Of course, living in Oakland, I hardly need white noise. Last night I counted six sirens alone. And I also found out that I live in east oakland's deadliest neighborhood. |
im like you dougie. i need some sort of noise to sleep. sometimes its music i can vouche for the Eno method. Just last night me, nico and milkdud sat up and listened to his ambient series Music for Land. (Im introducing Milkdud to such vibes early on.) When i go to bed, I either fade out watching Saturday Night Live reruns. Or sometimes, I put the telly on TCM, where some old black and white flic is on, turn the volume wayyyy down and crash out to that. The dialog and music do it to me in not time. you probably have bitchin rent though platy. i wish my hood would turn more gang to run whitey out so rents will drop. No wonder west Oakland appears to be more fucked .....they have one more liquor store, a grand more in their wallet, somehow have less jobs, less education and 3 less schools than eastside. |
god.."(squeak) "oh god.."(squeak) "oh god.."(squeak) "oh god.."(squeak) "oh god.."(squeak) "oh god.."(squeak) JIMINY CRICKETS!!!!! |
Sadly, my rent is far from bitchin'. It's a cool 1500 a month. |
I SO do not want to go. Please, God, give me the strength to tell her to go by herself and then STAND FIRM. |
Why, you looking for a ride? Check either craigslist or international ANSWER |
"I'm just not sure how much effect running around San Francisco waving a little flag is going to have on the war in Iraq." you're getting soft platy. c'mon. |
and this coming from a lot of people who are disproportionally children of the wealthy. selfdestructive fucks. |
meritocracies are about as unlikely as socialism. |
maybe meritocracy is the capitalist's analog to the pipedream of socialism. however, it has worked better for us, even gimped by socalist ideals, than any socialist government has worked for anyone else. as for everyone moving between classes, everyone shouldn't be able to move between classes. we still need someone to clean toilets. and sure, it may be harder for some individuals to move the same distance as others. but it is equality of opportunity that we strive for. it still needs work. public education could be much, much more equitable. |