hahahaha!!! i will basically make an ass of myself until someone posts something intersting. |
But, I have found the net getting very boring. |
but i was mellow. "For example, after describing how the discovery of a dead rat led the hotel cashier to make an error in his bill, Tarrou added: 'Query: How contrive not to waste one's time? Answer: By being fully aware of it all the while. Ways in which this can be done: By spending one's days in an uneasy chair in a dentist's waiting room; by remaining on one's balcony all a Sunday afternoon; by listening to lectures in a language one doesn't know; by traveling by the longest and least-convenient train routes, and of course standing all the way; by lining up at the box-office of theaters and then not buying a seat; and so forth'" - "The Plague", Camus. |
i got their first album four years ago, when i was a freshman. but i made the mistake of not locking up my backpack during pe class and it was stolen, along with no doubt's tragic kingdom, my walkman, and my wallet. it was just after my 15th birthday, the day that i was going to go to the bank and deposit my birthday money in my savings acount. i found a used copy of their first cd at the wherehouse yesterday. i have the second on tape and a book with the vocals and guitar parts. i remember the day that i got that book, in england. i was staying in a dorm at the college in cheltenham, and i got out my flute and played all the guitar parts. fun! |
now, what would that be, roughly translated to a sexual term? hot bananas? |
I think so. Hot bananas...I like it. |
i'm referring to an anal negative.......with a straw why you so foul? cause someone went spelunking in your innards today? |
I've heard it just isn't the best experience if they don't use prairie dogs. |
and then, the best part is having some asshole doctor (whose name you picked at random from a book, hoping they would be understanding becuase they are a woman---HA) lecture you for thirty minutes about "it's going to be really interesting to see what happens to breast cancer rates of women your age who have had nipple piercings..." my roommate endured the horror of the obgyn opening up the door, exposing her to an entire hallway of people and yelling " i'm gonna need the PRE TEEN SPECULUM"....she is 25. aaauugghhhh! |
And there's just nothing like a doctor who wants to have a conversation while she's ramming cold metal up you. Do they not understand that small talk is not required before penetration in those circumstances? |
what was your name again, doc? |
And I'm sorry Dougie, but I would rather have some guy feel up my balls than some chick stick a huge metal thing up me, clamp it open, and stick a broom-like object up there. Uh uh. No good. |
sugar factory, thats good, i gotta take that home.... it will fit well with the other euphamisms in my house such as "poo" "bunny" "puss" |
When they check for prostrate cancer, they root around your rectum for a while. I think that if some guy is going to juggle my balls, I'd feel better if he were dressed as a clown. God i hope pez is getting less bored. |
i don't like going to visit the doctor. last year they did blood tests and a heart test and i felt really really embarassed. |
Please. I know the difference between the prostate and the testicles, people. I paid attention in Biology, yo. |
We logged onto this BBS that listed all the other BBS's in Washington DC. It was 1982. There was a gay BBS called the Switchboard. We read through the posts and found a vocabulary listing that talked about docking, golden showers and fisting. It was a triumph of 300 baud. The uncool kid and I conspired to write a post from one of his cool (hence bully) friends from school, listing real phone number. We referred to the vocabulary sheet and inserted (aiee!) as many of the defined terms as we could. We posted the message and forgot. Cool Bully Kid got like twenty-five calls the first day the post ran, and maybe twice as many the next day. His parents were devout Catholics (other loser kid went to a Catholic school) and finally, after interrogating the pervies, they figured out that all this came from a post on a gay BBS. They didn't know what a BBS was, but they knew it was evil, so they called up to complain. Sadly, they could only get the sound of a modem when they called. According to Bully Cool Kid (as told to one of his Bully Cool Conspirator Friends), his parents tried day after day after day before finally deciding that Satan was at work in their child and Bully Cool Kid needed an exorcism. Two weeks later, after much Catholicking and Protesting by Bully Cool Kid, one of Bully Cool Kid's parents' friends mentioned what a BBS was and how one could get access. The parents went to work and got a court order to seize the phone company records of the gay BBS. There was, however, nothing to seize, because there was no recording mechanism documenting incoming calls to the gay BBS and I got off scot free, although I had to say an insane number of Full rosaries when I confessed my sin. Bully Cool Kid got ostracized by his parents for years thereafter. Loser Kid #2 and I hung out together more after that and things started to turn around for us. We had the power of the new communications revolution at our hands, and nobody could fuck with us. Sure, we were geek loser tools with no life, but we had been given superhero powers and we knew it. A few casual downloads from other BBS's gave us the secret of making free local calls from payphones. All you had to do was punch a hole in the mouthpiece receiver and connect it to the metal cord, then dial the number. You got a little shock but the calls went through. We learned subsequently how to fake out telecommunications switches with a few neon tubes and a variable resistor, and soon we were making free long distance calls, too. People around us noticed that we were no longer the underconfident slobs with overbites that we once had been. We were not magnetic or majestic, but we seemed sinister. Providence struck one day when we got an ad for mushroom spores off yet another BBS. We'd watched William Hurt in monkey mode in Altered States and we were ready to go. BBescapades. So stupid. So fun. |
teeheehee! |