WTF is wrong with us? Are you stupid?: WTF is wrong with us?
By Angry wavy on Thursday, October 5, 2000 - 01:43 pm:

    Gore, Bush or Nader?

    Ok, so we all know Nader doesn't stand a chance... so it's the question of which plastic, pre-packaged candidate you prefer.

    Do you prefer Repbulican or Democratic flavoring with your American complacency?

    Or do you opt out and join the majority of the country in saying "I don't give a fuck about either of them" and not vote.

    I watched coverage on CNN this morning of mobs of Yugoslavians rushing the Parlaiment building in protest of a leader who refused to acknowledge that he wasn't wanted anymore. The riot police on the steps made some half-hearted attempts at crowd control, then fled inside. Some official was in front was trying to talk to the crowd and got bonked in the head with a bottle - he turned and fled inside with the police.

    I've got so much pent-up anger and frustration that I can't articulate anymore. Guess I'll just sit back and be a good consumer until I die.

By semillama on Thursday, October 5, 2000 - 03:29 pm:

    You know, there should be a fine for not voting - somethign small, but enough that it's not woth paying it not to vote.

    You have to pay taxes, why not have to vote?

    OF course, this should be coupled with having a "none of the above" box to check on the ballot, and if that wins, new candidates must run.

By Wavy on Thursday, October 5, 2000 - 03:33 pm:

    I like the "none of the above" idea
    I wish we had something like that now.

    I wonder how much trouble would be stirred up if voting became mandatory?

    How many people would yell and scream and protest if they HAD to make a choice, any choice?

By pez on Thursday, October 5, 2000 - 03:49 pm:

By Isolde on Thursday, October 5, 2000 - 04:34 pm:

    None of the above would be a goodness.
    I think people should vote too. all the people my age complain that no one they want gets elected. It's because they don't fucking vote! HELLO

By Antigone on Thursday, October 5, 2000 - 11:15 pm:

    What a bunch of whiners. If you don't like the way things are stop bitching about it and change the world.

    If you want to vote for Nader, vote for him for chrissakes! If he gets 5% of the vote the Green party gets recognition and federal funding.

    "None of the above" is a colossal cop out.

By pez on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 02:57 am:

    i finally recieved my card confirming my voter registration. am i ever happy. i'd love to be able to sign petitions and so on.

By semillama on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 08:37 am:

    None of the above is not a cop out, if that's how you feel.

    What's a cop out is not voting. It changes nothing and only strengthens the corupt system we have in place.

    Change begins with the individual, and with something like politics, you can't expect it will change if you yourself are not going to participate.

    one of my favorite Nader quotes:

    "If you don't turn on to politics, politics will turn on you."

By Hal on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 10:59 am:

    As much as voting for the underdog (Nader in this case) is a load of crap, it has worked before... Usually though there were only two canidates... But the thing is, Nader won't win... I'm going to vote for him, but it will be an act of god if he gets the 5%... This country should have some sort of mandatory voting, but it won't, I like the "none of the above idea" and this country should have one, but it won't...

    We are so fucking conservitive on some issues and so liberal on others, that we've become nothing more than a country that wants to change but can't make up its fucking mind.

By Convertable Asshole on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 11:41 am:

    you motherfucker, how dare you speak of godly acts and mr. nader in the same sentence, you sperm gurggling piece of nanoshit!

By Dougie on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 11:48 am:

    He's a hell of a lot closer to godly acts than algore or dubya will ever hope to be.

By patrick on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 12:32 pm:

    damn dougiefresh,

    lemme go apeshit for 10 seconds minus your logic eh pal?

By Dougie on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 12:37 pm:

    Come again, Patrick?

By semillama on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 12:39 pm:

    Nader is polling at 5%, even in the mass media polls.

    I wouldn't be surprised if he does much better.

By patrick on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 12:47 pm:

    (Troy McClure tone)

    No last night was enough for me, for today anyway, but thanks for asking!

By pez on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 01:06 pm:

    al gore's ego is too big for his own good. george w. doesn't know ~anything~ worth it's weight in shit. nader might be a good idea compared to those two bozos, but i don't know enough to tell.

    a few months ago a friend of mine told me that she was going to vote for george w. just because she didn't want al gore as the president. she didn't have too much of an opinion of george w, either.

    i think it's one of those "choose yer poison" situations. you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.

    what are the candidates from the merchandise front again?

By Dougie on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 01:18 pm:

    (Ralph Wiggum Voice)

    "Dick Cheney" is fun to type. You switch hands on each letter you type in his name. Uh-ohh, I don't think my tongue goes into this hole in the computer...

    (Usual, dignified voice)
    Sorry about beating you to the punch on the post by Convertable Asshole, Patrick.

