And what does it mean to be "middle-class" in the 21st century, anyway? (Just so I can update my files...) |
perhaps a better questin would be: Do the moral values of a conservative, middle class Euro-American family take on a generic quality in a commercial consumer environment? |
does a moral conservative environment take on a generic euro-american consumer quality in a commercial middle class? does a quasi-generic southern fried moral environment take on a pragmatic value based moral relationship with a middle class conservationist if foucault was a euro-american masochist? lies all lies |
you heard it here first. |
commercial consumer environment. We're all reduced to marketing surveys and advertising target groups. |
Just out of curiousity, has Sorabjiland ever resulted in a love connection? Not that I am predicting such if Heather and I meet, that's more like one of those coincidences that two of us will be in the same town at the same time. |
me and sheila. |
I didn't say all middle class people are conservative. Taetia, that's a good answer. Semi, that's right. Isolde, that's the best answer I've heard yet. I don't know how to reply to most of these questions. I could say: "Blue because the earth is not flat." By the way, What kind of arithmetic is that ________ ? |
Everyone is an "individual" these days, but when it comes down to it, nobody will break from their "alternative" herd. e.g. you fuckers, although I think my point stands even without such a compelling example being so ready to hand. As for "moral conservatism", could you define that? And as for "middle class" I'd say that your idea of the middle class has been colored by the popular view of middle class people, which has been sold to you by the same consumer culture that you criticize. That's a lot of people to be tarring with one brush. |
Main ingredient: fear - fear of changes and challenges; fear of making a mistake, of looking silly or strange; fear of losing - especially money and jobs - and fear of winning too much in case someone is upset. Place in a large mythical Golden Age bowl, with full employment, polite teenagers, chicks and spics and niggers knowing their places, Coca Cola Christmasses and apple pie all round. Add a heaped spoonful of Christianity: pleasure is sin, the work ethic, gender dualism, asceticism, guilt, blame, and the desire for absolution. Separate spiritualism. Add external spiritualism - searching for meaning in the outer world, empty rituals, the need to prove things to others - and discard the ability to find happiness in the silence of one's soul. |
forget that we are animals and that our instinctual urges often clash with what our society expects of us. don't let your ugly side out for the anonymous public to experience, but save it for the people who are closest to you because they are the only ones that will forgive you even if you don't deserve forgiveness. |
I also forgot baking instructions. Place in a hot oven of global change and conflict, and bake for 30-35 years until the outside is hard and the centre is hollow. Serve to everyone whether they want it or not. In fact - serve especially to those who reject it, as they are obviously most in need. |