That picture is from the BBC. Does it appear that the tower is getting ready to fall straight down? Where did that other building come from? PBS shot showsit appears to me a whole other scenerio... I am just trying to sort things out in my mind. |
all it takes is to be one block over to totally change the vantage point when viewing something like the wtc. the bbc picture looks like it was shot from the north east just based on the direction of the light and the hard shadow on the bldg not falling. it appears as if the section above impact is teetering and collapsing in on itself. yeah its leaning, but for most part they say it pancaked all the way down. the other bldg you inquire about is probably many blocks from the world trade. its an illusion in the picture, making it appear as if its right next to it. The pbs picture appears to be taken from a more northern vantage point. It also appears to have been taken 3-7 seconds after the BBC picture. |
of course, you have to consider the source but it still seems compelling. i haven't bothered to verify the science offered up. |
it really does look like a demolition job. |
uppermost floors definitely seemed to slough off to the west. at least that's the way it looked from 12th street and 6th ave. that other building looks like the millennium hotel, so the vantage point would be from the east, probably somewhere slightly above maiden lane. from where we're standing, all the conspiracy theories might as well be true. dread babylon. |
One thing I don't understand ( of many ) is the contention that many people had been told NOT to report to work that day, and scores of others, of a certain religious bent, simply for some reason did not go that day. What does anyone know of that? Thanks for being around Swine, suriviving, and offering your idea that "all the conspriacy theories might as well be true," one of the truisms here. It is easy to be an arm chair conspiracy theory expert. We know that all of us who were not eye witnesses became experts even more easily. We all did worry about you, Bell Jar, and Mark in the aftermath, you all who were eyewitnesses to the catastrophe. And thanks Mark for turning your camera on that day, and for walking out alive. I'd like to know how life for you guys in Manhattan has changed since 9/11... Do any of us outsiders (meaning me in Missouri, Cat Moonie or Gee in other countries), see a difference in sorabjitalk posting after 9/11 from our banter before? Somebody ought write a book examining how the event changed on line life for if it were a topic worthy of investigation in light of what occurred. Our findings might be as controversial as any conspiracy theory. And about as helpful to understand the reaction of the human heart to such meaningless violence. As silly as it seems, all of you "out there" became more important and more real to me "in here" since the event. Where the hell is Czarina? |
in any danger. 12th and 6th is about three miles from the WTC. not that i didn't feel like i was in danger. seeing those towers go down gave you the sense that the whole fucking city was about to collapse into itself. even from three miles away my first compulsion was to run from the wall of debris-- debris that was over 20 blocks away, that i couldn't even see. i dunno. i don't really have anything coherent to say about it. i don't know that there really is anything coherent to say about it. i just try to deal with the reality of being that terrorized. i think i'm in awe of my own terror. i get the sense that i hit my threshhold for being shocked and horrified that morning. like ufo's could have landed in central park and i couldn't have been more horrified. jesus could have descended from heaven and started beef with godzilla in the hudson river and i couldn't have been more horrified. it was the world trade center-- all that heavy symbolism. weeks afterwards i'd have waking hallucinations of buildings crumbling to the ground. blink twice and get through the day with that creeping unease. life has changed. i completely lost my ability to tolerate corporate culture. my boss would start blathering meaningless company newspeak in an insultingly obvious attempt to get around some issue and i'd just get up and leave. before 9/11 i'd play ball. i'm not playing anymore. i walked out for good on the third of july. day before independence day. so i guess now i'm independent. my girlfriend had an emotional breakdown back in may. i had to leave her in the psych ward for two weeks to be observed. that was a devastating and educational experience. y'know what people on the psyche ward are like? just like people outside of the psyche ward. she's doing better now. going to AA. turns out AA in manhattan is a thriving social scene. lots of actors, artists, rockstars. some washed up, some not so washed up. i'm waiting for her to come back home one night and tell me she had a threesome with ally sheedy and dj spooky in the bell tower. i don't hang out downtown like i used to. back when i lived in downtown jersey city, all the practical parts of my life were within two blocks of the world trade center. gym on greenwich street, job on maiden lane, doctor on broadway, etc... i'd walk out of my apartment, turn the corner, and there was the WTC towering over jersey city. i don't go downtown or to jersey city much anymore. i mostly hang out in harlem and brooklyn. i've always found harlem and eastern parkway deeply comforting. like cocoa butter to sooth all the psychological trauma of growing up in rural pennsylvania. and now maybe because the idea of terrorists coming halfway around the world to bomb a black community for the sins of the american government strikes me as more ludicrous than godzilla and mothra going toe-to-toe in the east river. but i guess since the towers came down, ludicrous ain't what it used to be. that's a bit melodramatic. i don't really have any expectations of future attacks. i also now i won't be very surprised if (and when?) they happen. anyway. that's about as coherent as i can get. |
I didn't check the links, I am in a hotel in savannah and checking here quick before going out to drink. |
Eri and I were in the ER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! This time it was Hayley. She stepped on a sliver of glass in the kitchen (after it had been swept and mopped over and over again over the past two days), and part of it got imbedded in her foot. We were there from 10:30p til about 1:30a. |
(i'll regret ever saying that) emergency rooms suck. especially in the wee hours. |
swine, just knowing you're out there, somewhere makes me happy :) but stay outta my closet. |
"(blah blah) so that we can take remedial measures and create a new culture where violence, weapons, poverty, ecological and environmental degradation and devastation can be addressed as the major epidemics of our time that need to be addressed with great urgency. In this process it will be important not to think in terms of an us versus them psychology. There is only one of us - we are one body in one world. In the tangled hierarchy sinner and saint, divine and diabolical, sacred and profane are different faces of our collective Being. Therefore angry activism driven by rage, however justified it seems, is really not going to work." just thought I'd pass it along. By the way, my friend thinks we're pretty scary people here... if only the truth were to be known by the casual reader of these posts. |