Is he wif' someone else or just a social retard? I need advice: Is he wif' someone else or just a social retard?
By Carrie on Sunday, May 7, 2006 - 12:04 am:

    Oh how I hate this.

    I met some guy off a dating webpage about a month ago. This often never works, but in person he seems good, above board, honorable, yet pleasantly sarcastic, counterculture and stuff. The problem is due to our conflicting schedules we will have gone on about 3 dates in 2 months since both of us keep going out of town as soon as the other one reappears. Haven't had sex yet, but there has been some fooling around. I know it hasn't been many dates but due to the length of courtship and the long breaks in between I can't stop (in lieu of actual conversation, which I feel seems nearly discouraged when we don't see each other) looking at his My Space and Friendster pages, neither of which he seems to know I'm looking at. The 'comments' make me wonder if he could be involved with a girl he calls his 'friend', but then again I know that people often post weird comments and she seems to be from her profile yep one of those sorts who is always trying to be 1)half-naked and 2)inflammatory because she is 3)young and pretentious.

    I hate wondering if my chain is being yanked. He says he's just crazy busy with work. I like to believe people, but of course I worry since I know no one in common with him. Have no references. I guess I should just stop myself from looking at these secondary news sources and trying to guess what they mean. Still, it's addicting.

By kazu on Sunday, May 7, 2006 - 09:40 am:

    I can see how traveling for work can make dating
    difficult but in general I believe that if someone
    wants to see you, they will make time for you.

    Stop looking at his myspace and friendster pages.
    Let him get in touch with you. Pick out a few more
    guys, go on some dates, get him out of your system.

    It IS addicting, I recall in the early days of our
    courtship when I found the BBS that my boyfriend
    was posting on...I checked that thing constantly.

By kazu on Sunday, May 7, 2006 - 09:42 am:

    Oh and unless you set your preferences to "anonymous"
    he can see who has been looking at his friendster page.

    The trick is that when you choose anonymous, then you
    cannot see who has been looking at your page.

By J on Monday, May 8, 2006 - 01:11 am:

    Can you tell who is looking at your My space page?

By Czarina on Monday, May 8, 2006 - 09:12 am:

    When you care about someone you make time to communicate with them.

    You might want to check and see how many links are in your chain.

By kazu on Monday, May 8, 2006 - 09:22 am:

    I don't think you can tell who is looking at myspace, only how many times it's been looked at.