Insane room-mates I need advice: Insane room-mates
By BIGKev on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 01:01 am:

    I have a room-mate (actually we share a house, withone other guy) that has lost it!!

    Heres the back story;

    Last Sunday, I was doing some maintenence on My PC. So following my normal routine, I enabled the Bios password so as to keep the analog roomies from fucking with the machine while i was out for a couple of hours... (this has been done 2 or 3 times already in the last 10 months). get home finish repairs, remove password.. roomies sitting on couch say nothing to me..

    Monday AM:

    I pick up the phone to check messages as Im about to leave for work, no dial tone.. no time to look into it, I go to work.

    I come home in the afternoon. the phone is still not working.. so i start to look around check shit out.. I notice that it is only the phones that I own that arent working and the One that Shaun* owns has been moved into his rooom in the basement (well the wal outside his room, cause thats as close as he could get it.) That phone still works.
    I go into the utility room and begin looking for phone lines...there is only one still visible (but a bunch of cut leads still connected to the panel) the lines were all cut at the point that they enter the wall (making repair a major pain in the ass)

    MOnday evening;
    roomate (sane) gets home and is grilled about the situation.. he pleads ignorance and leaves again

    Roomate (not sane) gets home and doesnt even wait for a hello or an explaination or whatever... and launches into a tirade at me, because he wasnt able to use the computer for a couple of hours... so crazy does he look, that I decide not to argue right then, but let him chill for a bit before i say anything...

    Here's where I point out that;
    1. except for the phone, all the bills are in my name..
    2. except for the fact that the three of us signed the lease I am the only one who actually knows people in this city, and if the $ and the lease werent stopping me I could be moved out in .5 hrs.
    3. the deep freeze that shaun has over$200.00 worth of food is also mine (believe me I thought about dumping it out a couple of times)
    4. the fact that i dont like jail, is the only reason that he hasnt been beaten to a pulp yet.

    Oh yeah, have I mentiond anywhere that he cut all ties with his family 9 mths ago... for no reason (except they were telling him to spend some coin and get his truck to the body shop.. it was busted up pretty bad)

    Now, what i need is advice... do i;
    A. beat the shit out of him and hope that he doesnt press charges
    B. try to talk to him
    C. tough it out the next 6 weeks and run like the wind to a new place


    * name not changed to condem the insane

By jack on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 01:30 am:

    what does the "Last Sunday, I was doing some maintenence on My PC...." part of the story pertain to? is that the last time you knew the phone lines were working or what?

    without knowing anything about your relationship with Shaun...
    maybe "D. talk to him but kick him out if i think he's bugging out and hacking up the phone lines (etc.) and won't admit to it"? if you get someone from the phone company in, they, as an independant party, can verify the lines have been screwed with, right?

    it sounds like it's your place. so why should you be toughing it out and leaving? you're the one in control.

    i guess start with B, but there's no need to sink to the level of dumping out his food or possessions. that's just lame. it's effort for no good reason. just kick him out if he's bad news--which might necessitate A, beat the shit out of him. it could also necessitate E, fuck his girlfriend, but it sounds like he's either single or hooked up with skank, so maybe not. your call.

By dave. on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 02:12 am:

    grab him and throw him on the ground. twist his head around until it comes off. feed him to pigs.

By jack on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 02:19 am:

    damn it, dave.! i knew i was being soft.

By TBone on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 10:48 am:

    People get very strange when they live with people they aren't getting along with. Almost all of my friends have at least one insane roomie story.

By J on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 12:04 pm:

    A only if your POSITIVE he won't press charges,if you think he will press charges then C get the hell as far away as you possibly can.

By sarah on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 12:13 pm:

    i made friends with this guy who came down from dallas last october to visit my roommate. they are old friends from college.

    he and i really hit it off and have kept in touch since then. but he never came back to visit.

    i met up with him for lunch while i was in dallas this past weekend, and the first thing he said to me was:

    "So I hear you're moving to a new house. Did living with Queen Weird finally get to you?"

    Queen Weird. i laughed my ass off. that's my housemate for sure, and then some. she's fairly harmless, but totally fucking weird.

By Antigone on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 12:34 pm:

    Run like the wind, BIGKev. Don't try to deal with the roomie. This situation is like a tar pit. Any more interaction on your part will only lead to more entanglement. If the guy's doing shit like cutting phone wires, he's seriously wacked out and probably dangerous.

    Just leave.

By Antigone on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 12:34 pm:

    Oh, and remove your PC from the house. He will probably damage it.

