Continuous Assisted Performance (CAP) I need advice: Continuous Assisted Performance (CAP)
By Dr. John Carney on Thursday, June 20, 2002 - 12:59 pm:

    As combat systems become more and more sophisticated and reliable, the major limiting factor for operational dominance in a conflict is the warfighter. Eliminating the need for sleep during an operation, while maintaining the high level of both cognitive and physical performance of the individual, will create a fundamental change in warfighting and force employment. Such a capability has the potential to disrupt enemy OPTEMPO, increase the effectiveness of small footprint military forces and shorten the duration of conflict. The logistics impact of this capability is realized in the time of delivery of personnel, materiel and weapons platforms to overseas theaters of war or conflict. Because of the ubiquitous contribution of enhanced alertness to the armed forces, this technology advantage is not restricted by service roles and missions.

    The goal of the Continuous Assisted Performance Program (CAP) is to identify approaches that extend the performance envelope of the warfighter. The capability to resist the mental and physiological effects of sleep deprivation will fundamentally change current military concepts of "operational tempo" and contemporary orders of battle for the military services. The program will develop a number of different strategic approaches to prevent the effects of sleep deprivation over an extended period of time, nominally set at 7 days (24/7). These approaches will capitalize on emerging concepts in neuroscience, neurobiology, cognitive psychology, cell signaling/regulation, non-invasive imaging technologies and novel mathematical approaches to modeling and analysis. In short, the capability to operate effectively, without sleep, is no less than a 21st Century revolution in military affairs that results in operational dominance across the whole range of potential U.S. military employments.

By spunky on Friday, June 21, 2002 - 09:40 am:

    I posted this while I was at lunch yesterday.
    I got it off of DARPA's Public Website. I found it horrifying.

    And I thought "The Shop" was just a figment of Stephen King's imigination.

By Nate on Friday, June 21, 2002 - 09:53 am:

    DARPA is horrifying.

    like this thing that came out of DARPA. horrifying.

By SE on Friday, June 21, 2002 - 01:31 pm:

    When I was a soldier, we were perpetually sleep deprived. They said, "Soldiers know how to sleep, we need to train them how to stay awake."
    So grow up for gods sake.
    As if the world has suddenly become "civilized" or some such nonsense. The enemy of tomorrow will not have such ethical issues. This was clearly illustrated 9/11. There are "bad people" who will do anything to have power over others. Addressing these people thru dialog is an indication of our "civilization". We want to believe we can talk to people, explain our point of view, and they'll go "Gee, I didnt realize your point of view. I understand now, let's be friends!"
    I really believe that desire shows our humanity, but it ain't particularly realistic. We get all freaked out when we have to blow up people in really horrible ways, but sometimes, people need to be killed in order to resolve conflict. We had better be ready to do what is neccessary, in order to foster the chances of humanity actually evolving past its inhumanity. America is the ONLY country obsessed with minimizing civilian casualties. We are the ONLY civilization in history to forgive its enemies, some so dangerous we nuked them. The japanese for example did vivisection and biological experiments on people. We have the luxury of debating war ethics in a public forum, and therefore have some limited controls over it. The development of presicion munitions is a result of the publics interest in doing things fairly, and not killing innocent people whenever possible. I would really like to point out that I am certain that after Napolean, people would have thought that kind of ordeal was over. Same after Hitler. I would also like to point out that the Europeans swore up and down they would never let genocide happen in Europe again after WW2, but they stood around collectively wringing their hands while the Yugoslavians(all forms) mass executed each other, until US forces came in. I know, IT WAS MY GODDAMN UNIT!!! Do you think that we WANTED to go there???? It was a duty to humanity. It was the right thing to do. Yes, I know we sometimes get sent to do the WRONG things too. So, In the future, would you really believe that say, China, would give a shit about the ethics of their forces? At no time do I beleive or suggest that we are some kind of perfect society, but Isnt it just possible we are holding onto a thin line of POTENTIAL for developmental civilization, moreso than any empire in history? And as such don't we have the RESPONSIBILITY to defend this potential until a real civilization is possible?
    The challenge is making sure we do the right things, and don't become the enemy I describe.

By heather on Friday, June 21, 2002 - 01:38 pm:

    or maybe they'll just start drafting grad students, we were already used to sleeping three hours every other day

By spunky on Friday, June 21, 2002 - 02:15 pm:

    Training to go on little sleep is expected as part of any BMT.
    Genetically engineering you (there is no other way to go 7 days without any sleep and still function well enough to control a weapon of any sort) is quite another.

By Antigone on Friday, June 21, 2002 - 04:34 pm:

    I'm trying to get a job at a company which is partially funded by DARPA.

    Posting on this board would probably scrap my chances of getting a job there anyway. Besides, why would I want to work with a camera on my keyboard all day and a tap on my home internet connection?

By spunky on Friday, June 21, 2002 - 04:45 pm:

    I do. Except for the camera part.

By Antigone on Friday, June 21, 2002 - 06:32 pm:

    Is that why you've suddenly changed the tenor of your postings about the government?

By spunky on Friday, June 21, 2002 - 11:55 pm:

    No. I am just paying a little closer attention to things.

By wisper on Saturday, June 22, 2002 - 04:34 pm:

    spunky, you have a tap on your home internet??

    hot fuck, buddy.

    doesn't that make you feel.... i dunno... icky?

    at the very least?

By spunky on Saturday, June 22, 2002 - 05:01 pm:

    Of course it does. But, at least I KNOW I am being watched instead of WONDERING....
    I guess.......

By patrick on Monday, June 24, 2002 - 12:17 pm:

    PCP, Angledust, LSD...the Soldier of Tomorrow is the soldier of yesteryear with nightvision and little red laser pointers.