what's the word for a doctor's prescribed treatment or prescibed recovery actions/behaviors? doctor's give patients a ___________. ? not a "prescription", but something else.... |
spider, i'm sorry, i have no idea what you're talking about. right about what? did you send me email or is this something else? |
oh, you mean are you right about "prognosis"? no. that's not right. that's like diagnosis, sort of. there's a very specific word that we used when i was working in cancer research. i need to remember that word, it's driving me crazy. |
as in treatment protocol or therapy protocol? |
My uncle is an oncologist -- I can ask my mom to email him and ask him. |
thanks spider, i'd appreciate it. protocol is getting closer to the word, yes. |
thank you. |
see here: publication you can google the author's name and the phrase for more. |
"The power which looks from the eyes of an inspired person attracts and compels a corresponding fixed gaze on the part of them that are brought under his influence; and this adds much probability to the Bezan reading in III 3, where the fixed gaze of the lame man on Peter seems to rouse the power that was latent in him. The Greek word is {atenizein} almost peculiar to Luke, and occurs chiefly in Acts . Elsewhere in N.T. it is used only by Paul in II Cor. III 7, 13; and it has often seemed to me as if there were more of Lukan feeling and character in II Cor. than in any other of Paul's letters. A consideration of these passages must convince every one that the action implied by the word {atenizein} is inconsistent with weakness of vision: in fact, Paul says that the Jews could not gaze fixedly on the glory of Moses'face, implying that their eyes were not strong enough." --http://webminister.com/ramsay/rsp023.shtml |
thanks |
Where did you come across it? |
Strelan, Rick. "Strange Stares: Atenzein in Acts." Noveum Testamentum. 41:3 (1999): 235-256. It's an article I found for a professor I am working for. I have since printed it out but not read it though it looks pretty interesting. |
Irish twins?