By patrick on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 12:59 pm:

    since the phone is not in your name, who cares.

    if he fucks with your computer, beat his ass.

    whats the policy regarding access to the PC?

    since its yours right? whats the precedent you've established as far as access?

    you can always twist a ass whoopin into a self defense matter so who cares if he calls the cops.

    as i recall though, you're a big fella...of the bouncer/doorman breed right? know, if physical difference between the two of you isnt completely night and day, the self defense plea might work.

By dave. on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 02:21 pm:

By sarah on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 02:40 pm:

    oh, and Kev, i would opt for C. run like the wind and be done with it. it's best not to try to reason w/ people like that, and while beating them to a pulp may be satisfying, it will just exasperate your own situation.

By semillama on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 06:34 pm:

    do c.

    but cut the last phone line right before you go.

By wisper on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 07:16 pm:

    no more computer time for crazy boy.
    I'd say take your computer out of the house asap, but i doubt that would be good for you.
    Change the password and only tell sane room mate.
    Hide the sharp objects.

    man, living with other people sucks balls.
    The guy who's subletting for the summer here gave us first and last, and so had only one (one!single!) rent payment to make in between. His rent is only $130.
    He dissapeared for 2 weeks, showed up only to pay 18 days late, along with some sob-story about having to pay for school and blah blah blaaaaaaah.... and yet whenever we see him he's got at least $50 in booze, getting loaded on the couch with his girlfriend.... The student loan office is going to love this guy!
    He actually believes we're going to let him stay in Sept. The other permanent room mate was ready to go through the guys room and start selling shit to make up the cash.
    He's a little crazy too.

    but anyway, run Kev, just run. Or can you find another sane person to take his place when it's time to re-sign?

By BIGKev on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 09:27 pm:

    I'm the one of three one the lease....
    He is much smaller than me... (so no self defense)
    The lease expires end of Sept.
    The computer was full access, no admin privledges.

    I'm buying a house VERY soon (as long as the offer is accepted) so i wont be there much longer anyway. I have not said a word to either roomate yet, so when i leave it will be a major shock.. (hopefully). When i do go i am going to empty my deep freeze of shauns food onto the floor of his room, and hope that he doesnt get home for along time...

    AND... as more back story.....
    Insanity-boy has a drinking problem, didnt think much of it until the other day when he was complaining that he couldnt get approved to buy a new truck.. (he makes over$60 Gs a year) and only pays about $500 in rent and bills.... I am beginning to suspect that he also has a drug problem, but who cares....

    I am so gone, and i am putting a stop payment on the last rent cheque (they are postdated, and all in my name) fuck him..

By J on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 01:21 pm:

    If Insanity-boy makes that much money and has no credit he surely has a drug problen,that would explain his antics (kind of). Don't let them know where you move to if you stiff them on the last month rent.

By agatha on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 08:32 pm:

    I wouldn't stiff them, I would just move as soon as possible. Stiffing them makes things more complicated for you, and you don't need that.

By wisper on Thursday, July 24, 2003 - 11:24 pm:

    it's true, just leave em' fair n square.
    Still do the deep-freeze dump though.

By eri on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 12:51 am:

    I concur hehehe.

    Seriously, stiffing them gives them a reason to try to find you and cause shit. I know plenty of people who are callous enough to do just that, particularly the alcoholics I know (or knew).

    I would still do the deep freeze dump though, so long as they have their money, they won't have room to bitch.

By BIGkev on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 01:01 am:

    yeah thats what i was thinking... only problem is Im only going to be moving 2 blocks away... now they are both pretty dumb, but im sure if they stay in this area, they will eventually find out where i am.

    The one other added bonus is that neither of them own anything... all the stuff in the kitchen is mine, 90% of the furniture, the PC, the yard furn., pretty much they own what they wear, and a tv and DVD each. and thats it.

    but either way ya'll be the first to know what happens.

By patrick on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 12:29 pm:

    last i checked, moving out is no reason to despise someone.

    lets not be too dramatic about this.

    he's a dick.

    if he breaks your shit.

    warn him. then beat his ass.

    leave. fair and square. bills paid accordingly.

    fucking move next door if need be.

By wisper on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 07:18 pm:


    I was going to tell you to watch that they don't steal any of your things, but the last time i moved out of a semi-bad roommate situation it was the things people left behind that was a problem. Not stealing.

