My girlfriend ripped my heart out! I need advice: My girlfriend ripped my heart out!
Michael on Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 06:11 pm:

    I dated my girlfriend for 4 years. I thought that we were going to be married and live happily ever after! Apparently she did not feel the same and never bothered telling me. Its a long story so hang in there with me. In May of this year she graduated from college and out of nowhere she said that she was thinking of taking a job out of state. This was on Monday, we discussed it and she said that she wasent sure but on Wednesday she said that she thought about it and was going to take it. Friday she packed up her belongings aand left Saturday morning. She said that she loved me and we could make it work. I have only seen her a few times since and found out recently that she was cheating on me the entire 4 years with countless men. I found out so many things that it is seriously hard for me to believe. I just wonder how people can do this in a relationship and have no concience! I trusted her and loved her completely! I really dont know if I will ever fully recover.

By kazu on Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 07:11 pm:

    " happily ever after!"

    anyone who uses this phrase in
    even a semi-serious way...

By Antigone on Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 08:54 pm:

    You'll recover, but don't forget. Be wary, and be realistic. Now you know what it's like to be with someone who cheats. You probably saw the signs bit didn't know it or blinded yourself to them. Don't make your next girlfriend into this woman (i.e. don't react to her the same way no matter what she does) but try to be wary. Your innocence has been broken and that can be a GOOD THING.

    My condolences, d00d. Hang in there.

By RC on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 07:06 am:

    Poor podling! I can't rememeber the last time I saw such a brokenhearted post from a guy. Just goes to show you women cheat as much as men do -- we're just sneakier about it.

    Look on the bright side, Michael -- you are now rid of a faithless woman who would no doubt have cheated on you as much AFTER marriage as she did in all the years before. You've saved a bundle in legal fees.

    Round up your homies, do the pub crawl & drown your sorrows for a weekend. Cry in your cups, howl at the moon, whatever it takes to get through the initial shock & grief. Just make sure you're not the one driving.

    Then Focus On YOUR Future. I assume you've graduated recently too -- do you have a job? Since you're no longer tied to this chick, you can also explore out-of-state employment options, far from wherever she is.

    Basically, your future is wide open now. Embrace That. Eventually, you'll notice it hurts a little less each day. Then one day - lo & behold - you're about to fall asleep & you realize you haven't even thought about her at all that day. Time really does heal this sort of thing -- esp. when you're young.

    And Don't Forget To VOTE IN NOVEMBER!

    Chin Up,

    - RC

By ksxu on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 12:34 pm:

    They're right. And yeah, don't forget to vote.

    podling...cute...sem and i were on a walk once
    and he was telling me about sorabji (which I
    would soon find on my own and start spying)
    anyway, he was telling about some people
    especially this one older woman who called him