What is Mark's problem?

sorabji.com: I need advice: What is Mark's problem?
By Dr Pepper on Friday, January 16, 2009 - 05:24 pm:

    I noticed the message before I click it to enter the other page, "a touch of exploding perfume, a splash of mental artillery, a godless flame of formlessness stumbles through your quiet afternoon as you end a week spent swapping lies with prisoner and priest, a month of puzzled correspondence with names chosen by dart-throw from decades-old white pages, you drink from a settled store of memory making gullibile your old ambitions, assembling on a mental conference call the mossy patchwork of you, of you, of failures and mis-educations idling in your day, they lean back in squeaky chairs like beefcake federal eavesdrops cruising your neighborhood in 30-year-old cargo vans looking for your big garbage mattresses, desks, toilets, beds, televisions, the drained furniture of your dis-assembled lies, the lies you barely remember to forget, the nebulous falsehoods none would prosecute for their joyful completeness, the lies you forgot were lies, the mortar of your life patted into the shape of a 70-pound contortionist with her ass in her mouth and her hands directing you to the next of your life's fabled organisms, you arrive at the drug-crazed suicide of a neighbor by a mosquito-infested lake, the body's freshly dead hand pointing you to the sac of cancer in a young friend's brain in which the wrinkled reflection of your face directs you to your sympathetic interest in the clenching of human being's feet and hands at the moments of their death, an ugliness too beautiful for film, too strange to share, you echo the gestures in strident, silent confidence as you reach the end of a swirling mental sprint over words formed only in unspoken tongues, electricity darting through your still afternoon like a balded jackrabbit leaping into a bombmaker's curdling ooze. Anyone can explain this to me?

By Antigone on Friday, January 16, 2009 - 08:59 pm:


    What problem?

By Danielssss on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 12:09 am:

    You just have to be the moment, that's all. Like, man, if you can't you won't but you did and now you have, and have not, at the same time, like, simultaneously and never coming together in electric pixels meant for no one in particular.

    You either get it or you don't, man. Read Ginsberg and Eliot, and watch from the bottom of the glass darkly swirled in some smoKey hell. You just, open the door, and well, it's there tits and all in the face.