Canadian Press TORONTO (CP) - What do former Iraqi information minister Saeed al-Sahaf, U.S. President George W. Bush, Tory MP Elsie Wayne and Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman have in common? They're all nominees for the first annual World Stupidity Awards, a dubious honour to be bestowed June 6 - whether they like it or not - on some of Canada's, and the world's, most recognizable public figures. "Some people think we're joking with these awards," organizer Albert Nerenberg said Friday in a news release. "But we're dead serious, and there's going to be a flashy show with dancers. The nominees were chosen by experts in the field - a bunch of idiots, myself included." Winners will be awarded the Golden Dunce Cap and have been given an open invitation to attend. Aside from politics, awards will also be handed out in "stupidity in television and film," the release said. While the Darwin Awards laud those who've killed themselves in acts of stupidity, "we believe the living stupid are far more influential and demand recognition" said Nerenberg, an independent filmmaker and creator of the fake-movie-trailer Web site Trailervision. The awards, being organized by the Main Organization Revealing Obvious Numbskulls (MORON), will be followed by a screening of Nerenberg's feature documentary Stupidity. Award categories include: - Stupidest government in the world. - Dumbest person of the year award. - Award for reckless endangerment of the planet. - Stupidity lifetime achievement award. In some categories, the audience will chose the winner. MORON is accepting further nominations and categories at nominate(at) |