    I was the last one out, alone, and if the house wasn't clean they would charge us (me) $250.
    The housemates left:

    a large chair
    a lamp
    2 queen sized matresses (i couldn't even drag them, they were so heavy)
    a full dresser
    a toaster oven
    a broken tv
    4 roadsigns, most of which still on thick steel poles

    the fridge was still full and unclean. The worst part was the food. I filled an entire garbage bag with the freezer contents, 80% was their uneaten frozen meat. Pound after pound of perfectly good steaks, big ribs, chicken breasts, ground beef and drumsticks. It was the saddest thing, because i don't eat meat, and even if i did who could i give it away to at 4am? Who would keep it? There must have been over $100 of the stuff, left to rot in the garage till garbage day. What a terrible waste.

    and that was the night i started smoking again, after having quit for almost a year.

By V.v. on Saturday, July 26, 2003 - 01:25 pm:

    I had to sleep in the same room as a mad oz guy,[years ago]i now live in my own big house.This mad oz guy every night took out his glass eye,sucked it in his mouth for about one min,then put it in a glass of water.I had nightmares about this for years after.The only nice oz person is Paul Hogan.

By BIGKev on Saturday, July 26, 2003 - 09:45 pm:

    Right you are P. but the thread is called Insane room-mates for a reason... reason and logic do not dwell in the same area code as these fellows...

    And (i didnt want to say anything b4, but now that the papers are signed the fates cant fuck with me) the house I am moving to I have just purchased.. (and these guys arent above property damage if they are motivated...) which is why I dont really want to do too much in the backstabbing department...

    Even though every concievable evil plot has run through my head at one point or another in the last week.....

By BIGKev on Saturday, July 26, 2003 - 10:07 pm:

    oops i did mention it b4, see what booze does to your brain?!!!

    BUT i still wanna fuck with them..... (man i must sound like a petulant child (to quote patrick, i belive) Oh well, something will bite their asses eventually...

    So now that my bitching is done, whos got some good Insane room-mate(s) stories??

    Heres another one from the vault;

    7 years ago, i was just finished a 2 year community college program, and had moved to Burlington Ontario, where the only person i knew was my roommate...

    I am not much of a cat person, and this guy was crazy about pets, he always had at least one and was forever wanting more (even though he was not best suited as a provider/caregiver...
    A lady down the hall from us got evicted cause she had a cat and 3 dogs in a no pet building... the day she was moving (into her mothers 1 bed condo) she was trying to unload all these animals, on people in the building... (i always thought that she was a few acres short of a section) I said "no thanks, i like having a place to live." and walked on...
    Roomie gets home .5 hrs later and accepts the cat without hesitation, and takes it immediatly.

    Long story short, he didnt take good care of cat, at one party (friday night) we had he force fed it catnip 'to see what would happen' the next sunday morning, the cat is dead in its litter box.
    He picks up the whole works, dumps it in a garbage bag and takes it to the dumpster in the basement.

    I went to his families place a week later for dinner, and when we walked in the door, the cat (that was his for 6 years) runs out of the house and didnt return until the next day... all the other pets in the house avoided him like the plague...

    Needless to say after that i was never quite comfortable being around him... (cause 'They' say that murderers, as children often display cruelty towards animals...

By BIGKev on Sunday, August 17, 2003 - 11:43 pm:

    OK... I have moved. into the house that i own.. things are good, well the bank owns most of it.

    I was digging around for the lease agreement on the old house (which all of us thought expired sept 30/03) and upon finding it saw that the expiration was end of August/03, so i was no longer responsble for another months rent in that dump.. you can imagine how immensly happy that made me.. so, i waited until today to tell anyone.. I called the landlord, and sorted him out, and requested my last cheque back from him.. then the two of us went to the old house and told the old room-mates, they were rather pissed to find out that i wouldnt be contributing to the sept. rent. and i got an agreement from them and the landlord that gets me my security deposit back, without penalties for all the shit thats fucked up/broke

    So, long story short, the losers are nowhere near me now (about 2 blocks away, but thats far enough) and no-one said shit about the approx $200 worth of food that "fell" out of my freezer!
    But without the landlord there, im sure neither of them would have spoken a word to me... hurraay!!

    screw them, the hippies

By eri on Monday, August 18, 2003 - 10:34 am:

    Sounds like that went pretty well....Do they know where your new house is? Here's hoping they don't hold grudges and track you down.

By Draven11 on Friday, September 12, 2003 - 04:33 pm:


    Here's my advice.

    You do have their address and names....start grabbing every magazine offer you can find...I mean everything...goto the library...goto the store...whatever...fill them out and send it to their address with bill me later...