White Noise

sorabji.com: I need advice: White Noise
By Dougie on Tuesday, October 22, 2002 - 06:07 pm:

    Ok, I tried to sleep last night without the fan going on the window AC, and just couldn't do it. I had to turn it on for noise, but it makes it frickin' cold in the bedrooom, and I'm going to have to remove the AC from the window soon for winter (at all my old apartments, the AC was in a wall sleeve so it didn't matter). Any suggestions on white noise machines? I know there are clock radios out there and stuff -- anybody found any brand that's good? Thanks very much in advance...

By agatha on Tuesday, October 22, 2002 - 06:33 pm:

    what about soft music, or a ticking clock?

By Dougie on Tuesday, October 22, 2002 - 07:00 pm:

    Noooh, can't be anything that's rhythmic. My parents used to have an antique wall hanging clock (which kind of looked like 1/2 a grandfather clock, at least the face, and it had a pendulum) and the fucker just ticked ticked ticked away, and I'd lay there in bed counting the ticks. No can do that, nor music -- fiancee's particular about that, plus I usually go to bed later than her.

By JusMiceElf on Tuesday, October 22, 2002 - 10:09 pm:

    We use an air purifier in our bedroom. It works wonders, and helps to keep all the stuff that makes me snore out of the air as an added bonus.

By dave. on Tuesday, October 22, 2002 - 10:18 pm:

    dougie -- brian motherfuckin eno's thursday afternoon, neroli, any of the ambient series, or even discreet music. there's no real beat or melody, it's all texture. put the cd on repeat for the whole night.

By Spider on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - 08:26 am:

    How about a fan that you direct toward the ceiling? Or static on the radio? (I used this device in college and occasionally would get woken up by what sounded like air traffic controllers.) My radio has a few white noise options on it, only one of which is actual white noise (it's called "wind"....the others are, like, forest sounds and not very relaxing.)

By Platypus on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - 10:11 am:

    Yeah, I have one of those old fashioned alarm clocks which doesn't tick regularly, because it's a piece of shit. It's very soothing to go to sleep to.

    Of course, living in Oakland, I hardly need white noise. Last night I counted six sirens alone. And I also found out that I live in east oakland's deadliest neighborhood.

By patrick on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - 11:33 am:

    clocks drive me mad. there's a reason, when in film, depicting the insane, they often show the whites of ones eyes and the tick of a clock.

    im like you dougie. i need some sort of noise to sleep. sometimes its music i can vouche for the Eno method. Just last night me, nico and milkdud sat up and listened to his ambient series Music for Land. (Im introducing Milkdud to such vibes early on.)

    When i go to bed, I either fade out watching Saturday Night Live reruns. Or sometimes, I put the telly on TCM, where some old black and white flic is on, turn the volume wayyyy down and crash out to that. The dialog and music do it to me in not time.

    you probably have bitchin rent though platy. i wish my hood would turn more gang to run whitey out so rents will drop.

    No wonder west Oakland appears to be more fucked .....they have one more liquor store, a grand more in their wallet, somehow have less jobs, less education and 3 less schools than eastside.

By semillama on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - 12:25 pm:

    "oh god.."(squeak) "oh god.."(squeak) "oh
    god.."(squeak) "oh god.."(squeak) "oh
    god.."(squeak) "oh god.."(squeak) "oh
    god.."(squeak) "oh god.."(squeak)


By Dougie on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - 12:48 pm:

    Yeah, I'll have to check out some sort of clock radio with noises. I really hate to fall asleep to the glow of the TV, although I've been falling asleep on the couch lately. I missed the end of the game last night. I hate the feeling of having to get up from sleeping to go get in bed to sleep.

By patrick on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - 01:09 pm:

    i love falling asleep on the couch, because sometimes i get woke up at 4am by a gentle sweet voice saying "wake up sweetie, come to bed, come on, come to bed, its cold" and I trudge off half-wittedly and it sorta registers a maternal/comfort thing with me.

By Platypus on Thursday, October 24, 2002 - 10:16 am:

    Yeah, there's something very comforting about falling asleep on the couch.

    Sadly, my rent is far from bitchin'. It's a cool 1500 a month.

By patrick on Thursday, October 24, 2002 - 11:28 am:

    fuck. that aint no ghetto.

By Platypus on Thursday, October 24, 2002 - 04:18 pm:

    Yeah, my house is pretty nice, actually. My block in general is nice. It's just when you round the corner that things start getting, uhm, interesting.

By patrick on Thursday, October 24, 2002 - 04:28 pm:

    hey platy, you know anyone who is driving from LA to Sf for the protest this weekend?

By Spider on Thursday, October 24, 2002 - 04:40 pm:

    My momma is driving from Boston to DC for the protest this weekend. Does that count?

    I SO do not want to go. Please, God, give me the strength to tell her to go by herself and then STAND FIRM.

By patrick on Thursday, October 24, 2002 - 04:42 pm:

    don't be a neurotic weiner. GO! YELL! Be a patriot! We need you!

By Platypus on Thursday, October 24, 2002 - 10:27 pm:

    Nope. I'm probably going, I haven't decided yet. Basically everyone at work is going, I might hook up with the anarchists somewhere. I'm just not sure how much effect running around San Francisco waving a little flag is going to have on the war in Iraq. (Although if I go, I'm waving a "NO WAR BUT CLASS WAR!" flag.)

    Why, you looking for a ride?

    Check either craigslist or international ANSWER

By Spider on Friday, October 25, 2002 - 08:18 am:

    My mom's not coming down after all. Yay!

By patrick on Friday, October 25, 2002 - 11:28 am:

    im not looking for a ride. a friend was.

    "I'm just not sure how much effect running around San Francisco waving a little flag is going to have on the war in Iraq."

    you're getting soft platy. c'mon.

By Platypus on Friday, October 25, 2002 - 09:09 pm:


By Nate on Friday, October 25, 2002 - 09:37 pm:

    what the fuck kind of reject would want a class war in a society where anyone can move between the classes. it may take more than one generation to go from bottom to top, sure, but what do you fucking expect?

    and this coming from a lot of people who are disproportionally children of the wealthy.

    selfdestructive fucks.

By dave. on Friday, October 25, 2002 - 09:57 pm:

    nate, you've advocated meritocracies on a few occasions. how many generations does that extend before it becomes an aristocracy?

    meritocracies are about as unlikely as socialism.

By Platypus on Saturday, October 26, 2002 - 10:55 am:

    and I'm not entirely sure that it's possible for everyone to move between the classes. Although I, too, doubt that a classless society would suceed for very long. But, then again, I also doubt that a bunch of people running around San Francisco are going to have much effect either, so...

By Nate on Saturday, October 26, 2002 - 12:12 pm:

    i see what you're saying, dave. meritocracies can fail if benefits are passed generationally but ethic isn't. laws are made to keep the complacent rich floating through theft of innovation.

    maybe meritocracy is the capitalist's analog to the pipedream of socialism.

    however, it has worked better for us, even gimped by socalist ideals, than any socialist government has worked for anyone else.

    as for everyone moving between classes, everyone shouldn't be able to move between classes. we still need someone to clean toilets. and sure, it may be harder for some individuals to move the same distance as others. but it is equality of opportunity that we strive for.

    it still needs work. public education could be much, much more equitable.