My heart hiccups. It feels like it catches and stutters for a beat and then keeps going. Is this something to be concerned about? |
It could be a lot of things. Get it checked. |
the doctor told her to stop with the caffeine and it went away |
I have PCOS, which raises your insulin levels, and I've read that high insulin levels do things to your heart. Maybe that's what's going on. Or, I've been drinking caffeinated beverages this week, after having abstained from caffeine since the No-doz incident in December. Maybe that's what's doing it. Today, it only happened about three times. Sometimes it's very noticeable -- I'll suddenly feel like I can't breathe or that something my chest. Other times it just feels like my heart fluttered a little. Well, I'll find out in a few days. Thanks for the advice. |
I drank a bunch of coffee saturday and then went to the gym and did my most intense workout ever. last night I tried to replicate the feat without any stimulants. I failed. I want to succeed. how very bad is it to engage in sustained aerobic exercise immediately following caffeine intake? |
No idea. I pay little attention to caffeine, as it has no effect on me. Probably not a problem, I'd guess, for someone in normal health. A mild stimulant combined with vigorous exercise might even be a good thing; or at least not a bad thing. Or something else. I've got no idea, it seems. |
I mean, I know it must be doubly stressful to the heart, but so what? I can take it. I thought of you today, markus, when I was getting some coffee, something you wouldn't do. and I thought of nate after reading the definition of "a tergo" in the foreign phrases section of the dictionary. |
I went to the doctor on Wednesday. She listened to my heart and told me I sounded fine. Then she sent me home. Okay. So I did an experiment. I went without caffeine on Thurs., Fri., Sat., and Sun. No heart flutters. At 3:30 today I had a bottle of diet Coke. At 4:09 my heart made the little pause-hiccup move. I conclude it's the caffeine. When I go home for spring break next month, I'll have my (trusted) doctor check it out, just in case. |
We had a blood drive last week. I tried to give blood, but they said my heart rate was too fast (140 bpm). I was nervous. I'm nervous a lot. Maybe my heart has had enough and is asking for a break? |
There's only so much one can tell by listening. You really should insist on an ECG. To get optimal MD attention, I'd pound a couple Cokes right before the appointment. Doctors are goddamn lazy; unless it's something obviously wrong with an obvious fix, like a broken arm, they're always going to go for the "Nope, you're fine, get out of my office you hypochondriac, I'm running an hour behind on appointments." It's understandable; they're overbooked, and a lot of the people they see shouldn't be there. You got the flu? Stay home in bed with fluids instead of spreading it to everyone else in the waiting room; the doc can't really do anything for you anyway. I spent several months in hospitals before I learned not to defer to the doctors. You have to push them sometimes. Even the good ones are overworked, and however empathetic they are, they don't care about your health as much as you do. You're the patient's advocate. If you don't speak up on your own behalf, no one's going to. |
I had higher heart rate and blood pressure before I started exercising regularly. do you get any aerobic exercise, gee? |
Right now my pulse is at 74 bpm, so it's not always that high. When I go to the doctor, do I just say, "I'd like to have an ECG done"? |
I'm trying not to become one of those pushy exercise fanatics. this weekend I realized I can ride my bike to go places. I got so drunk saturday night that I couldn't even drive, so sunday I had to go pick up my car. I only tried a little to get a ride, and I only tried at all because it was raining pretty hard. then I rode halfway across town. it was so fucking fun. I rode on saturday too. and I met a nice hippie guy at the community action project place a few blocks from me. he was digging up the grass in the strip between the sidewalk and the street. he said he was going to plant a butterfly garden. he would put in plants that would attract butterflies from miles around. he spoke in that slow, inner-peace way, and I was all charmed and didn't know what to say. he asked me what my name was, and I wanted to tell him not to bother. I thought of saying, "don't be fooled! I am a BAD PERSON. I hardly ever ride my bike, I don't volunteer, I'm not vegetarian. hell, sometimes I don't even recycle!" I don't know what the fuck gets into me. why I always have these perverse thoughts. like last night. I got bored with traffic laws, some of which should only apply when there are a lot of other cars around. so on a red light I turned left from a one-way street onto a two-way street. I didn't think I would get caught. but then I see lights and hear a siren. thank god I wasn't drunk or stoned. but still, I wondered how much this was going to cost me. more than $100, I'm sure. so this cute blond/blue police officer asks me for my licenseregistrationproofofinsurance. bless his heart, he didn't ask me why he pulled me over. I might have refused to play dumb. he told me why he pulled me over and then told me it was illegal. I said ok. he went back to his car for a LONG LONG LONG time. I decided for sure he was writing up a ticket. but he finally came back and told me he was just going to warn me. he said, "I know the oregon drivers' manual is a little unclear on this, but..." I wanted to yell at him, "I KNOW WHAT THE GODDAMN DRIVERS' MANUAL SAYS. I am not stupid! I waited for that jerk at that bar for half an hour by myself, and I didn't feel like fucking waiting at the stupid light in zero traffic for another half-hour. all I wanted to do was go the fuck home, ok?" but I just said, "ok, thank you. ok. yes." |
(And I think I've got Gee beat for neuroses. I'm a mental valetudinarian.) |
thank you for telling me that, rhiannon. I copy some stuff I write here and send it to the friend I admire most because he says he loves it and that helps me feel consequential. also, some of it is going to go into the monster web page I'm working on. oh, the neighbors are finally taking out the garbage, thank god. |
Now the heart doesn't do the pause-hiccup thing, it just flutters. It happens many times a day, caffeine or no caffeine. It's not particularly noticeable (it doesn't make me catch my breath the way I would when it would pause), but I definitely want my doctor to know about it, even if she can't do anything for me. Thank you for your concern. |