180mph reality check

sorabji.com: Are you stupid?: 180mph reality check
By semillama on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 11:49 am:

    So,was anyone really surprised by Dale Earnhart's death? I wasn't. Is there something unethical about a sport that encourages you to consistently risk your life?

By Nate on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 01:17 pm:

    more people die in highschool football than nascar.

    mile for mile, you're more likely to die on the highway.

By patrick on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 01:35 pm:

    no, the same 50 rednecks make the choice to do it every year. the risk is obvious. any scrutiny of nascar is undue and fuckin silly

By Nate on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 01:44 pm:

    this year i've discovered that:

    1) i like nascar.
    2) i like WCW.
    3) i like MGD.


    1) my forehead is getting larger
    2) i have more gas.

By dave. on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 02:29 pm:

    it's all related. especially the mgd and the gas.

By patrick on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 02:40 pm:

    nate you'd fit right in in any Alabaman household .

By semillama on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 03:07 pm:

    Obviously, you're turning into Homer Simpson.

By Margret on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 03:08 pm:

    Things I realized this year:
    (1) I love The Rock
    (2) I worship any tv series spewed out by the Raimi production machine
    (3) I can't smoke pot any more and it pisses me off (it makes me sleepy now).

By dave. on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 03:15 pm:

    raimi is god! cleopatra, jack of all trades, beastmaster, the lost world. . .

    big crush on curapira on beastmaster. who cares if she's a lousy actress? who cares if she looks 15? is she 15? who cares, she's sexy.

By Nate on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 03:19 pm:

    i've entered into dave.'s previously mention world of heavy pot induced paranoia.

    i think the rock is an ass.

By Margret on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 03:23 pm:

    I don't especially care for NASCAR, but the urge to attend a monster truck rally is growing in me. I miss vanishing son. Russell Wong is an incredi-hottie.
    And following that rabbit down the hole, may I just say that I pray to god they never stop making 'Prophecy' movies because I can't tolerate the thought of a world in which Christopher Walken stars as a rebellious angel.

By Margret on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 03:25 pm:

    err, never again stars as a rebellious angel.

By patrick on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 03:32 pm:

    have you seen the movie in which he stars as a rich, italian sexual deviant?

By semillama on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 03:57 pm:

    Pot makes me sleepy more than anything else now, too. (Take heed, Skooter! This is your future!)

    You have to admire the Raimi-Billy Bob Thornton connection, too.

    By the way, welcome back Margret.

By J on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 04:06 pm:

    I smoke a j first thing in the morning while I'm reading the paper and off and on for the rest of the day,but that's just me.When I first start drinking I get all hopped up.it's when I get quiet and keep still that I know I'm in trouble.

By Margret on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 05:05 pm:

    For the record, I have been super slammed at work for several months doing two jobs. As of next Monday, I only have one of the jobs left. This is me: http://www.mpp.org/secret/hissy/
    When I say this is me, I mean the bigger one.

By patrick on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 05:30 pm:

    you singing?

By Margret on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 05:39 pm:


By heather on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 06:44 pm:

    oh my god that was so fucking cool

    new computer means i can hear now...that makes me
    VERY happy

    where is that?

By Margret on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 10:36 pm:

    where is what?

By dave. on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 10:51 pm:

    it's right there.

    sorry, nate. i mean that. now all that's left is to get fat and bitter.

By Cris on Thursday, February 22, 2001 - 11:49 pm:

    hmm... no sir, i don't like it..

By semillama on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 09:22 am:

    How old is that? Send me tapes, email me for an address.

    it's good taht you have time to post. Soon, I won't. I will be an infrequent visitor to the internet in the next few weeks, and I couldn't begin to estimate when I will have regular access again. Enjoy me while you can!

By Margret on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 01:05 pm:

    That was me circa 1994, in the basement of my then-home in Baltimore.

By J on Friday, February 23, 2001 - 04:03 pm:

    For some reason I thought Margret was blonde.

By . on Saturday, February 24, 2001 - 05:49 pm:


By J on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 10:05 am:

    .,I'd smack your face,but shit splatters,Margret is beautiful,your a little d-ick.....bitch.

By Margret on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 12:37 pm:

    Heh heh. No big deal. If I didn't think it was amusing I wouldn't have shared it with the world. I have been blonde, J, but right now I'm a red-head. I have not been NATURALLY blonde since I was in 4th grade.
    It's not supposed to be GOOD, you guys.

By Nate on Monday, February 26, 2001 - 03:35 pm:

    you're the one who plays with her tits in the beginning?

By J on Wednesday, February 28, 2001 - 02:48 pm:

    We loved to see some wedding pictures,hint hint.

By jack on Sunday, December 17, 2006 - 10:55 pm:

    marijuana policy project link + basement + plays with tits + singing + not supposed to be GOOD + heather pronounces it cool + j pronounces margaret beautiful + wedding pictures


    intriguing...what the hell is this?

By Nate on Sunday, December 17, 2006 - 11:21 pm:

    apparently more fun that we're allowed, jack.

    in the past five years i've discovered that:

    1. i don't like nascar
    2. i don't like wcw (that was wrestling, right?)
    3. i don't like MGD

By Spider on Monday, December 18, 2006 - 01:24 am:

    Was that page with Margret working for you? I want to see Margret. *sniff*

By jack on Monday, December 18, 2006 - 01:35 am:

    whoa. i added an "a" in her name, i see. sorry about that.

    no, i don't know what that link used to be. i'm curious.