
sorabji.com: I need advice: Lordy
By Willy Nilly on Thursday, August 3, 2000 - 08:46 pm:

    I've just had a very difficult day.

    I rescued this kitten from my place of work. The library has a group of stray cats. This one kitten was in really really bad shape. I took her home, but boy was she a handful... but also very affectionate and not too much of a complainer, considering that she has a whole catalogue of problems.

    Anyway, I can't really keep her. Well, I can, but I can't. My situation is that I'm probably not going to be living where I'm living for too much longer. I plan on moving back home eventually... and sooner rather than later. I've already started saving towards, but I don't know how long that will take. So my problem is, I have a cat back home being taken care of by my folks. He doesn't like other cats, and I wouldn't suffer the hassle of bringing him across the border, so I couldn't see myself bringing her back with me... and a kitten has a really long life span.

    I'm babbling. I brought her to a vet who said he'd shelter it until it was adopted. I feel a bit lonely now. I hadn't really grown too attached to her, but I feel kind of like I've been robbed. In a way, it happened so fast. I was bringing her to a shelter to get her looked at, and I ran into two people who got distressed by the idea that the kitten would be euthanised at this shelter. I would never have left the kitten there. I was mislead on the phone that someone would look at the kitten and be able to tell me whether the kitten had curable problems or not.

    These two people were going to this vet. I'm really happy that they didn't try to kill me (getting in a car with complete strangers is generally unwise... more unwise in Brooklyn). I paid the vet for the battery of tests, and left the kitten there with the promise that it could stay there until it was adopted.

    I kind of feel a bit apprehensive. I guess I want to make sure the cat is ok, and I feel guilty that I didn't keep her. Very, very guilty.

By Trace on Friday, August 4, 2000 - 10:43 am:

    You were just doing what was best for the kitten, and you have a golden heart. I am sure it will be just fine.

By Willy Nilly on Friday, August 4, 2000 - 12:08 pm:

    Well... one thing I've learned living here is that everyone is out to get my money. I have so little, you'd think it's not worth the bother. Anyway, I'm afraid that the vet may not do any tests (sometimes vets become very cold hearted after a while) or may end up putting her down to avoid any hassle.

    I could have kept her until she was better.

    I feel better though... just a little sad because she seemed to be growing very attached to me.

By Trace on Friday, August 4, 2000 - 12:13 pm:

    Those things are hard. That cat may have had distemper or some other nasty thing that is very hard to deal with. It is hard to say. But, what you did was in the best interest of the kitten.

By Willy Nilly on Friday, August 4, 2000 - 02:07 pm:

    I hope so. I think calling today might be too soon, but I'll call on Monday to find out what she has and whether she's better. I should have given her a name. I thought she was a boy, though.

    I'm looking into foster pet caring. I could do that.

    All in all, I'm doing better. I hope that she does better too.

By Antigone on Friday, August 4, 2000 - 07:54 pm:

    Trace, I'm suprised with you. Based on your tirade in the other thread, it seem like you'd say, "Fuck the cat, let it fend for itself!" Why this different attitude?

    (Genuine question here, not a flame)

By Willy Nilly on Saturday, August 5, 2000 - 11:07 am:

    Do you mean me and my cat paw taping? Like I said, I did that because I thought it was funny, and maybe I was more of a jerk back then... I regret having done (even though when I picture my cat doing those silly things it still makes me laugh).

    Generally, though, I've always feel bad when I see something suffering. In a way I also feel guilty for feeling sad about this kitten - some people have much bigger problems to worry about and be sad over - all I'm complaining about is having to give up a cat I didn't really want in the first place? I'm not starving, I'm not homeless, I am a bit lonely because I live far from friends and family, but that was also my decision. I have everything I need, though. What's my problem?

    I wish I knew.

By Willy Nilly on Saturday, August 5, 2000 - 11:09 am:

    Oh, I did call (I couldn't help myself) and she's doing ok, but the test results won't be back until Monday. Part of me wants to go get her when she's better, but another part of me knows I can't... argh.

    There are no foster cat programs around here. You'd think that full shelters would welcome a cat being taken off their hands, even if only temporarily?

By Trace on Saturday, August 5, 2000 - 12:13 pm:

    A cat can expand your life span, that has been proven scientifically, and the right cat (not mine) can be the best company when you are lonely.
    As far as a different attitude towards a cat, I am compassionate (antigone), I am just tired of people blaming everyone else for their problems that create for themselves and demanding hand outs. The cat did not do this to his/herself. In Willy's case here, she stepped in where it was needed. In smokers (and I am one) case's,they are the ones that buy these things and smoke them knowing full well what they can do.

