i'm scared that i'm not going to get in to any of the three schools i'm applying to. helpme. |
But, hey! I haven't taken my GREs because I'm afraid of failing, and I haven't applied to grad school because I'm afraid of rejection, so I'm not the best person to be giving advice. Agatha, I'm proud of you and hope you apply. What do you want to study? Library Science? |
result: maybe i should take more tests while under the influence of synthetic opiates. my scores were sufficiently high to get me into every school i applied to except one (in that case, i had applied too late in the season & they'd already taken their quota of out-of-state students). i didn't study for the ACT exam either. i took that w/ a hangover. got a scholarship. go figure. |
if you're planning to take the computer version [do they still do the paper version?] it's a bit harrowing because the questions get harder as you answer correctly. i was glad that i tried to prepare a bit- even if it was only psychological relief. i used some computer program. if i still had it i'd send it to you but i gave it away a while ago. i knew i wouldn't get very far reading a book about it. |
Damn, we're pretty smart around here. |
i feel pretty dumb. |
droopy and patrick, you are both far far from stupid. what do you all think of this? http://www.kaptest.com/repository/templates/ArticleInitDroplet.jhtml?_relPath=%2Frepository%2Fcontent%2FGraduate%2FGRE%2FCourses_and_Services%2FOnline_Options%2FGR_gre_crash.html the real classes are too much money, and i'm taking the exam in december. or else, does anyone know of any other places to take the prep class that might be cheaper and shorter than two months? |
probably says something about my age that i didn't know a computerized GRE even existed. i took mine the old-fashioned way, with a #2 pencil. |
i didn't take a GRE prep class, but i did study up a bit. for some reason i did really well on the math part and not so good on the logic part. my view of all math is that, even if you're doing calculus, it's all just different ways of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. perhaps if you keep that in mind, it might make it less scary. the vocabularly part was a lot of fun. i took the computer version as well. i recommend it, especially if you're comfortable in a computer environment. i hate filling in circles with graphite. blows. reminds me of those old IOWA tests. you're going for library science agatha? one of the smartest women i've ever known had her masters in library science. |
the essay is made that much worse by the fact that i'm 95% certain that i won't get in. it's giving me giant mental blockage. |
if i had to describe it briefly, though, it would be: agatha is cool. |
if you took your essay and replaced "cool" with equal parts "library", "community", and "information", you would have my essay in its' entirety. also, basic grammar rules seem to be eluding me. |
Agatha, my heart is sore for you. I know what kind of hell applying to schools is. It's a hell that dries you out. |
i'm making progress, but i don't think i'm going to finish before work. drat. |
and my essay was a cheesy piece of shit good luck to you |
Took my GRE's so long ago they didn't have number two pencils. Didn't study; got into every school I applied to, except Harvard, bastards. Never studied during my masters. Rarely studied during my PHD fellowship. Drank entirely too much throughout my post doc certification program. Took a job outside academics making twice what my peers were making teaching; never finished the doctorate. Wrote great essays on Melville having never ever ever finished Moby Dick. There must be a lesson somewhere here. Oh yeah, I'm underemployed and overpaid. I keep forgetting. Really, stick with it. Never give up. Test scores are only as good as the scholarship dollars they represent. |