did i tell you? it was so stupid. The first thing i've ever broken and it's not the big one either. It's the middle toe, one of the pathetic little filler toes. i always thought that breaking a bone would hurt more than that. I expected screaming crying buring pain. But it just felt badly stubbed. I hopped around and wimpered a little, but then got over it. The next day it still felt stubbed when i flexed it, and much to my surprise it had turned purple and lumpy. PURPLE AND LUMPY! and i wondered if i should go to the doctor. A room mate said: "Don't bother going to the doctor, they can't do anything for broken toes." Mom said: "you're not going to go to a doctor, are you? They'll just tell you to tape it up. Don't waste your time." So i got some first aid tape and bound Lumpy to the index toe. Mummy toes! Two days later i started feeling weird about it. Part of me is broken and i'm not talking to a doctor??? It's purple and lumpy! I'm going to the doctor. I call a doctor's office across the street. They can't get X-rays on the weekend. I should try the ER. I drive to the ER. I feel bad to go for such a nothing reason. Boo hoo, my toe. I pack food because i expect to be in the waiting room for most of the day. I get to the hospital.... 10 bucks for parking? TEN BUCKS?! fuck that. I can wait another day. The next day i decide to buck up and pay the 10 bucks. Not for me, for poor Lumpy. I have the most refreshing talk with the nurse at the desk. "I think i broke my toe." "your TOE." "yeah." "when?" "3 days ago" ".....have you tried a clinic?" "i did. they sent me here. No x-rays." "well...I'd love to help you, but it'll be at least 3 hours for just a toe. Probably longer" "i know that." "and frankly, if you've waited 3 days, i think you can wait another and go to a doctor on Monday." "you're right. Thanks" And so i didn't have to pay any parking at all. Then i drove to the office. X-ray or not, this thing is broken and SOMEBODY is going to look at it, or i won't be able to sleep. With my luck they'll have to re-break it and something will go horribly wrong, just because everyone told me not to go. It will be all mom and my room mate's fault. The clinic is only a half hour wait. The doctor comes in: "what's the problem?" "i think i broke my toe." "which one?" "...the purple one." she squeezes it. I yelp. "okay." "okaaaay.....what?" "whether it's broken or just bruised, tape it to the toe beside it." *long pause* "that's IT?" "yes." "you don't have to set the bone or anything?" "no. There's nothing we can do for broken toes." "should i...put ice on it?" "oh, i think it's a little late for that." "should i....tape it....tight?" "not too tight. Have a nice day." "wait! how long will it take??" "four to six weeks. Thanks for coming in. Bye" 5 minutes, baby. Waitta' prove my loved ones wrong, doc! Anyway, it's kinda sore. But not so purple. |
you should have at least gotten a fucking lollipop. you still havent told us HOW you broke it. Feel free to embelish. |
but i think i might have broken my wrist last night. it's very swollen and i can't move it, and it hurts, and it makes a funny noise. it kind of feels as though someone is repeatedly stabbing me with a fork. oh well, i can't afford to get something done about it, so hopefully it's just sprained. |
i pay so i expect. |
I got fingerprinted today, it was really exciting. Now they have a machine that scans them, so you don't even get black goo all over your hands. It's great. My wrist still hurts, though. |
she went to an orthopedic surgeon who reattached the nasty chunk of flesh that wanted to come off. set her up in a finger cast that ended up going all the way to her elbow so it healed properly. she was near-helpless for a week or two until she could remove most of the bandages. made us realize how potentially vulnerable you are without a hand. in otherwords....theres got to be more than that in dealing with a broken toe properly. Generally speaking, healthcare likes to try and take the easy way out, but bark loud and even lie and they'll respond like they should. |
Exactly. That was a finger. This is a toe. Fingers is more important, Buford. Go break your toe and find out what happens. Bet it'll be the same, even in America. |
I too, find the being firm with healthcare gets results, but only to a certain point--if there's nothing more to be done, it's pointless to try. |
there's all kinds of info there to implicate more than tape and popscicle stick treatment. a lot more than what wisper got, thats for sure. |
troublin a doctor with such as a broken toe. should be ashamed. ambulances ain't taxies, either, folks. |
much more 'stayin power' than duct tape |
everyone knows environmental heating and cooling technicians make better lovers than gaffers. |
that tape is a photographers best friend. you try and get duct tape off your studio floor. my brother is an hvac technician. |
That was fun. They didn't even tape it. Just gave me crutches, the special shoe, and told me to stay off of it for a couple of weeks. Working in this huge Government office complex was a killer. It took a week before I could get one of the carts they have for injured and disabled employees. The person in charge of then was on leave at the time. |
calm down, patty boy. It's just a clean break of a damn little filler toe. They can't do anything. I think it's hillarious. They can do open heart surgery on a fetus but for a toe, duct tape will do just fine ;) Sure if it was blue and cold, or shooting out at a 45 angle, or my big toe, i'd be all about x-rays. But the look that the ER nurse gave me said it all- what the fuck was i doing there? Ask your doctor if you want. Our health care is the best in the world because they don't have to coddle my spoiled white ass, and i dig that. |
Sometimes, God works in mysterious ways. |
I broke my toe during a sordid episode of lovemaking. To all those who said that it was impossible to do a 3 way within a FedEx shipping container en route to Spain, I say "HAH!" no i don't. i broke it because of chocolate. i had just got myself a fresh box of Turtles, sweet of sweets, which i got for $2 off regular price after calling Nestle (but that's another story). Delicious as they are, I ran down the stairs to my room to get some, singing a little song about how good Turtles are and how happy i was to have some. I was still going full speed, and i didn't notice that portfolio case #4 had slid from it's place against a wall and into the path to said yummy treats, so i ran/kicked right into the side seam of it with my bare foot. It didn't seem like that much of a blow, but it slowed my sprint for the chocolate...momentarily. The moral of the story is- Turtles are damn good. it was all worth it. The consoling gaze of this beautiful man is all i needed. He is so fucking sexy. |