By semillama on Saturday, August 5, 2000 - 04:10 pm:

    Hold on - on the other thread you stated (more or less)that many people who don't smoke also get lung cancer, implying that there may not be a concrete cause-and-effect re: smoking/cancer, that it may just as likely be environment/cancer. Therefore, how can one justify letting the smokers fend for themselves, when it may have been the environment that caused the cancer instead? Just let everyone with cancer fend for themselves?

    What are you, a Republican?

By Antigone on Saturday, August 5, 2000 - 07:35 pm:

    Hey, sem! Ease up on the guy! You don't need to insult him like that...

    You really should adopt his philosophy: If he's going to dig himself into a logical hole, we should just sit back and watch, maybe chuckle a bit. He neither wants nor requires your help in explaining his rhetoric, so why offer? :-)

By Bell_jar on Saturday, August 5, 2000 - 09:22 pm:

    funny. i ended up with another cat this week. god damn it. the freaking cat screams all night long. i can't get any sleep. bitterness, bitterness. i need to find the damn thing a home. i'm too soft-hearted i couldn't let my friend give it to the humane society to be killed. damn damn double damn. i haven't slept well in days.


By Trace on Sunday, August 6, 2000 - 12:45 am:

    Good point. I was speaking completely on the issue of ciggarette smokers/cancer. I did not say cigarettes did not cause cancer (no difinitive answer will probably ever be provided). I simply meant that cigarette smokers who end up with lung cancer should not be provided a legal recourse to have their bills payed for them.

By Antigone on Sunday, August 6, 2000 - 01:25 am:

    Hmmm... That would be a good argument if you weren't missing so many facets of the issue. But, you shouldn't be corrected, right? Everyone has a right to be wrong, yes?

    Sigh... I shouldn't respond, I know. The only reason I do is that I have this nagging need to point out arrogant stupidity. I guess that's a character flaw on my part. But, then again, according to "Tracism" I have the right to play out my character flaws, no matter what the consequences! Oh, joy! (Sarcasm too... I could get into this...)

By Trace on Sunday, August 6, 2000 - 01:37 am:

    Arrogant? Me? No. Just opinionated. As we both are. If anyone were arrogant...but, you are correct in one point at least, the insults will cease. How old are you, if I might be so bold?

By Antigone on Sunday, August 6, 2000 - 04:43 am:

    29. Why, you cruising for a piece of ass, or something?

By Trace on Sunday, August 6, 2000 - 10:48 am:

    I don't think so. I was just wanting to find out more about you

By semillama on Sunday, August 6, 2000 - 12:47 pm:

    If we didn't respond to stuff like this, this board would be really damn dull.

    However, stuff like that moron Satan's drivel is stuf that can be ignored, because it's so vapid.

    Trace is a rarity around these parts, in that he seems to be genuine in being classically conservative.

    Since we're being curious around here, Trace, do you lean towards Republicnism or Libertarianism on the political spectrum?

    On a side note, what ever happened to Libertarianism? You don't hear a lot about it these days. Did they field a candidate for president this time around?

By Cat on Sunday, August 6, 2000 - 03:54 pm:

    And Trace, if you are male, then perhaps you need to know Antigone has matching plumbing.

By Antigone on Sunday, August 6, 2000 - 04:46 pm:

    I plead the second amendment on that charge...

By J on Sunday, August 6, 2000 - 07:33 pm:

    LOL!!! Antigone,what gets in you? What are you getting into?

By Antigone on Sunday, August 6, 2000 - 09:36 pm:

    Wha? Whaddya mean? I don't understand... :-)

By Trace on Sunday, August 6, 2000 - 11:46 pm:

    I don't want to know what he is getting into;;;
    Libertarianism in beleifs, but Republican in voting until they find a decent presidential canidate. I think Buchanan is their choice this time around.
    And I am male, very male.

By J on Monday, August 7, 2000 - 02:27 am:

    When I was poor I was a democrat,now that I have money,I am a Republican(now that I really see where my tax money goes).I don't give a flying fuck what anyone has to say about this,I am still going to do,what I am going to do

By J on Monday, August 7, 2000 - 01:21 pm:

    I'm sober now,politicians,no matter what party they are in, are all liars,I wouldn't piss on one if they were on fire.

By Trace on Sunday, August 13, 2000 - 12:25 am:

    Applause for J!