By Tired on Friday, October 6, 2000 - 04:41 pm:

    "none of the above" should leave the office empty. "Revote" should bring about a revote. I mean, why can't anyone take seriously the idea that maybe _nobody_ should have as much control over us as the government does? That the system is hopelessly fucked and even if we did figure out a way to vote everybody out, they'd see it coming and find some sort of justification for cancelling the elections? it's a hamster wheel, kids.

    Apologies in advance. After thousands of years of bloodthirsty governments justifying their existence with dubious logic when force didn't suffice, they finally hit upon a beneficial government with a sound backing in the theory of justice and libery in 1789. The massive government agencies devoted to spying on us is nothing to worry about. The government provides public schools for the good of the nation's children, repeat for the _children_, and wouldn't think of brainwashing its students to support the status quo. The government protects our fundamental human rights, with a perfect system of checks and balances, so the citizenry should have its weapons immediately revoked. This is not a pyramid scheme.

By Hal on Saturday, October 7, 2000 - 09:26 am:

    Sounds just like the Mary Kay empire...

By pez on Saturday, October 7, 2000 - 01:45 pm:

    my aunt works for mary kay. they've given her numerous pink cars and pearl necklaces.

By Christopher on Saturday, October 7, 2000 - 04:37 pm:

    Isn't a "pearl necklace" a euphamism in the porno industry? Is there a relationship between politics, porno, and the Mary Kay empire? Is there no small coincidence that Mary Kay will soon be selling their goods in department stores? Are they STILL secretly testing their cosmetics on republican children (hence the beady red eyes)? A lot of petroleum goes into that stuff...Is G.Bush Jr. the most agressive proponent of Mary Kay's inevitable domination of the makeup counter? And where does the porno industry fit in? And why are the Freemasons so damn set on keeping this under wraps?

By droopy on Saturday, October 7, 2000 - 06:31 pm:

    now, she was really bombed
    and i was really blown away-ay-ay
    so she took it in her hand
    and this i what she had to say-ay-ay:
    she want a dick cheney
    she want a dick cheney

By Isolde on Saturday, October 7, 2000 - 06:33 pm:

    Yes, "pearl necklace" is a slang term often used in the porno industry.

By droopy on Saturday, October 7, 2000 - 06:36 pm:

    and zz top songs.

By dave. on Saturday, October 7, 2000 - 10:57 pm:

    hey droop, did you listen to that lanegan stuff more than once? no big deal if you haven't, i'm just wondering. cheers!

By J on Sunday, October 8, 2000 - 12:22 am:

    kid's your not well.

By pez on Sunday, October 8, 2000 - 02:30 am:

    didn't know that.

By patrick on Monday, October 9, 2000 - 11:47 am:

    what's a pearl necklance? this is new to me.

By droopy on Monday, October 9, 2000 - 12:09 pm:

    a girl in 9th grade algebra explained to me that it's titty-fucking. when you come it's sprays on her throat and gets a "pearl necklace."

    "this kind of jewelry she's talkin' 'bout, really don't cost that much."

By droopy on Monday, October 9, 2000 - 12:12 pm:

    i occasisonally listen to the lanegan, dave. i put him on mix tapes sometimes. he's not good drinkin' music though. i like to listen to victim's family when i'm drunk, though.

By droopy on Monday, October 9, 2000 - 12:13 pm:

    i drank too much last night.

By patrick on Monday, October 9, 2000 - 12:25 pm:

    heh, ...i live in the self proclaimed "porn capitol of the world".

By Isolde on Monday, October 9, 2000 - 12:31 pm:

    It's a good place to be, I suppose.
    I live in a nice liberal state.
    I also drank too much last night.

By Kalli on Monday, October 9, 2000 - 12:32 pm:

    I had a margarita last night.

    We all know what those do...

    or maybe we don't....

By Tired on Monday, October 9, 2000 - 01:01 pm:

    somehow I missed those in my drinking days. . . never had a long island iced tea, either.

By Dougie on Monday, October 9, 2000 - 01:27 pm:

    Went to lunch late yesterday afternoon to a Szechuan place. Hadn't had any breakfast, but felt like tying one on so we got wasted. I had 2 zombies and a pina colada before we even ate. Girlfriend had 2 pina coladas. White wine with lunch. Lunch was good, they make a mean hot and sour, and had gray sole with ginger/scallions. For some reason, I felt like having frou-frou drinks which I never do, although it was fun yesterday. Wish it was Sunday, that's my funday. Can't believe I don't get Columbus Day off. Bastards.

By pez on Tuesday, October 10, 2000 - 02:04 am:


By Horky on Friday, November 2, 2001 - 11:26 pm:
