subway etiquette I need advice: subway etiquette
By patrick on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 01:29 pm:

    Ok, i need your input.

    I ride the subway and bus daily.

    Im a very "gentlemanly" kind of person. I follow subway etiquette, as where Im from, its expected.

    Stand to the right, walk to the left on the escalators.

    Give up your seat for a woman or the elderly. Sit on the inside seat if the two are open so someone can sit next to you.

    etc etc.

    So, yesterday as is the case almost on a weekly basis I see some asshole sitting in the seats reserved, they clearly say

    "Priority seating for the elderly and handicapped"

    These seats are the single seaters right by the door that face outword, as opposed to the pairs of seats facing forward and backward throughout the rest of the train.

    This elderly woman gets on with a walker.

    This middle aged schmuck is sitting in the designated seat, she clearly is aiming to get, his nose is buried in paperwork. he eventually looks up, sees her trying to get her old ass and the walker into a regular seat directly across from him. he goes back to shuffling paper. At this point i want to bash his skull to bits.

    At the next stop, the elderly woman gets up, heading back in the car, trying to find a better suited seat..she comes to another designated seat with some 20 something in it, who offers to help her into the seat next to his. NOT EVEN the designated seat, but helps her into the window seat with her walker, almost assuring that she won't get out in time when the train comes to a full stop at her destination.

    Im FUMING!!! Im raging. I want to destroy all of these inconsiderate imbecils. Further, i want to say something.

    I think, as I stand next to the door arriving at my stop, to tell schmuck #1 "hey pal, pay attention to the sign" and point to the sign "Priority for the elderly..".

    I want to do this, but I wuss out.

    Should I say anything?

    In the past I have bullyed a seat away from some dumbass teen who didnt yieled to this elderly guy.

    But it didnt really subside my anger. My anger in that instance rested with the parents of this kid, who didnt teach him these things.

    Further, i have to remind myself that in LA, subway culture is still relatively new and perhaps these things just arent known.

    Is it worth saying anything to these assholes? Or should I just suck it up?

By Platypus on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 02:07 pm:

    People are like that on BART, too. I think it's a universal asshole thing.

    Generally, if I end up in the priority seating seats (because it's a full train or whatever), I get up if I see someone who obviously needs the seat more than me.

    But most people who ride public transit spend much of their time pretending there's no one else on the train with them.

    You could say something to them...then, perhaps, on some other message board out there, a parallel thread will appear..."Some asshole on the train today told me to move out of the handicapped seat."

    I don't know. Perhaps you should say something if you see that happening again...the person struggling with their walker/wheelchair/whatever would probably appreciate it.

By spunky on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 02:37 pm:

    I still cannot believe they have a subway in LA!!
    I guess if the a big one comes, it does not really matter if you are on the surface or under it...

By patrick on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 02:46 pm:

    its safer down there than above ground. the red line withstood the 6.8 Northridge quake just fine.

    San Fran, Mexico City and Tokyo all have subways and withstood major earthquakes with little to no damage at all.

    Seismic waves are milder under the surface.

By spunky on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 02:49 pm:

    As long as it does not cross tectonic plates or fault lines, maybe it just moves along with the ground instead of against it.

By patrick on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 03:15 pm:

    the chances of being on a fault line in a subway at the time of eruption are no more greater than being in a car above ground.

    Further in a 4.5 quake, the system shuts down temporarily. Anything above a 6.0, it shuts down to allow for inspections before proceeding. So, if a quake large enough occurs, to split a fault line, the system shuts down. Your car don't shut down automatically.

    the freeways are more dangerous in an earthquake. there were many collapsed freeways and deaths in Northridge. No subway collapsed or killed anyone in LA.

    Moreover you don't have items falling upon you underground.

    Since seismic waves are absorbed by the earth around you, it isnt as dramatic.

    A bigger danger could be subsequent gas leaks. LA has plenty of pockets of natural gas, but they say the tunnels are wrapped in industrial plastics to prevent seepage.

    Also there is a water system that runs along the tracks to prevent fire.

    It was the most expensive subway per mile built in the world. I feel relatively safe in it.

    no enough of this nonsense, get back to my dilemma.

By spunky on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 04:06 pm:

    I wish I would have the balls it would take to do what was right and tell the kid to get his ass out of that seat.

    When you mentioned being pissed at the guy's folks for not teaching him subway etiquette, I think you hit a nail on the head.

    I have noticed more and more that people are just down right rude and nasty. They want to go somewhere and do something, and it is your job to get the hell out of thier way.
    Parents are not teaching thier children respect for others. They are teaching ME ME ME ME ME ME.
    Like that kid the Dinner Lady was talking about.
    Kids are the boss and parents say "I don't want to crush thier spirit" or "Let kids be who they are", and feel they do not have the right to tell thier kids not to do something.

By The Dinner Lady on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 04:24 pm:

    There's a whole lot of subway here in Boston and I would say about 3/4 the time I see people surrender seats to those who should get them.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with saying to someone plopped in a seat 'hey buddy, move it for the nice lady'. I mean, only the asshole will resent you, everyone else around you will think what a good guy you are for helping an old lady. People definitely get boisterous on the train here if something gets screwy.

    It's also OK to say something to the driver and let them order the people out of the seats so the old and crippled can sit.

    Some people are such jerks though. Yeesh.

By Spider on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 04:32 pm:

    You know, it occurred to me recently that all evil actions (and, a fortiori, all rudeness) comes from the mentality that because you want something, that's reason enough to have it.

    "But but but PATRICK....I want to sit in that seat. What old lady? She's not even a blip on my radar, dude. I WANT that seat, so I'm taking it."

    Man, I'd love it if you said something to those guys. I'm ball-less, like Spunky here. Somebody's got to do it!

    Did I use a fortiori correctly? Margret?

By patrick on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 05:17 pm:

    shit dinner lady, its Boston, since when did locals NOT get boisterous about something?

    You expect it out of the loudmouths fucks in Beantown. But also remember, the Boston subway is one of the oldest in the country, so the etiquette has been there for generations.

    Yeah, ok, next time, Im gonna rail these people.

    This is all i needed, a little backup.

    Like i said, yesterday it was on the tip of my tongue.

By agatha on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 08:32 pm:

    i always say something. it is hard, though, especially when you can tell that the person is a total asshole to begin with.

By spunky on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 08:56 pm:

    Ragno dolce, non lo ho significato non ne ho avuto c'è ne, io appena non ho quei enormi per un tal atto...

By JusMiceElf on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 10:36 pm:

    Well we're at it, can we teach people that the escalator, especially long ones, like at Porter Square here, or on the DC metro, are not places to linger and chat?

    Stand right, walk left. What's so freakin hard about that? If you need to have a conversation, or hold hands and look all lovey and shit, stand above and below one another, not blocking the entire escalator. I get tired of saying excuse me as I walk up or down.

    The only thing that annoys me more is double parking, especially in the bike lane. Some woman got killed in Cambridge recently while biking, so I'm hypervigilant about traffic, and I've yelled at more than one driver, and even left a note on someone's car.

By eri on Thursday, August 22, 2002 - 09:19 am:

    Patrick, I think you are right to say something. I know that the subway system there is new and that it really hasn't had time to instill etiquette into these people's brains. I always get fumed when I see non-handicapped or young people taking the places for the handicapped and elderly. I have always thought that they deserved respect, and proper treatment. I would have said something myself. I am getting bitchier and bitchier in my old age :). I hope it goes well for you next time.

By Ophelia. on Thursday, August 22, 2002 - 11:24 am:

    I'm surrounded by the me mentality of my peers, and it frustrates the hell out of me. I think its really the biggest problem with my generation, that they (we? I hope not) have been raised to see the world as something that exists to amuse them, rather than something they need to be an active part in sustaining. I suppose the lack of consideration is something that pervades all of modern American culture, in terms of our lack of concern for anything until it hits us in the face. But it does seem that the younger generations who were born into this culture have the worst attitude problem around. Yech. No wonder I was disgusted with 95% of my graduating class.

By The Dinner Lady on Thursday, August 22, 2002 - 12:02 pm:

    In NYC I hear it's much worse. My boss has many humorous stories about her bus driver when she lived there, a man apparently who bore a strong resemblance to George Clinton, just stopping the bus and reading those not behaving themselves the riot act.

    I believe Boston subway is the oldest in the nation and it is well used but somewhat lame. They just introduced new cars for one line which were designed by someone with a futuristic vision and no idea about what it's like to ride the train. There was less space to ride than ever before. Then I heard one shorted out and they all had to be pulled. That's progress!

    As for the porter sq. escalators I think one problem is nowhere is it stated stand right walk left. In the London subway it's all posted so it's more the rules. But then again you wouldn't catch me attempting to walk that escalator. Too daunting!

By Spider on Thursday, August 22, 2002 - 12:06 pm:

    Hey, Dinner Lady, my mom lives in Boston. Well, Brookline. Where are you?

By patrick on Thursday, August 22, 2002 - 12:10 pm:

    i NYC they'll rip your head off for not heeding the escalator etiquette.

By The Dinner Lady on Thursday, August 22, 2002 - 01:11 pm:

    I live in Jamaica Plain. It's nice. A stone's throw from your mom. Ooh I'll have to watch out for her after all she put you through with your move.

By Spider on Thursday, August 22, 2002 - 01:41 pm:

    Actually, she just left for Argentina today, so you have some time to leave your guard down. :)

By spunky on Thursday, August 22, 2002 - 01:52 pm:

    "i NYC they'll rip your head off for not heeding the escalator etiquette."

    No shit, especially on the beltways (?) at the Airport. If you are the left, you had better be moving, or your head's comming off your shoulders.
    O'Hare, Minneapolis and Dulles are just as bad

By Gee on Saturday, August 24, 2002 - 11:38 am:

    whenever I see someone standing to the left on an escalator, I always say something.

    quietly, and under my breath.

    why are people so violent? I'm sure when someone says "At this point i want to bash his skull to bits", it's just an exaggeration, but still. why such violent imagery?

    it's a rhetorical question, anyway.

By The Watcher on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 12:01 pm:

    It's a good stress testosterone high release.

    If you say it and imagine it. You probably won't do it.

    At least it works for me.

By eri on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 12:40 pm:

    "why are people so violent? I'm sure when someone says "At this point i want to bash his skull to bits", it's just an exaggeration, but still. why such violent imagery?"

    Sometimes I think that people use the actual violence as a release. That scares me just as much as the words, because I wonder if they really mean the words anymore.

    On Friday I spent the day in the hospital, poisoned by the food that I got from La Fonda, and having heart and lung problems as well. For the first time since I have been here, there was a long wait, and the poor woman ahead of me had been driving and this car cut her off and ran her off of the road, and when she got out of her car to make sure it was allright, they beat the crap out of her. She had a broken nose, broken arm, sprained ankle, cuts on her face and her head, whiplash, and bruises all over her body. All this because the guy didn't want her in the place she was in while she was driving because he wanted to be there. She didn't yell or scream at these guys for cutting her off and running her off of the freeway, she just got out to make sure her car was allright and bam.

    People in general just freak me out.

    As for the other part of the story, my boss from La Fonda called my babysitter and told her he was putting me on suspension over the weekend because I didn't call him from the hospital room. I have a severe virus in my stomach and two different problems with my heart right now. They are hoping that the heart problems will go away with the virus. This is supposed to take 7-10 days to go away. My boss called me later that night, and I told him what the doctor said. He said that it couldn't be from the food there, whatever. I quit my job. He was just being an asshole, and I can get plenty of jobs for $7 an hour without getting poisoned by their tamales.

By patrick on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 12:46 pm:


    whats the point in saying that i wonder.

By spunky on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 03:14 pm:

    Whats the point in asking that I wonder.

By Spider on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 03:21 pm:

    Eri, I hope you're doing better today. Were the heart problems caused by the strain on your body due to the virus, or were they unrelated?

By kazoo on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 05:50 pm:

    yeah me too...hoping you feel better.

By The Watcher on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 06:17 pm:

    eri, get better soon!!!

By semillama on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 07:51 pm:

    Sue those fucks. you should have let them fire
    you, then you could get unemployment. Call
    the Board of Health.

    I got canned because I was too sick to work,

By spunky on Tuesday, August 27, 2002 - 12:28 am:

    I was in line at Kay Bee toys back in KC to buy something for the girls. The manager was on the phone talking to another employee. She told the person on the phone about how another one of her clerks broke her leg and could not return to work right away, then she was talking about replacing her. "I don't have time to wait around, I need to get someone in here now. I think she could come in, she is just too lazy".
    I waited till I got to the front of the line, and said "Forget it, I am not buying anything from a company that treats there employees like that", and I just walked out.
    Not a very good capatilist, I realize, but why could she not work the schedule around for a few weeks????

By The Dinner Lady on Tuesday, August 27, 2002 - 04:51 pm:

    They fired me from Strawberries Records when my grandmother died and I had to be out for an unspecified time. But it was a shit job. Still, sheesh.

    I'm glad you gave the Kaybee Manager a good talking to. People need to speak up.

    I stole an ice coffee from Starbucks the other day. Actually a FRAPPUCINO. But I'm not a rebel, I just was irritated that the place was totally disorganized and no one was paying attention as to who was paying and where and for what so I just walked out with my beverage. I must say I don't feel guilty for depriving them of $3.10.

By The Watcher on Wednesday, August 28, 2002 - 12:18 pm:

    Strawberris Records sounds a lot like the company I used to work for.

    When my mother was dieing of cancer in the hospital. My boss wanted to know when I would be back. It was a strain on the office.

    I thought maybe he would like me to shoot all his family members so he could just go to one funeral. You know get it over quick. And, not put an unreasonable strain on his business.

    I'm sure they would approve.