't have references, don't let them in the door. If they've never rented before, make sure their local branch of "Bank of Mom and Dad" is open and ready for business.

    Lordie, I've had some weird roommates. Only one was actually evil and dangerous. Don't think she even knew it. One of those people that just is a trouble-magnet.

    From then on, I only rented rooms that other people were offering. Then I could move out if the other person was psycho. No one ever asked me to move out in 10 years of renting.

By J on Thursday, August 5, 1999 - 11:15 am:

    My first room-mate was my best friend Debbie,it didn,t work out,it was like the odd couple with hormones,plus she was fucking everybody in the complex.I lived with my best friend Bruce and it was all good,some of the best times of my life,but we are alot alike,ya yas.

By J on Thursday, August 5, 1999 - 01:07 pm:

    My above post,those are when I actually had to pay the rent and sign a lease,I didn,t include the places I lived for free.