To tell or not to tell... I need advice: To tell or not to tell...
By moont on Thursday, June 22, 2000 - 11:57 pm:

    Right then. I'll try not to make this confusing.

    A few years ago I used to flat (translation room) with a guy called Kelly. (He also happened to be my ex's brother). Anyhoo, he had a huge huge crush on Jules.

    Jules moved to Nelson two weeks ago for her job.

    Kelly lives in Nelson.

    They met up.

    I had a long chat with Jules the other night. She mentioned that she thought Kelly might like her again and that she hoped not cause she doesnt like him like that.

    I got an email from him on Wednesday.

    He likes her like that.

    Its a pretty serious email. Asking me what he should do to make her notice him etc etc.

    I'm going to reply with something along the lines of 'I dont think she likes you like that, and so on.

    The question is: Do I tell her that I know hes interested for sure?
    Cause I think it would make her act all uncomfortable round him and she wont wanna hang out with him no more - but she doesnt really know anyone up there. But then, I honestly doubt he will take my advice and will probably hit on her anyway, so maybe I should tell her and then she can tell him that he doesnt have a chance.

    argh, help.

By K on Friday, June 23, 2000 - 08:16 am:

    new tom robbins novel. quote to die for:

    "All depression has it's roots in self-pity and all self-pity is rooted in people taking themselves too seriously."

By Gee on Saturday, June 24, 2000 - 11:36 am:

    moonit, don't tell Jules if she's gonna be uncomfterble. tell the guy you know For a Fact that she's not interested in him. That Jules told you herSelf she wasn't interested. if he doesn't lay off after that, he's a boob.

By Antigone on Sunday, June 25, 2000 - 02:44 am:

    Tell. tell now. Tell often.

By Isolde on Sunday, June 25, 2000 - 12:36 pm:

    Or just tell him he's a boob straight off and leave it at that. You might tell him to tell her himself, though. I've never liked it when people went behind my backish like that, and he might feel uncomfortable wondering if she knows or any rate. Tell him he's a boob.