First of all, I want to know what is up with all the animals in band names these days: Grizzly Bear Panda Bear [was their first choice taken?] Deerhoof White Rabbits Bowerbirds Black Moth Super Rainbow [what the-?] The Bird and the Bee Wolf Parade Animal Collective [not a compilation of the aforementioned] etc. It's unsettling. Anyway, I would like you to suggest things to me to download. What are you listening to that you would like to share with others [viz., me]? Genre/time period/your assessment of whether or not I would like it -- none of this matters. I want to expose myself to new things. In return, recommend to others: Midlake James Blackshaw Man Man Pelican (I didn't include them in the list above because they are heavy like the Melvins but without the vocals, and they rock) |,,1439272,00.html stupid brits and their commas in the url |
I love this man. Thanks, Droopy, I'll explore this list. The only item I'm familiar with is Captain Beefheart's "Trout Mask Replica." |
except there's no recordings (yet). it's fun to play in it though. 1990s best fwiends da bears there's also a new mashup album that was just released (on the intertron) called "tuggy stardust and the hustlers from mars". i kinda like it. |
sharon jones & the dap-kings = jack approved. not sure if this will fly in this crowd. spider, have you heard the peapod records bands? i don't know your taste well enough to predict, but that struck me as something you'd like. google and let me know. |
The first time listening to it was a little embarrassing & awkward and i had many complaints but it eventually grew all over me and now i don't know how i ever lived without it. Especially "Momma Sed" no no, especially "Dozo" I liked watching this thing evolve from a random sketch on Mr.Show into a full band and album. I don't try to understand what the imagery is about. I don't want to know where all this sexual mental garbage stems from in Maynard's mind, or why he felt it was appropriate to put it all out in the open. I don't think about how shoddy and cheap looking and non-ironic and pornographic the packaging and website and artwork is. I just let it happen, and it's amazing. |
Their new album (The flying club cup) sounds like the soundtrack to a turn-of-the-century French brothel. Seriously- not since Neutral Milk Hotel have I recommended a band so hard, to so many people. |
2. AAGH MORE BEARS! (Just kidding -- I'll look into them. :) ) 3. Nerdcore downloading as I type... 4. I have not seriously looked into LCD Soundsystem as of yet. I have heard a few of their songs (they wrote "Daft Punk Is Playing at My House," right?) but was not grabbed. Perhaps I shall investigate further. The Causey Way has gone into the queue. 5. Peapod Records -- A Google search reveals I have not heard of these bands, but their album covers indicate to me that they are purveyors of delicate acoustic-guitar-adorned folk-like music. Is this a correct assessment? I do indeed enjoy this flavor of sound. And if this is incorrect, I may still enjoy them -- who knows? I haven't been able to locate any of these bands' work on my handy p2p client, but I will keep looking. 6. Puscifer I must have. I am not at all ashamed to say that I have enjoyed all the musical output that Maynard James Keenan has put out, almost without exception (I except that cover of "When the Levee Breaks," which is either unforgivable or so profound I cannot understand it...I'm going with the former), and his tendency to include at least one song featuring male-on-male sexual violence (literal or figurative) on each of his albums fascinates me. And if I download this, I can eschew the tacky album art. Yay! Queued. 7. Beirut sounds like another band I must know. I was a rabid Firewater fan during their gypsy carnival phase, and I also enjoy the work of Gogol Bordello, Devotchka, and -- crap -- someone else I'm forgetting. And Neutral Milk Hotel. So, yes. Gypsy musicians and French brothels? I'm there. 8. I am also not ashamed to admit I love Keane. Their melodies are so pretty and lend themselves well to being sung in the shower or while doing the dishes. I'll look for their new album. Thanks, guys! |
One non-musical thing I recommend to you is the output of BBC Radio, in particular their radio series that look into mathematics, physics, psychology, neurology, history, etc. They also have radio adaptations of a number of classic books which are entertaining (e.g. Matthew Lewis' "The Monk"). I listened to the four-part "A Very Bloody History of Britain" while I in Italy and thought it was great -- it takes you from the Iron Age to post-WWII, and the historian who wrote it has a cute sense of humor. Vi lo raccomando. If you're interested in very rare classical, medieval and renaissance, or Sephardic music, I recommend to you the life's work of Jordi Savall. He's a Spanish musician who has spent decades investigating, performing, and recording early music on period instruments -- wonderful, fascinating, beautiful stuff. If I could trade lives with anyone in the world, I think it would be with him. |
i don't know a lot about peapod but i think your assessment is basically correct. that is the vibe that made me think of you. i don't know if they're all acoustic. peapod mp3s here homepage |
On the non-music front, I would heartily recommend the program Radiolab from NYC's NPR affilate- it's a great documentary show that is fascinating and hilarious all at once, I would recommend starting with the Mortality episode- it talks about resisting the temptation to throw your Grandma off the side of a mountain, and how much she might like a robotic baby seal instead. |
at least they still run this american life and selected shorts. |
Thanks for the links, Jack -- I downloaded the MP3s and I was indeed correct: pretty, acoustic-focused gentle rock. I really like the drumming in Dead End Armory's "Wooden Overcoat." I'll look for Mirah. |
balkan beatbox (slavic hip-hop) basia bulat (pretty piano-y) emilie simon (chanteuse + beats) my mp3 player doesn't hold nearly as much as my computer does, so i'm listening to a lot of music by artists with B names. |
La, B can be for Beirut -- beta's advice upthread was spot on. I've listened to both "Gulag Orkestar" and "The Flying Club Cup" and they're both good stuff. (Droopy, you don't even need can plug in a pair of earphones into your computer's speaker jack and get sound that way.) Hey, maybe we could all upload a few of our current favorite songs to Sendspace and share music with each other. How does this sound to you guys? |
my current music passion is eric dolphy. i don't think you find much more than short samples of him online. |
It is the soundtrack to dancing around the living room in your underwear at 4am because you couldn't sleep and now you are somehow drunk. |