(that can't be a word.) i am leaving on the 19th. every day is like christmas eve! |
pardon DUMBASS |
There's Coney Island/NY Aquarium (easy ride to Brooklyn on the subway), Staten Island Ferry (great views of Manhattan & a cheap ride), MoMA, Chinatown (just walk around and find a place to eat -- or if you need recommendations, I've got 'em, i.e., Joe's Shanghai on Pell St. is THE best), Central Park Zoo & Bronx Zoo. Those are just a few off the top of my head. Check newyork.citysearch.com -- you'll find a lot there. Also, www.villagevoice.com has all the listings for concerts etc. |
can he work that kind of magic? well? can he nate?! |
These are cool. check out page one, there, too. The scooter on the bottom is really good looking. |
you question kosmo.com bit the bullet? or the fact that id consider for a second in getting a scooter? I think i could have some fun with the little fucker. |
really? i want to buy one of their fucking scooters. cause then it would be very stylish and oh so early millineum. |
You realize that post makes little to no sense? |
a lot of people think i am all about ska, when all i really want is a boy with a scooter to drive me around. and so we can get real drunk and break things. <sigh> |
i know its judgemental, im not afraid of it. maybe it's because there was a so called, self-proclaimed ska-chick i knew...she was an extremely repulsive girl, in ever way imaginable. Im not ashamed to say i judged her on her looks and her smell. I just imagine her, that damn flight jacket, plaid skirts and suspenders around her waist that never held up anything and that wretched smile. Not even ugly- pretty, ugly ugly. Not even smelly-good, smelly- smelly. Im glad Jared hooked up with her though. He had a hard time with the ladies. We used to stay up late, listening to records, making fart noises with our armpits, smoking his dad's grass Jared was king at the armpit fart noises. God damn ska chick. |
i currently have an oi. but it is very afro-centric. so i look more like a Fishbone stunt double than the ska girl from the previous story. although i am pretty ugly....hmmm. |
scooters. they are right there too. scooters. |